Jesus Christ, Gary, fuck!
man that next issue blurb with the +5 against people named Gary...next issue tease of the month
Jesus Christ, Gary, fuck!
Sounds interesting. I'll see if I can hunt it down.As for who Captain Cold is--well he's the baddest motha'fucka to take on the Flash outside of a giant talking Gorilla. He's a blue-collar criminal who bands together a group of like-minded miscreants in an effort to get by in a world with Flashes running around. If you want a great character study and encapsulation of who Captain Cold is and who the motha'fuckin' Rogues are, check out Final Crisis: Rogues' Revenge. It's short, self-contained enough in that you just have to know they fucked up, and the world's gone to shit around them, and one of my favorite stories.
Happening more often. The quality and offerings of digital is definitely making floppies old school.Just got an iPad Mini with Retina. It's quite possible I never read a physical comic again.
Does BENDIS have to put words on everything .
I liked the book so much at first because of their interactions so splitting them up just left me with two characters that aren't strong enough on their own for me to care about. Clint's story should be awesome and straight forward at this point but Fraction dawdled too much when his brother came around.
Yeah picked up Rat Queens and Skyman this week since a low pull for me.
Rat Queens had me laughing.
"I thought you were the captain of the guard cause you are the most handsome man in town?"
"Shut up Gary."
Ted Kord is coming back, now bring back Booster!
Totally, it's a cheap trade. Come back and talk about it if ya do!Sounds interesting. I'll see if I can hunt it down.
I actually applaud DC for taking some risks. Putting a character that is basically unknown on Justice League is kinda Avengers-like, but definitely some ballsy risk.
“Ted Kord returns to the DCU in Forever Evil #7, and plays a role in Justice League post-Forever Evil,”Johns said simply and directly, when asked whether he could provide a one-sentence teaser for the future of the book. Unfortunately for fans who might like a little more of a hint, that was the last question asked.
Does BENDIS have to put words on everything .
Maybe Kyle Higgins is doing the replacement for Teen Titans
Just got my first print comics and I'm not impressed with Marvel's quality at all. They feel flimsy and have a bazillion ads everywhere. DC's books feel nice as hell though (especially their $4 glossy cover ones). Got them all from a comic shop.
I think I might just go with subscribing straight through Marvel for their $4 books since they are 40-44% off and come with free digital copies. DC's physical books are nice but since they don't come with digital, I can't fuck with them (they drop in price every 2 months on Comixology anyway).
And I don't think I'll ever step foot in a comic shop again. They didn't have full back issues of anything I wanted minus Superior Spider-Man. Plus, all their newer back issues were marked up by 16 cents.
Oh, I got Harley Quinn #1 too. They didn't have the variant cover so I got Wonder Woman 601's instead (damn impulse buys).
So I finally read Superior Spiderman 25. Shit is getting serious.
Also, someone who is following Wolverine, answer this please:How/when did Logan lose his healing factor?
Oh yeah, ads! I forgot all about those, haven't picked up a floppy in a couple of years. Another reason digital is the bestest.
Digital is great. Trades are great. But when I really, truly love the shit out of something, there is nothing like holding the beautiful, freshly printed floppy in my hands.
I just got back from the LCS with volumes 1 and 2 (issues 1-12) and single issues 19-22 of Rachel Rising. Still need to track down the third trade. I have the first collection digitally but I really wanted to own physical copies for the love and to $upport Terry Moore. I also like to loan out my favourite stuff to friends. I can't wait to just read the ever-loving shit out of this series (only up to issue #4 atm). Just wish I could somehow gift my RR digital vol 1 to someone, but I don't imagine that's a thing.
Speaking of Ted Kord, whatever happened to Grant Morrison's Multiversity??![]()
Speaking of Ted Kord, whatever happened to Grant Morrison's Multiversity??
I would laugh my ass off if they gave him a dynamic entrance and.............
Shot him in the head.
I still love Hawkeye but I agree about the delays killing the momentum of the story. It's frustrating and makes it hard to care.
Sigh. Still love the book, but the delays really are messing with it.
GurufX abaolutely ruins Steve Pugh's art on All New Invaders. Just disgusting.
I would laugh my ass off if they gave him a dynamic entrance and.............
Shot him in the head.
I just read Black Science #1
Middle of last year.
They have not done much with it, but looks like they are going to stick to it for a while.
Bringing back Ted better not do anything to get rid of my man Jaime "Latino Heat" Reyes. Hmph.
Bringing back Ted better not do anything to get rid of my man Jaime "Latino Heat" Reyes. Hmph.