Awful news. What ever happened to three volumes of oversized hardcovers?
Omnibuses are garbage
but even worse.

that shit makes me laugh every time i see someone lugging it around reading it.
Awful news. What ever happened to three volumes of oversized hardcovers?
Omnibuses are garbage
Avengers was really kind of bland. I keep teetering on how much I actually care about Infinity.
but even worse.
that shit makes me laugh every time i see someone lugging it around reading it.
I would bring both first two compendiums of The Walking Dead to smite you good sir for that opinion if not for the fact carrying them for any distance is a herculean task .
Avengers was really kind of bland. I keep teetering on how much I actually care about Infinity.
Jeff Lemire is going to announce a new book this Friday.
This guy and Matt Fraction are seriously going for that superstar throne.Jeff Lemire is going to announce a new book this Friday.
I'm excited! I can hope it'll be a creator owned words and art type of deal but doubters. Any guesses as to what it might be??
It's a DC project. He's confirmed it's not Booster Gold or Kamandi.
It's a DC project. He's confirmed it's not Booster Gold or Kamandi.
Is there a Question series? It's a Question series.
Is there a Question series? It's a Question series.
I think he said it has A N D in the title so probably "Green Arrow and The Outsiders" or "Adam Strange"
I think he said it has A N D in the title so probably "Green Arrow and The Outsiders" or "Adam Strange"
I think he said it has A N D in the title so probably "Green Arrow and The Outsiders" or "Adam Strange"
I still prefer Omnibuses to that premiere bullshit but yeah, the 300-400 page OSHC was the perfect format and they killed it. My best guess is that they wanted to drive prices up.Awful news. What ever happened to three volumes of oversized hardcovers?
Omnibuses are garbage
I think he said it has A N D in the title so probably "Green Arrow and The Outsiders" or "Adam Strange"
I think he said it has A N D in the title so probably "Green Arrow and The Outsiders" or "Adam Strange"
but even worse.
that shit makes me laugh every time i see someone lugging it around reading it.
Fair enough, to each their own.
I realize that (here at least) my unabashed love for Geoff Johns is far from the norm. He and Grant Morrison are basically what got me back into comics after a very long absence from the hobby.
Batman and Nightwing was good, but I think I'm all feel'd out over the Damian situation. This one didn't destroy me like past issues. Wonder Woman got my feels this week.
Man, the Avengers could not feel any more insignificant in all this Infinity business. lol
Even though we've got this Trinity War mystery licked at this point, I'm still really enjoying the story. It's actually getting me pretty hyped for Villain's Month. No small feat considering I did not care at all two weeks ago.
I'm enjoying Supergirl, but man Kara is a real asshole. I feel for her, but she's an asshole.
On the current topic, I don't get why people hate John's so much. He's a good writer who turns in entertaining stories, which is really all I ask.
He cares now brah. Rotworld was not his fault.Before Lemire announces another book he's working on, he needs to announce that he's leaving Animal Man and handing it over to someone who gives a shit.
I still prefer Omnibuses to that premiere bullshit but yeah, the 300-400 page OSHC was the perfect format and they killed it. My best guess is that they wanted to drive prices up.
There's stuff like Brubaker's Cap or Fraction's Iron Man that is still missing at least one OSHC and I'm honestly not holding my breath for these volumes to ever release.
Before Lemire announces another book he's working on, he needs to announce that he's leaving Animal Man and handing it over to someone who gives a shit.
I didn't have the funds to get this month's issue yet, but I've really enjoyed the book again post RotWorld (which even he admits went on too long). The stuff with the Splinterfolk has been good and I thought the Annual was fantastic. I just wish he'd crib from Morrison and introduce B'Wana Beast into the book.
I think my problem is that Animal Man is one of my favorite characters in superhero comics and right now, post-Rotworld, I just don't feel like there's much forward momentum with his story.
I know he's grieving, and I'm all for grieving issues when done right (Batman & Co. are consistently my issues of the week when they drop) but the way it's all being written and plotted is pretty mindless.
Also, Tim, the annual was a fantastic little story but the price for the one really great moment among 5 other issues of crap is kinda steep.
I thought the stuff with the Red needed to be dropped a while back, because it turned Buddy into a fucking Green Lantern, where there's a council of otherworldly douches that he constantly has to fight for and with, but it may be salvageable if you just give readers more Maxine and Socks and less Buddy.
Also, Lemire's writing a bunch of other books. There's just no way that Animal Man isn't getting the shit-end of his ideas, especially with him being part of a big event, having his own personal project, and now announcing a brand new book.
edit: And yeah, bring me some damn B'wana Beast! Get that half naked dude in here.
Hey, quick dumb question. I barely read any comics any more, and my fandom definitely peaked in the 90's. But I occasionally dive back into something here and there.
I was completely unaware of the new Valiant universe until a couple of weeks ago. It looks amazing! But is it true that Turok, Magnus and Solar aren't in it thanks to lack of ownership? That part is a bummer if so. Also, the continuity is completely a reboot, right?
Brian Wood's X-Men is great, It's more of an actual proper X-Men book than Bendis' ones.
yep & yep!
Dreamworks purchased a bunch of Classic's shit. Not sure if Turok was one of them.Dark Horse licensed Turok, Magnus and Solar from property owners Classic Media Inc. a couple of years ago, and attempted a revival with Jim Shooter at the helm. The line was canceled after just a few issues of each came out, however, because (according to Shooter's partner) Classic wanted too much money for the license and a controlling input on stories, and the low sales weren't justifying their asking price or the creative interference.
So, the licenses are out there and waiting for someone willing to put up with Classic's BS.
Brian Wood's X-Men is great, it's more of an actual proper X-Men book than Bendis' ones.
Dark Horse licensed Turok, Magnus and Solar from property owners Classic Media Inc. a couple of years ago, and attempted a revival with Jim Shooter at the helm. The line was canceled after just a few issues of each came out, however, because (according to Shooter's partner) Classic wanted too much money for the license and a controlling input on stories, and the low sales weren't justifying their asking price or the creative interference.
So, the licenses are out there and waiting for someone willing to put up with Classic's BS.
Anybody else find Superman Unchained very underwhelming so far? So there'sC'mon. Also the plot in general comes over as very standard and not something on Snyder's Batman level at all, hope it gets better before the book gets delayed like every other Lee book.another Superman like being the government has been using for over 70 years and only now Superman finds out?
Anybody recommend Red Hood and the Outlaws?
This guy and Matt Fraction are seriously going for that superstar throne.
Anybody recommend Red Hood and the Outlaws?