Tyrant Rave

This month's OP is brought to you by ViewtifulJC
Ah, July! The month America celebrates its freedom from the tyrinical reign of Britian(who recently voted to break free from the "tyrannical" reign of the EU)! So with all this freedom in the air, you think American comics would wise up and get the message? Ha ha ha ha, NO actually. Actually they're very expensive, like $4-6 a month to keep up with each one. What a fuckin' hobby, huh?
Here's some freedom-hating comics coming down the pipeline in July!

THE UNBEATABLE SQUIRREL GIRL #10, by Ryan North and Erica Henderson (July 27) - The latest issue in Marvel's greatest comics! Mole Man is shipping himself with our lovable protagonist and is gonna destroy the world if she doesn't go on a date with him. Men, am I right ladies? Tyrant Rave pick of the month!
Black Widow #5, by Chris Samnee & Mark Waid (July 20th) - Marvel's best crafted comic continues with another thrilling episode of spy games and cat-and-mouse chase sequences. The Black Widow book you never knew you've been waiting for!
The Vision #9, by Tom King & Gabriel Hernandez Walta (July 13th) - In whats shaping up to be the definitive story on Marvel's favorite crying android, this comic to be another intelligently structured issue of superhero-tinged melodrama that ultimately makes you feel sad. Fun for the whole (robot) family!

Justice League Rebirth #1, by Bryan Hitch (July 6) - Legendary artist Bryan Hitch writes and draws this new beginning for the Earth's greatest heroes(also Cyborg)! In this story, a stranger from another world arrives and the heroes are split on whether he can be trusted or not. Say, isn't Marvel doing a story about this premise?
Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps #1 by Robert Venditti and Rafa Sandoval (July 27) - Because you demanded it! The return of Robert Venditti to put another spin on those Geoff Johns GL stories you've already read!. Thrill as Hal Jordan has to fight the Sinestro Corps and try your hardest to not read that Absolute Sinestro Corps War hardcover instead!
Batgirl #1 by Hope Larson and Rafael Alburquerque (July 27) - Eisner Award winning writer Hope Larson teams up with super cool artist Rafael Alburquerque for this relaunch of Batgirl. When Barbera Gordon is feeling lost, she does what any privileged white 20-something American would do: backpack around foreign countries! Japan! Martial arts! Old friends! New Enemies! Rafael Alburquerque!

Snotgirl #1, by Bryan Lee O'Malley and Leslie Hung (July 20) - OMG LOL social media star with millions of followers, but what's up with her gross snot running nose ayy lmao. Trust in Bryan Lee O'Malley to have a plan.
Casanova: Acedia #6 by Matt Fraction and Fabio Moon (July 20) - Casanova is back with what will surely be another strangely alluring issue as mysteries deepen, callbacks are folded in on each other, and the art looks amazing on every page.
Stray Bullets Sunshine and Roses #16 by David Lapham (July 6) - The best comic currently being published by anyone! Things have gone from bad to worse for the gang of Beth, Orson and Nina as they try to figure out a way of the spiraling death trap that is their lives!

B.P.R.D. Hell on Earth #143 by Mike Mignola, John Arcudi, and Laurence Campbell (July 20) - In the latest issue of the most consistently good team book, Kate and Panya argue about leaving BPRD behind, while Johann and Liz fight super demons in NYC. Somehow, I feel one duo is gonna have a harder fight than the other this issue.
Conan the Slayer #1 by Cullen Bunn and Sergio Davila - He's been a Barbarian, he's been a Destroyer, he's even been Red Sonja! Now, Conan the Slayer returns to ongoing comics written by Six Gun's Cullen Bunn! Conan is on the run from a clan of Turanin hunters and must make a pact with an untrustworthy Kozaki chief if he wants to survive!
Predator vs. Judge Dredd vs. Aliens #1 (of 4) by John Layman and Chris Mooneyham - Look at the title of this comic. Do you need any more description than this!?

Rom #1 by Christos Gage, Chris Ryall, and David Messina - ROM THE MOTHAFUCKIN SPACE KNIGHT IS BACK, NIGGAS! The Dire Wraiths are still trying to fuck Earth's shit up, but dont know that ROM THE MOTHAFUCKIN SPACE KNIGHT is gonna kick their ass like he was always does???
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #60 - In a year that gave us another lame live action movie and disappointing Platinum Games developed tie-in, we still have the quality coming from IDW's comic about the heroes in a half shell. Actually, you know what? Its not a half-shell, is it? I mean, they have a full shell on. Right? Am I crazy?
Ragnarök #10 by Walter fuckin' Simonson - I don't know if you guys know this, but Walter Simonson(yes, THE Walter Simonson) is doing the best Thor comic right now. Its metal as fuck. There are frost giants and fantasy realms and Fortresses where the Lord of the Dead reigns and I mean shit goes down in this book.

WEAVERS #3 (of 6) by Simon Spurrier and Dylan Burnett - This is a dope weird crime comic that I really think ya'll should read it.
Faith #1 by Jody Houser and Pere Perez - Valiant Comics IN 2016
Betty & Veronica #1 Written and drawn by...Adam Hughes!? - haha hey get this Adam Hughes drawing an ongoing haha good joke guys, ok come from behind the curtain you got me

New to comics? Check out Zombine's Start Up Guide!
Help support my name is ed! His comic Rage Against the Jackal is available digitally on Comixology!
Also keep an eye out for Bish's upcoming comic Savage Empire featuring art by Jim Roy Jimenez!
Check out The Gamma Gals created by Figboy79!
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SPOILERS: Use common sense and please, mark your spoilers! If you must post a spoilery panel or a page from a comic (recent or otherwise), please link to them with a proper spoiler warning. Everyone has different levels of spoiler tolerance, so please try to be courteous and mark your spoilers. DON'T be that person. Please at least allow one week before posting unmarked spoilers.

Tales of the Batman: Alan Brennert
This month, DC will release a handsome hardcover collecting all the Batman stories Alan Brennert ever did for DC. And while he didn't write many Caped Crusader comics, the ones included here are among my all-time favorites. Stories filled with human empathy, real dramatic stakes, and some fantastic artwork by some of DC's best like Jim Aparo, Jose Garcia Lopez, and Norm Breyfogle. There's even some other goodies in here too, like Black Canery's definitive origin story, and a fan favorite Christmas tale involving Deadman and Supergirl. You will be hard pressed to find a finer collection of DC Comic stories all year. I highly recommend it.

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