I don't know what there is to gain by having all his books ghostwritten. Though I do believe it takes place more frequently like Matt Fraction and Kelly Sue DeConnixk. Matt Kindt said he was ghostwriting a lot of Frankenstein before his run started. Though it would be funny if Charles Soule was apseudonym for a specific group of writers that pump out books when yhings go south. But Matt Fraction has fot to be doing drugs again atter this. As an artist, How do you let a lawyer who is writing several more books from you still your biggest shot at comics superstardom? The most iportant book since the Disney acquisition. How bad was this book that they wouldn't let it see the light of day? In a time where they've tried to pass off Fear Itself, Morbius, Age of Ultron, Gillen's Iron Man abortion and Pretty Deadly as acceptable to print books. How could you recover from this?I wouldn't be shocked. Considering his output I also wouldn't be surprised if it's a ghost writer situation where he's got a bunch of guys writing the books from vague outlines he gave them. Like what happened with anamorphs.
So just finished InfinitY. And have no fucking clue what I just finished.
Another movie script in comic book form?
Disappointed by the lack of Locke & Key Alpha #2 in this thread. I think it was only mentioned 2 or 3 times.
Not many lists have been posted. Don't worry, Comics GAF loves it's Loche & Key.
But what about Joe Hill's latest new joint Wraith: Welcome to Chistmasland? Huh? Anybody but me reading that? Someone actually does a proper horror comic, not gore, not thriller, but genuine horror and it gets a collective shrug. SMDH at you people.
I think in 20 years we will ostracize art like Aja's, Pulido's, Kowalxhuk, J. Bone, Lieber and Samnee the same way we do Liefeld and the extreme era. It is bound to happen.
I buy my Locke and Key in trades. Up to volume four I think? Also, I'd be the first to pass just on title alone for a book called "Welcome to Christmasland"Sell me on it.
Ugly motherfucker has a really messed up childhood. Somehow manages to remain a good guy (uh.. mostly). The world does him wrong one time too many and he snaps and creates an imaginary Christmas-themed amusement park of doom. With the aid (or under the influence of?) his soul-sucking ride, some big classic car called a Wraith. Basically it's one of these dealys that takes you into the psychology/psychosis of a killer in such a way that you see reality as he does. And it is creepy as fuck. I actually felt genuinely afraid near the end of issue one.
You should read the novel it's based on - NOS4RA2.
I had no idea who the hell Joe Hill was but the book kept popping up on my goodreads radar...very glad I checked it out.
Though it would be funny if Charles Soule was apseudonym for a specific group of writers that pump out books when yhings go south. But Matt Fraction has fot to be doing drugs again atter this.
I'm caught up with Superior Spidey i think....through issue 22. Slott definitely moves the book along but i still don't think it's particularly good.
We aren't even close to seeing Remender's final form yet.CBR: So the end of this 25-issue story is starting to come into sight then?
REMENDER: At this point we've still got 10 issues of it. So we're a little over the half-way point. Then after issue #25 I've got even bigger plans. I know what happens after that issue and it's all the repercussions of the past 25 issues. So it's the kind of escalation and scope that I feel you really have to earn.
I got the ideas approved and everybody at Marvel wanted to do these stories. They didn't even put a clock on things. I did. As I crafted the rest of this story I kept thinking, "How do I get to this point?" And a lot of what happens in the first 25 issues is seeding what's going to come up after that. It's all going to continue to feed into bigger and crazier things.
CBR: So if everything goes according to plan you'll be on this book for some time? You've got plans beyond these first 25 issues?
REMENDER: Yeah, who knows how long any of these things will last? But I know right now the story I've got done is 34 issues. 25 is the big set up and then the next eight issues being the biggest thing I've done. I know how it all breaks down and what the effects are on the cast and other characters in the Marvel Universe. So I would say that you could definitely expect at least 34 issues from me.
Not many lists have been posted. Don't worry, Comics GAF loves it's Loche & Key.
But what about Joe Hill's latest new joint Wraith: Welcome to Chistmasland? Huh? Anybody but me reading that? Someone actually does a proper horror comic, not gore, not thriller, but genuine horror and it gets a collective shrug. SMDH at you people.
I wish DC would collect Peter David's Aquaman. Fuck digital
Thanks for this, pretty much what I had in mind and you've helped me find a reading order.Green Lantern: Secret Origin is a pretty good intro to GL. From there, you can go to Rebirth and then the rest of the Johns run, starting with the TP titled "No Fear." There are reading lists for that one, I don't remember the order.
also I don't know who told you Identity Crisis was a good starting point. I doubt that it's a good one. most here would probably tell you that it's not a good point to hit at all, really
Thanks for this, pretty much what I had in mind and you've helped me find a reading order.
Is this good?
Can anyone recommend some good series and issue runs to read for Psylocke? Thanks!
Rick Remender talks about building a brave new world in Uncanny Avengers (CBR)
We aren't even close to seeing Remender's final form yet.
Some character designs and preview art.
I think in 20 years we will ostracize art like Aja's, Pulido's, Kowalxhuk, J. Bone, Lieber and Samnee the same way we do Liefeld and the extreme era. It is bound to happen.
Did you read remender's Uncanny X-Force? Definitely do so.
Hey ComicGAF, is the current World's Finest series worth checking out? I was a big fan of Amanda Conner's Power Girl series before the New 52 shenanigans. Will I like the new series?
Ok great, thanks!
I was glad that i saw Marvel updated its MU app on the google play store....before opening it and not noticing any change with it's completely messed up reader.
The first few issues started a little rough and honestly the title has meandered a little bit. There is a central theme and focus, but the real meat and potatoes comes from the friendship between Power Girl and Huntress; I don't think it goes quite near the "D'awww" level that Peegee and Terra ever went but it's quite believable. Also, it has a couple issues with Huntress andPower Girl's desire to get back to her Earth, of Earth 2that are adorable.Damian
The next few issues are going to be a crossover with Batman/Superman which promises to be interesting as it will be their first meeting.
Aquaman #25... was... awesome. Loved everything about it. The art, the pacing, the teaser. That was a hell of a finish and a hell of a teaser/opener. Can I also add how great it is that they are showing how Badass Mera's powers really are?
Paul Pelletier does some Goddamn amazing line work through the book. So much detail. Hats off to the inker/colorist team too. So many pages I'd love to own from this issue.
And on the flipside of that is Vibe. A terrible last issue that ends with the introduction of a plot point that will likely never be addressed or mentioned again.
Here's my thing. Im very grateful for the their to be a Vibe series. But if we got ten issues of low selling why not a few more? There is so much garbage that has lasted longer and sold just as bad. It couldn't ride out four more months for Forever Evil? Why in the fuxk is the Phantom Stranger still around?And on the flipside of that is Vibe. A terrible last issue that ends with the introduction of a plot point that will likely never be addressed or mentioned again.
Does Cliff Chiang even draw 2/3rds of the WW issues anymore