Even #9?
I go back to my initial Action Comics thoughts after reading issue #9, " this should have been the rebooted superman". There's no going back imo, i'm just riding out the monotony.
Even #9?
Even #9?
Stopped after whatever issue was April's and a Black Superman that is the president isn't all that interesting.
Morrison's Action Comics run will end with #16. He has no current plans for superhero books after that and Batman Incorporated #12 (also the end of his run), aside from Multiversity and the long-gestating Wonder Woman project.
Glad Morrison will be off Action, completely boring and lifeless thus far.
Even #9?
Morrison's Action Comics run will end with #16. He has no current plans for superhero books after that and Batman Incorporated #12 (also the end of his run), aside from Multiversity and the long-gestating Wonder Woman project.
I'm wrapping up Knightfall: Vol 1, and disappointed that it didn't take much effort for Bane to learn Batman's identity. He basically just senses it after stalking Batman for a few nights, unless there's something that didn't make this collection.I'm thinking of catching up on Knightfall now after watching TDKR.
Lemire said last night that he's starting a "top secret new DC project." He "[hasn't] been this excited about a character since I started working on Animal Man."I mean get Lemire or someone with some life in this bitch. Morrison needs to be put out to the pasture are this point. He can go write weird OGN that only he understands.
Read Fatale: Vol 1 earlier in the week, and that was damned good stuff. The combination of noir and Lovecraft is great. I'm very much looking forward to reading more of that.
Lemire said last night that he's starting a "top secret new DC project." He "[hasn't] been this excited about a character since I started working on Animal Man."
He's said it's not Batman, Superman, Red Tornado, Donna Troy, Stephanie Brown, Wally West, The Atom. He says it's not in the Dark line, and it's a character who's already in the DCU. He also specifically said he won't be taking over Action Comics or Batman Incorporated.
Today he says that on top of Animal Man, Justice League Dark and the end of Sweet Tooth, that he has two DCU projects and a new Vertigo project. He also said at Comic Con that his new Vertigo series, which he's writing and drawing, would launch before year's end. I would guess December to capitalize on Sweet Tooth's end.
I'll buy anything Lemire writes and/or draws, so this cool. So long as he doesn't end up over extended, but he seems to be managing quite well.
I'm wrapping up Knightfall: Vol 1, and disappointed that it didn't take much effort for Bane to learn Batman's identity. He basically just senses it after stalking Batman for a few nights, unless there's something that didn't make this collection.
Lemire said last night that he's starting a "top secret new DC project." He "[hasn't] been this excited about a character since I started working on Animal Man."
He's said it's not Batman, Superman, Red Tornado, Donna Troy, Stephanie Brown, Wally West, The Atom. He says it's not in the Dark line, and it's a character who's already in the DCU. He also specifically said he won't be taking over Action Comics or Batman Incorporated.
Today he says that on top of Animal Man, Justice League Dark and the end of Sweet Tooth, that he has two DCU projects and a new Vertigo project. He also said at Comic Con that his new Vertigo series, which he's writing and drawing, would launch before year's end. I would guess December to capitalize on Sweet Tooth's end.
I'll buy anything Lemire writes and/or draws, so this cool. So long as he doesn't end up over extended, but he seems to be managing quite well.
Scott Snyder has said a few times on twitter (not recently, I follow him) that he would be interested in writing Superman comics.
I don't really know how I would feel about a Snyder Supes (not a character that lends himself to Snyder's style IMO), but at this point DC wouldn't think twice about letting him do anything.
Here's one from June 4th:
Scott Snyder ‏@Ssnyder1835
Yes, I wouldRT @mikeyzjames: @Ssnyder1835 Would you have any interest in writing Superman?
Most likely the robin series folks.have been rumoring for awhile why we've had the whole.robin awesomeness in barman and robin.
It was out of place. Mostly because you've just rebooted the entire universe, and want to retell Clark's first years as Superman in Metropolis. Yet after only just 8 issues you're giving us a filler elseworlds story already. At that point you've told us so little about the this new universe's Superman that throwing us a filler issue, was just annoying.
First of all, you don't know that it's filler (I very much doubt it is). Secondly, you hate Morrison, why are you even reading it?
Morrison is off the book in 5 months, we already know that issue 12, and issue 0 don't have anything to do with issue 9. He has to wrap up how Clark get's Clark Kent back, and starts opening up to these people, and make issue 9 pay off in some way. He set up a story of multiverses and this unstoppable force that he'll have 3 issues TOPS to do justice with. I just don't see it happening.
I'm reading it because Superman is one of my favorite characters, he's the one character I've read pretty much consistently since I was a little kid. Just because some shitty writer is on one of his books doesn't mean I give up on the character.
Why does it offend you so much that I don't like Morrison? Are you dating him?
No, I just find your schtick really annoying.
And I would totally date Morrison in a heartbeat.
I'm betting #9 was a multiversity prequel or something - Morrison is a writer who very very rarely introduces a concept without doing anything with it later.
Not liking something is not a schtick. I don't care for his writing, and even though you try to devalue my opinion and call it a schtick, it's a still a valid opinion.
That's no different than me dismissing you with, well you're just a Morrison fan boy and I find that really annoying.
Well see if issue 9 ever pays off, I have a feeling it won't and it wouldn't be the first time in comics.
*glorious daredevil pages*
Thank you, Based Allred
Not liking something is considers a shtick around these parts. I don't care for Morrison at all - even his acclaimed Batman run is a convoluted mess.
Thank you, Based Allred
Thank you, Based Allred
Batman Inc 3.... would rather Batman be delayed over Inc. This series can't catch a break.
Just trade wait that brah, this Kirkman's impersonation of Mark Millar where he makes comics that he wants to be tv shows or movies.
He's gonna come close to shitting on his fans like him soon.
He's gonna come close to shitting on his fans like him soon.
This brah literally wants to have TWD be 1000 issues long. He will put an entire generation of readers to sleep.
Kirkman is a shit writer always has been and always will be, also he's not writing it just plotting it nick spencer is the actual writer. It's a crap title that lost me at issue 3.
I don't think there's that many people in the us to kill off.
He lost me when he killed a certain character. All that reservation made me drop it completely. He just introduces people to kill them off later.
I don't think there's that many people in the us to kill off.
He lost me when he killed a certain character. All that reservation made me drop it completely. He just introduces people to kill them off later.
No doubt, but "anybody can die at anytime" is not tensions. When the brahs just sit around and monologue the whole time and incidentally end up in a new community. There's just no fucking plot to this story and it sickens me that it is the face of independent comics.
No doubt, but "anybody can die at anytime" is not tensions. When the brahs just sit around and monologue the whole time and incidentally end up in a new community. There's just no fucking plot to this story and it sickens me that it is the face of independent comics.
he lost me with his ultimate x-men run and he relies of shock value on the walking dead, it's his crutch. oh, shit book is getting boring let me kill someone. one trick pony.