Would they really drop Kinect?
I would have rather expected them to take a loss and sell the Xbone with Kinect at $449 first, and see if that has any impact.
Would they really drop Kinect?
Oh snapAnd hey,Xbox One dev in reddit responded CBOAT's info
If this Platinum thing is true I'm gonna be fucking miserable. It's like being told the only place you can ever get sex again is from an STD infested hooker.
I can actually believe the claim that all launch units will be sold. Still, they will have other tools to predict their current prospects, and those might still show a negative outlook. After all, dropping Kinect is a strategic possibility, not a fact. Given how much shit Microsoft is getting for bundling Kinect, they would be stupid to not consider and analyze that option at least.
Not enough eyes to roll....
I swear half your posts are dedicated to shitting on controllers, lol.Or they just realised you can't make a moba for a controller without watering it down to the point where you might as well not bother anymore.
Then again that never stopped them with first person shooters either
Oh no doubt that's true but that's also further evidence to the claim of yield issues. If you know you're going to sell out, you make MORE consoles and get them to as many territories as possible. Right now they're getting considerably less pre orders than the PS4 and still having to cut back territories to able to manufacture enough.
If this Platinum thing is true I'm gonna be fucking miserable. It's like being told the only place you can ever get sex again is from an STD infested hooker.
Reddit will see the light that is CBOAT soon enough.
Gies vs Cboat!!!!
EDIT: Just to remind people, the dude is a person regardless of if you disagree. For the asshat who came straight in with "you're full of shit". Wish I had that as a disclaimer before I got quoted to hell.
And why is that?
I wouldn't put it quite that...eloquently, but I guess the extra expense part is apt
To me, it sounds more like they were preparing for launch in 2014 and Sony just surprised the hell out of them.
And why is that?
Heavy drinker, pays for sex, contributes heavily to lobby for less gun control.
Also loves cats and keeping his DVDs in alphabetical order.
Has never seen Bad Boys 2.
Serious question: What has Gies ever been right about, as far as predictions go? It's easy to say that everything someone else says is wrong. It's much harder to actually make claims yourself.
I will take CBOATS word over his any day. Plenty of MS shills on that board. We have pretty legit sources here.
And hey,Xbox One dev in reddit responded CBOAT's info
This really is Sony's generation to lose.
Alot of people not happy with how big CBOAT's bidet is, but strive to fill it they are.
Guy who says what MS is thinking, or guy who says what MS is saying. Hrmmmm...
The point is that Amazon's actual sales rankings are useless to predict, say, the next month's NPD numbers (may they rest in peace), so why would you think that their pre-order numbers are going to tell you anything?
The fact that MS is panicking is the strongest evidence we have that the XBO is tanking, far stronger than Amazon.
So for the record.... You honestly believe that the Xbox One will outsell PS4 in the states at launch? Ok, man. I'll take note of this comment.
The question is if that is true where is the 360 hoilday software? Looking at Sonys line up, it looks more like they were planning for a 2014 release.
It's a pretty ridiculous hyperbole. Nothing atm is inherently negative about the Xbox One. It's just not as stellar as the PS4 to many people. Your analogy would actually make sense if instead of "STD infested hooker" it was a decent looking girl that you just don't like. The analogy was over the top.
Lucky me, all my family members are old enough to understand rules. I simply tell them to always put the case back when they are done and in order, or they simply don't get to use them.
It's not that hard to put something in the same spot you find it in and saves enough time when you know what movie you are looking for.
Sony SOLD more PS3s than 360 after launching 18 months later with a $200 more expensive console.
MS is guaranteed to lose this gen sales wise, the whole company is freaking out just to minimize this loss, and its showing.
One thing I will say tho is cboat called 360 red ring/heating problems before it launched. So he has some pretty good connects for the most part
And hey,Xbox One dev in reddit responded CBOAT's info
The question is if that is true where is the 360 hoilday software? Looking at Sonys line up, it looks more like they were planning for a 2014 release.
So what you're saying is....Based on Sony's ability to come back, it is impossible for MS to pull off the SAME feat.??
In the end it's the games that will prove the numbers. And precious few of us have actually played any.
True. Fun factor down to 0 since you're missing the accuracy and speed of a m/kb.
Well to be fair he's "confirmed " (presumably by a Mod), just like CBOAT and others here are confirmed. Disagree with him if you want but there's no point calling him a shill if he actually works at MS.
It's a pretty ridiculous hyperbole. Nothing atm is inherently negative about the Xbox One. It's just not as stellar as the PS4 to many people. Your analogy would actually make sense if instead of "STD infested hooker" it was a decent looking girl that you just don't like. The analogy was over the top.
Xbone = Ex-STD infested hooker.
There's still the faint smell of shame about her.
I honestly believe that both of them will perform well and that the Xbox One won't be a catastrophe at launch as I've read several times here on NeoGaf.
So what you're saying is....Based on Sony's ability to come back, it is impossible for MS to pull off the SAME feat.??
In the end it's the games that will prove the numbers. And precious few of us have actually played any.
I feel like his responses are pretty canned. "NOPE NO PROBLEMS HERE JUST SUNSHINE AND HAPPINESS". Is it really that unreasonable to think that M$ would put an xbox dev "leaker" in the subreddit? I don't think it's beyond their means and capabilities.
That said, I'd trust CBoat over the anonymous guy any day of the week.
Should it be read as "Ass Storm is Coming" (Bad) or "A Storm is Coming" (Good)?
I for one honestly do not believe cbot (no hard feelings or disrespect ) as I believe he was wrong / mistaken when he said that mirrors edge will be shown at MS e3 which it wasn't + all the other things that he said are vague and u would never know the truth, here is a truthfact from me ( xbox one live to have extra awesome stuff we will know about later and Sony had a hardware problem with the ps4 but they fixed it) lol
This time. He said there is an exclusive game from platinum, this can be known very shortly either tgs or the event in 2 day, if nothing happens then the dude just post some random stuff and they are either hit or miss,
Sales of cod on conaoles say otherwiseFPS will never work on consoles.![]()
The guys over at the xbox one reddit think gaf is full of "sony kids" LOL. They're actually believing what a PR account on the subreddit is saying over cboat.
One thing I will say tho is cboat called 360 red ring/heating problems before it launched. So he has some pretty good connects for the most part