I'm going to start this game tonight. Anything I should know going in? Any tits.......I mean tips?
This cat menu song might be the best thing ever.
I've never played Guardian Heroes although I've wanted to try it out for a long time now (waiting on a XBL price drop). So I figured I'd give this a shot.
The story so far seems a little long winded but it's surprisingly well voice acted. The gameplay is fast and fun although in a number of battles so far the framerate has been pretty bad. I'm playing Solange and thanks to some internet co-op I'm lvl 15 in an hour or two.
So yeah, good times. I needed something to play on my 3DS and this seems to fit the bill. Way more interested to try out Guardian Heroes now.
Oh god this. One of the missions had a lot of them and it turned into a giant clusterfuck of slowdown and explosions. Blocking definitely helps there.
I'm going to start this game tonight. Anything I should know going in? Any tits.......I mean tips?
OMG yeah I love the cat menu song too, it reminds me of something you'd hear in the Persona series. Definitely enjoying the game... it's a bit sluggish and seems repetitive, but it's a great timekiller due to how the game is set up in bite-sized chunks. I justin the main story and have been attempting a few sidequests. How long is the game?saved the orphanage from some spider robot
Attack Aggressively!
On the higher end missions, you gotta block, like all the time.
Like against those Archdemons.
ign gave this 6.9
I laughed cuz I'm immature.
IGN review is up. It's not favorable and seems rushed and a bit swept under the rug. Two and a half wasted paragraphs in the introduction on Solange's outfit and appearance. Almost nothing detailed in the way of gameplay mechanics. Mediocre store or not, the review is a mess.
IGN said:I'm afraid that most people who end up picking up Code of Princess will do so merely for the chance to more easily ogle a pair of bouncing virtual boobs here than in any other game released in recent memory.
With Solange I didn't need to block all that much. I put most of my points into attack straight off, then defense. I mauled most of the enemies in the game, unless they were runner scum like Juppongi or Alchemia.
The only mission I've run into trouble with using beast Solange is the one where you fight the final boss and the two Code Guardians.
I'm afraid that most people who end up picking up Code of Princess will do so merely for the chance to more easily ogle a pair of bouncing virtual boobs here than in any other game released in recent memory.
So I finally saw like 10 seconds of gameplay footage; the animations look pretty nice. Might have to pick this up...soon.
Do you guys think it's worth getting if I'm only going to play it offline? Is there a decent amount of collectibles to keep me going or is most of that tied to online stuff.
Funny that, that is the last reason I'd buy the game for. In fact even if I were buying a game for boobs this game wouldn't come close for me compared to other offerings.
I don't seem to be enjoying this as much as other folks in the thread. I understand why people like it, but there are a half dozen deal breakers in it for me that are driving me a little mad.
That said, I'll polish it off out of my backlog (at least in terms of beating SP once through) since I feel that in giving this game a solid chance, I've progressed through...most of it. How many chapters are in the main quest? I'm atthe part where I just beat up Solange's brother, killed his Code thing, and then got exploded back to the city and beat up some behemoths
You're pretty close to the end.
IGN review is up. It's not favorable and seems rushed and a bit swept under the rug. Two and a half wasted paragraphs in the introduction on Solange's outfit and appearance. Almost nothing detailed in the way of gameplay mechanics. Mediocre store or not, the review is a mess.
So I just started this.
Why are there 2 quest entries for the first battle for each character? I know the intro sequence is different if you pick Prolog vs. the first quest available for that character, but it's the same battle.
Does it get any deeper than run around and mash buttons to kill baddies?
will try to play Guardian Heroes and Advance Guardian Heroes at some point.
Guardian Heroes XBLA has burst and a lot of other neat tweaks.I still haven't bought Guardian Heroes on XBLA, but I think my enjoyment of CoP is going to make me grab it soon. I just don't like going back to the slower rail-switching and lack of bursting.
Oh, awesome. Is it exclusive to remix mode? How do you do it? I've only briefly tried the demo and don't remember triggering it, lol.Guardian Heroes XBLA has burst and a lot of other neat tweaks.
How bouncy are them boobs anyways?
Mai level of bouncy?
Having just played a bunch of DoA5 recently, I honestly don't even notice the boobs in this game.
There's nothing wrong with playing the game offline, and it looks great in motion. It's also one of the few genuinely funny and charming games this generation.
There aren't really collectibles. You pick up items which grant you various Stat bonuses and change up your approach to the level. I really like it. It's not at all like some RPGs, where the equipment feels almost entirely divorced from the gameplay aspect, basic Stat increases notwithstanding.
In short, the game definitely deserves a place on your "to play" list.
If you're around tonight or Sunday I'm up for some games.Anyone up for some games this weekend? I'm only at level 7 and feel lonely playing this game.![]()
Sort of. Here is Ali's movelist (the thiefy belt bra girl):How's the combat? Does it feel like a fighting game in terms of controls? I see people typing stuff like QCB and whatnot so is it wrong to expect characters to have quite a bit of special moves?
what is gold used for?
I really hate that you can only use ALL the characters you unlock in online -.-
I think you have to beat the campaign first to be able to use the all extra characters in Free Play/Bonus Quests. It's still stupid that there's no offline single-player Versus, though.I really hate that you can only use ALL the characters you unlock in online -.-
I think you have to beat the campaign first to be able to use the all extra characters in Free Play/Bonus Quests. It's still stupid that there's no offline Versus, though.
Found it. Lol, it's not any longer than the actual intro. I was expecting great instrumental break.Does anyone know where I can listen to the full intro song? Can't believe it's not on the pre-order bonus CD :/
Guardian Heroes Advance is great. Not the same, but I'd also recommend Gunstar Heroes Advance too.I'll describe this as 2D Samurai Warriors, more RPG, less RTS. I love it and won't stop playing anytime soon, but at the same time I wouldn't blindly recommend it, I'm sure it's not for people who heavily dislike grinding.
Love Code of Princess, will try to play Guardian Heroes and Advance Guardian Heroes at some point.
I just added your FC. Hopping on in a bit. Nekobo and I were going to try to play some low-level co-op.I'll be playing the game tonight if anyone wants to play. I haven't had the chance to play since I did that night with 645 last week, Sooo
Just let me know if any of you want to do some online stuff.