Logan fucked me up, man. Trump's America sucks shit.
You mean a ongoing with a friendly tone?
I have now read the Monster Society Deluxe and the Thunderworld Issue of Multiversity and I loved it, but was totally outgrossed by the awfull edgie Miniseries that was released in the beginning of All New 52.
Even then its a real shame how DC uses the IP.
Is Laura still a teenager in All New Wolverine or did they age her up after Secret Wars?
DC is already making bank off of him so they would probably allow him a pet project if he wanted on.I guess Snyder could co-write the first arc of a Duke book like they did with Talon, but long-term it wouldn't sell enough to justify his page rate.
Is Laura still a teenager in All New Wolverine or did they age her up after Secret Wars?
Is Laura still a teenager in All New Wolverine or did they age her up after Secret Wars?
Are you talking about the Johns/Frank Shazam series? I thought it was alright. It started out too gritty but became great towards the end. Also, it gave us one of my favorite scenes from the early New 52.
How is All New Wolverine? I need more X-23.
How is All New Wolverine? I need more X-23.
Great stuff
its awesome. Or was when I was reading at least
I think she is an adult now. They don't really talk about it. They treat Gabby like her kid.
DC is already making bank off of him so they would probably allow him a pet project if he wanted on.
I would assume she's over 18 at least.
shes like 18 or 19 one assumes
How is All New Wolverine? I need more X-23.
You mean a ongoing with a friendly tone?
I have now read the Monster Society Deluxe and the Thunderworld Issue of Multiversity and I loved it, but was totally outgrossed by the awfull edgie Miniseries that was released in the beginning of All New 52.
Even then its a real shame how DC uses the IP.
Are you talking about the Johns/Frank Shazam series? I thought it was alright. It started out too gritty but became great towards the end. Also, it gave us one of my favorite scenes from the early New 52.
I didn't see it as that edgy or gritty?
Hey guys I'm doing an email interview with the creative team behind Assassin's Creed Reflections which isn't out yet but it focuses on the mainline AC characters' side stories. If you guys want me to ask them any questions, post them here and I'll take a few questions from here to submit. I'm hoping to have the article published by sometime this week. In case anyone doubts my credentials, here's my writer activity.
CBR forums keep getting me mad, so much hate for new heroes.
The recent sales news has them celebrating like LOLWAIDVENGERS is failing sad.
And if the BC rumor is true (which considering the recent ones weren't true.), they'll get the Pre AN Marvel Now aka BORING SHIT.
Then again, America was...kinda 50-50
CBR forums keep getting me mad, so much hate for new heroes.
The recent sales news has them celebrating like LOLWAIDVENGERS is failing sad.
And if the BC rumor is true (which considering the recent ones weren't true.), they'll get the Pre AN Marvel Now aka BORING SHIT.
Then again, America was...kinda 50-50
I would expect him and Black Ant to have notable roles.Aw heck yeah. Taskmaster is getting a variant Secret Empire cover alongside the other 'main' villains of the event.
Probably not, but if he winds up nearly as major as he was in Civil War/Dark Reign I will be so happy.
Logan thread is so depressing. Proof positive that you can give people literal perfection and they'll still root around for something to complain about.
well, theres always people who don't have a great work 'click' with them but the number of people whose criticism boils down 'thats not the way I would have written it' is hilarious to me. Ya dude we all go to the movies hoping to see a movie thats exactly what we would have written.
Its a Del Mundo book of course its not selling
Based on what retailers have revealed about what Marvel said at ComicsPRO, it seems like we will be getting both original and legacy.
Man, I really can't wait to see Logan. I don't think I've saw one bad word about it in here or in the general reviews. Still haven't saw Deadpool for that matter either.
Started reading this trade, mainly for Batman/Hellboy/Starman but hoped the others might be interesting too. Finished reading Superman vs Predator and I have now been disabused of that notion...
Also the first time I've read anything by Michelinie and am a little less than impressed.
In less polite terms, it was shit.
Seriously, why does Mike and Ewing make good books yet no one reads them?
Are they though? Nova isn't selling well after the bitching about Rich. And the talent pool going back to experienced writers seems backwards.
Started reading this trade, mainly for Batman/Hellboy/Starman but hoped the others might be interesting too. .
I fully cried like seven times
Damn. The birdie seal of approval right here, oppose to the "I cried seven times making my way through a modern day Greg Land illustrated X-Men comic". I'll probably hold out until the bluray release but I'm feeling the good vibes. Historically I haven't really got on too well with the fox stuff but Legion is awesome, Deadpool was apparently funny and this just seems gutwrenching. Maybe they're onto something.
I just wanted to point out that there's no Reaver with a tank for legs in Logan. Smh.
Ben come on man X-Men Apocalypse is the best sequel to the Power Ranger Movie that we never asked for. It needed to end with a RHCP song.
Hah, I think this is one of the very few HB things I have left to read. Batman exits stage right early on and it's mostly a starman team up right? You'll need to let us know how you get on with it.
Logan thread is so depressing. Proof positive that you can give people literal perfection and they'll still root around for something to complain about.
Based on what retailers have revealed about what Marvel said at ComicsPRO, it seems like we will be getting both original and legacy. CBR is a trash site though, both main and forum.
The interesting thing about people having an issue with Avengers is that it's the most traditional Avengers book we've had in a very long time in every way except roster.
I would expect him and Black Ant to have notable roles.
Nova has never been a huge seller and the issues with the rest of the line are pulling it down as well. The fan reception to the book has been really good from what I've seen though. Personally I would just have one cosmic book in Guardians, the Novas relegated to team books, and then have minis for solo cosmic adventures.
With Ewing it has more to do with his liking to write about less popular characters.
Del Mundo's art just doesn't fit too much with what the average fan wants from the big selling cape books.
Hated every fucking second. Wait no the Quicksilver scene was 72 good seconds.
well, theres always people who don't have a great work 'click' with them but the number of people whose criticism boils down 'thats not the way I would have written it' is hilarious to me. Ya dude we all go to the movies hoping to see a movie thats exactly what we would have written.
That's what it is. It's never like "well, this is what it was trying to do and how it failed" it's like "Here are the three things I would have done if I wasn't who I actually am, who is someone who did not write and/or direct the movie Logan."
Nova still has that interesting solo rep, too bad Gunn is being a dick about the Corps.
Guardians-Surfer-Nova, there. there's Marvel Cosmic.
Logan is not a Fox movie. It's the end of the saga of Wolverine that Claremont started
Holy shit lol just this line here. That is incredible haha
Totally agree with you guys on Apocalypse btw, love the quicksilver scene, everything else was dumpster fire.
He ain't lying either.
I totally skipped Apocalypse, it looked like trash just like DoFP was.
It is the conclusion of Fox's X-Men continuity that started with the first movie. And that's what made me super emotional. Decades later and Xavier's dream is basically dead.For context, I also watched Apocalypse this weekend and it was the single worst thing I have ever seen. Logan is not a Fox movie. It's the end of the saga of Wolverine that Claremont started, not Fox. If you've ever read and/or loved Claremont or Morrison's X-Men comics, this will wreck you for 2.5 hours straight. Even if you've never read those books, if you've just walked around in America over the past six weeks, this movie will completely devastate you.
It is a gleaming example of why X-Men comics are so fucking essential.
DoFP is so good.He ain't lying either.
I totally skipped Apocalypse, it looked like trash just like DoFP was.
Me and my boy had a movie afternoon awhile back, we each picked a movie, and we couldn't argue with the other's choice. I picked the Peanuts movie....he picked X-Men Apocalypse. No idea what I did to deserve such torture!
A History of Violence outdoes them all.