It's definitely set in all things 1987.
Remender is pretty subtle about it in this first issue. Aside from the Skate or Die reference, I don't think there are pop culture references. The political climate is key, though. The violent streets of the late eighties is a central factor for the themes of the story. Regan and his administration decisions have a direct affect on the plot. There's a bit of lingo that might be 80's, like calling the police "the fuzz." But it is played very naturally. No one is saying "gag me with a spoon", which I appreciate. There are some 80s clothes and hairstyles but trends being how they are, people could also be wearing a lot of that stuff today. Basically, he's not making the 80s a joke. He's not making it cute or retro or sentimental.
That's great guys, thanks for the info, especially for going so indepth Maq, I appreciate it. In this case, this is actually part of me building a small list of new books for my girlfriend, given she's been reading Fables for so long, and a lot of the books she follows are coming to an end or have already died off. I think she likes to think of the books she reads as her own, oppose to reading my books haha, so I'm going through a big overview of what's just debuted, or what's coming this year and finding her some new stuff. Taking it as an opportunity to not only expand her horizons but also home in on the kind of fiction she really likes in movies etc. but might not realise you can get in comics. She has a thing for the 80s and likes, for lack of a better term, high school/teenage fiction, I thought this might be a cool fit. I already have Sex Criminals down and very likely Pretty Deadly to fill out her usual fantasy/mythological niche. I thought about Umbral too but wondered if that and Pretty Deadly might be too much of the same genre kind of thing. I think Sex Criminals and Deadly Class are a lock though. Thanks again