FPS will never work on consoles.![]()
Can you really compare MOBA controls to FPS controls though?
FPS will never work on consoles.![]()
The question is if that is true where is the 360 hoilday software? Looking at Sonys line up, it looks more like they were planning for a 2014 release.
Because its going to be Vanquish 2 and because I don't want to buy an Xbox One.
Do you have a link to that?
Oh no doubt that's true but that's also further evidence to the claim of yield issues. If you know you're going to sell out, you make MORE consoles and get them to as many territories as possible. Right now they're getting considerably less pre orders than the PS4 and still having to cut back territories to able to manufacture enough.
One thing I will say tho is cboat called 360 red ring/heating problems before it launched. So he has some pretty good connects for the most part
If this Platinum thing is true I'm gonna be fucking miserable. It's like being told the only place you can ever get sex again is from an STD infested hooker.
Good post. Honestly I see both consoles selling out at launch, the following months will be telling of how informed we all are. Until we get to physically handle the systems nobody will know. Great products sell themselves, and we all know after all the PR nonsense dissipates the true limitations of each system will come to light. The only issue I have with X1 is its higher price point, which will eventually drop alongside the hardware revision.
Oct launch sounds fantastic for Sony.
The guys over at the xbox one reddit think gaf is full of "sony kids" LOL. They're actually believing what a PR account on the subreddit is saying over cboat.
FPS will never work on consoles.![]()
Well, Sony always has loads of games for the end of their consoles' life cycles.
I think they both planned long ago for this year. Otherwise, third party devs wouldn't have any games ready.
He's easily one of the best (if not the best) insider we have in gaf. The guy is almost always spot on.
So what you're saying is....Based on Sony's ability to come back, it is impossible for MS to pull off the SAME feat.??
In the end it's the games that will prove the numbers. And precious few of us have actually played any.
I would be surprised if that guy doesn't have some sort of official permission to post. It's also a bit unlikely that Microsoft wouldn't take measures to "be visible" to the rather small audience that reads rumors on the internet and analyzes leaked hardware specs. And admitting that the Xbone's specs are worse "on paper" but that this is not the whole story is exactly what somebody having that kind of official mission would write.
Can you really compare MOBA controls to FPS controls though?
I feel like his responses are pretty canned. "NOPE NO PROBLEMS HERE JUST SUNSHINE AND HAPPINESS". Is it really that unreasonable to think that M$ would put an xbox dev "leaker" in the subreddit? I don't think it's beyond their means and capabilities.
That said, I'd trust CBoat over the anonymous guy any day of the week.
I would be surprised if that guy doesn't have some sort of official permission to post. It's also a bit unlikely that Microsoft wouldn't take measures to "be visible" to the rather small audience that reads rumors on the internet and analyzes leaked hardware specs. And admitting that the Xbone's specs are worse "on paper" but that this is not the whole story is exactly what somebody having that kind of official mission would write.
And hey,Xbox One dev in reddit responded CBOAT's info
∀ Narayan;77058271 said:Oh god. Don't say this. I wasn't planning on buying an Xbox One, but I will HAVE TO if a new Vanquish title ends up being exclusive for it.
Because its going to be Vanquish 2 and because I don't want to buy an Xbox One.
If this Platinum thing is true I'm gonna be fucking miserable. It's like being told the only place you can ever get sex again is from an STD infested hooker.
While that is true I think this year has been the best for an end of generation sony console in their history.
Compare that to 2006 or 2001.
Why are you changing your tune so fast? I made a remark that PS4 will outsell MS in the US at launch, and you laughed at the idea. Stand by your original assertion, or admit you were hasty in your mocking of my opinion. It's quite simple.
And hey,Xbox One dev in reddit responded CBOAT's info
this is just one of the most asinine comments that can possibly be made....
Also, I forgot another little detail.
For the first time since PS2, Sony will not be able to rely on the extra "push" given by putting a next-gen media format in its console.
PlayStation 2 had a DVD reader. PlayStation 3 had a blu-ray reader.
PlayStation 4 won't get this extra selling engine, another "step backwards" in comparison to the situation at the start of the current generation.
I wouldn't describe Vanquish as 'game NOT for nortamser uior Euroep'
But because PS4 doesn't have the burden of pushing formats, it allows them to sell the hardware at a cheaper cost. So it's a 'step forwards' in terms of mass market penetration.
The same place that 1st party 360 software has been for quite some time: pretty much nowhere to be found outside of Forza and Halo.
As for Sony's launch lineup- keep in mind that Infamous SS was originally supposed to be a launch title, but had to be pushed back. I think they would have been pretty shiny had that not happened. Besides, it's not like XB1 is setting the world on fire with their launch lineup, either.
CBOAT always posts the #truthfacts the only thing I can say from recent memory that he didn't hit was the Prince of Perisa prediction which he(she) either mixed up with the Halo reveal trailer or was pulled at the last minute.
My goodness. What a thread. So much leaking from buttocks.
I wouldn't describe Vanquish as 'game NOT for nortamser uior Euroep'
Damage control.And hey,Xbox One dev in reddit responded CBOAT's info
I for one honestly do not believe cbot (no hard feelings or disrespect ) as I believe he was wrong / mistaken when he said that mirrors edge will be shown at MS e3 which it wasn't + all the other things that he said are vague and u would never know the truth, here is a truthfact from me ( xbox one live to have extra awesome stuff we will know about later and Sony had a hardware problem with the ps4 but they fixed it) lol
This time. He said there is an exclusive game from platinum, this can be known very shortly either tgs or the event in 2 day, if nothing happens then the dude just post some random stuff and they are either hit or miss,
This is of course IMO and please do not quote me to argue that, I will believe that dude when I see that platinum xbox exclusive game,
And to be honest, I would love him to be wrong because I would be pissed if MS secured an exclusive game from platinum as I really love the developers and I am already in love with Titan fall
It's not like Sony actively tried to comeback. The PS3 just has stronger sales than the 360.
What the fudge do those "Day One" things mean on Reddit?
Since that reddit post was from someone who seems to be "confirmed" as a Xbox dev, it seems that we have conflicting information.