I mean i saw midgets i would stick on my weewee and proppeler her till she gets vertigo but still would be my last choise.Yeah I probably would let her ride me. Would I want a relationship with a bald muscular chick? I dont know. She would have to have some really amazing personality, and very friendly, not some stuck up condescending bitch. What if you get a pretty wife and she sadly has cancer or some other disease that require her to shave her head, do you dump her? You won't, because you love her, so why would it be ridiculous for some men to love a bald chick? Like I said, I dont like shaved/short hair, I would prefer not to, but at the end of the day, it depends.
Nothinh wrong with bald or short hair women as long as they are feminine in all other aspects.
But bold and muscular and flat chested and ass like a brick wall with a clit that pushes my gag reflexes to its limit....now thats a whole package for the other team but not for me
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