Real talk, Spider-Man 3 > The Amazing Spider-Man
Real talk, Spider-Man 3 > The Amazing Spider-Man
At least 3 was memorably bad.Real talk, Spider-Man 3 > The Amazing Spider-Man
Real talk, Spider-Man 3 > The Amazing Spider-Man
3 was entertaining, intentionally or not. Sogood.gif/wink, peter dance, Jonah, Sandman transformation, a couple good action sequences, Bruce Campbell, etc. ASM was the blandest cookie cutter made-by-committee franchise filmmaking I saw all 2012.
Real talk, Spider-Man 3 > The Amazing Spider-Man
Bit of a long shot, but does anyone know where this comes from and if it's available in trade paperback form?
IDK about the trade, but that's Robin #85. Pete Woods artwork there, Chuck Dixon scripting. Dixon done a lot of hackwork, but he's one of the best Joker writers.
IDK about the trade, but that's Robin #85. Pete Woods artwork there, Chuck Dixon scripting. Dixon done a lot of hackwork, but he's one of the best Joker writers.
Excluding the new #1s I'll be picking up the following months my full pull list looks like this: (I'm not up to date with all of them though)
You're entirely too balanced and reasonable with your pull list. You're failing to corporate champion.
Caught up on Forever Evil. Easily the best big event of the last few years.
Today I picked up Francesco Francavilla's The Black Beetle. It seems to have gotten a ton of great reviews, and I've always loved Francavilla's art. Haven't read it yet, but pretty excited.
but but but barely anything has happened outside of Lex Luthor telling personal stories once each issue.
Oh, you guys are done comparing pull lists?
ON THE LIST! (as in, these books are on the list and pulled for me unless I cancel them):
Afterlife with Archie (Archie), Amazing X-Men (Marvel), Avengers (Marvel), Black Science (Image), Captain America (Marvel), Conan the Barbarian (Dark Horse; may drop when Wood leaves); Daredevil (Marvel; relaunching soon, will re-up), Day Men (BOOM!), FF (Marvel; ending soon); Hawkeye (Marvel), Hellboy In Hell (Dark Horse), Justice League 3000 (DC), Lazarus (Image), New Avengers (Marvel), The Punisher (Marvel; starts February), Satellite Sam (Image), Sex (Image), She-Hulk (Marvel; starts February), Thor God of Thunder (Marvel), Uncanny Avengers (Marvel), Velvet (Image), Wolverine and the X-Men (Marvel; relaunching soon, might re-up), Young Avengers (Marvel; ending soon)
OFF THE RACK! (as in, these books are bought off the rack if the mood strikes me to buy them, and not if the mood strikes me not to):
Alex+Ada (Image), Avengers Assemble (Marvel), Grindhouse: Doors Open at Midnight (Dark Horse), Clown Fatale (Dark Horse), Powerpuff Girls (IDW), Samurai Jack (IDW), The Saviors (Image), Sex Criminals (Image), The Shadow: Year One (Dynamite)
LIST TRYOUTS! (as in, these are upcoming books I'll buy the first issue of and see how I like them or don't like them):
All-New Ghost Rider (Marvel; starts March), Black Widow (Marvel; starts January), Captain Marvel (Marvel; starts March), Deadly Class (Image; starts January), Furious (Dark Horse; starts January), Loki Agent of Asgard (Marvel; starts February), Moon Knight (Marvel; starts March), Ms. Marvel (Marvel; starts February), Silver Surfer (Marvel; starts March)
If you don't mind digital, Comixology has you coveredDamn, outta luck for a whole chunk of Robins in TPB from, like, #13 to #120 or something. Bugger.
Guardians of the Galaxy was excellent this week! I loved theGamora/Angela moments, so good!
Rocket Girl was okay, was expecting a little more after how impressive the earlier issues have been.
Damn those Requiem issues in Batman & Robin are heavy. Really great book though. Very curious to see how it progresses beyond this as it all feels like one narrative right now which I am really enjoying. I have read upto and including #19. Maybe my favourite bat book I've read from the new 52.
I have a feeling this is the year of a new Robin.
list time
-Sex Criminals #1 4th printing
maybe the rest of the SC issues if any shops have them.
Source (Comic Vine)
Trades-wise I follow things like ...Wasteland
I intend to read the Wasteland Apocalyptic Editions but I only bought the first so far.[/list]
Fuse, The
Umbral (one arc trial)
Synder was on twitter one day tossing around the idea of having a black Robin. I want that sooooooooo much.
However they decide upon a new Robin I don't envy the person responsible. It's going to be hard to make it feel organic if time and care aren't taken in the crafting.