I would apprecipate thisNo. I don't support physical comics.
I will if you want
I would apprecipate thisNo. I don't support physical comics.
I will if you want
I'm thinking I'm done getting singles of the Star Wars comics. I never read them month to month and I just have stacks and stacks. I'm looking for hardcover omnibuses of the books, but I can't find any really aside from Kanan and Darth Vader. Am I not looking in the right places? Or should I just settle for trades?
Hmmmm... I guess I'll pick up trades for reading and the omnibuses way later when they release for collecting if I feel like it. Thanks!The ones out so far are:
Kanan Omnibus
Vader Volume 1 & 2 (An omnibus is coming out in September too)
Star Wars Volume 1 (Vol 2's out in June)
Star Wars: Heroes for a New Hope (Collects Lando, Leia and Chewbacca)
I'm thinking I'm done getting singles of the Star Wars comics. I never read them month to month and I just have stacks and stacks. I'm looking for hardcover omnibuses of the books, but I can't find any really aside from Kanan and Darth Vader. Am I not looking in the right places? Or should I just settle for trades?
I'm thinking I'm done getting singles of the Star Wars comics. I never read them month to month and I just have stacks and stacks. I'm looking for hardcover omnibuses of the books, but I can't find any really aside from Kanan and Darth Vader. Am I not looking in the right places? Or should I just settle for trades?
Star Wars Vol. 2 https://www.amazon.de/dp/1302903748/There is a OHC for The main Star Wars book that contains the first 12 issues, I don't think I haven't heard of a OHC Vol 2 for the book yet, maybe in time for Christmas.
There is also a hardcover that collects the Leia, Lando and I think Chewbacca miniseries.
It's pretty great. The music is amazing, and it's stylish as hell. And I've only met half the characters on the box art so far.
Cool, missed this somehow. I hope Marvel keeps putting out ohc's for all the Star Wars ongoings.
Yeah I don't think there working on the follow up yet, but should be some time this year I think from whats been teased, whether its still going to be sheriff of babylon I don't know, from the promo looks like could be the sheriff of somewhere else
Also is Brubaker working on anything currently? Has he said anything about continuing Velvet at all or was that series completed?
When the last descendant of the Frankenstein family loses her only son to a police shooting, she turns to science for her own justice...putting her on a crash course with her family's original monster and his quest to eliminate humanity. An intense, unflinching story exploring the legacies of love, loss, and vengeance placed firmly in the tense atmosphere and current events of the modern-day United States.
In Shops: May 17, 2017
Pretty sure Kill Or Be Killed is his main comic focus right now. Seems like Velvet is on break while Epting does other things like Batwoman and Bru has his plate full, but I think it's one of his properties he's been trying to get to TV.
Best comic Marvel is publishingJust picked up vol. 1 of Squirrel Girl in the comixology sale since it was only $2.
Just got my Daredevil by Mark Waid Omnibus! Didnt know they had switched artists after the first few issues, kind of a disappointment imo. I remember reading about how the first like 7 issues artist was doing amazing work with Daredevil, especially with his "vision" scenes. Seems weird Marvel would switch artists for the rest of the book after getting soo much praise from critics. Cant wait for the Brubaker Omnis to come out still though.
Thats right, completely forgot about Kill or Be Killed! Need to start reading it now that its deeper into the run. Is Epting doing the new Batwoman Rebirth stuff? Just single issues or is he on for a few arcs as far as we know?
Are you not liking the change? Rivera slowly transitions to Samnee for the second half of this omnibus and Samnee does almost all of the second omnibus. The art stays great throughout. (I think it actually gets stronger as the series progresses).
Have they said anything about releasing the entire series in one Trade yet? Read the first few issues on CMX but decided to just wait for the entire thing collected in one book before buying the trades.
Also is Brubaker working on anything currently? Has he said anything about continuing Velvet at all or was that series completed?
Just got my Daredevil by Mark Waid Omnibus! Didnt know they had switched artists after the first few issues, kind of a disappointment imo. I remember reading about how the first like 7 issues artist was doing amazing work with Daredevil, especially with his "vision" scenes. Seems weird Marvel would switch artists for the rest of the book after getting soo much praise from critics. Cant wait for the Brubaker Omnis to come out still though.
Velvets hardcover that is out this week is listed as 'Velvet Deluxe Edition' nowhere does it have vol 1 ect on it. That series is toast imo. It's sad really as I loved it.
I will not have people shitting on Mike and Laura Allred in here. Not today, not ever.
Oh wow really? No spoilers, I have vol 3 sitting here, but it totally ties up?
I guess he put this in the back of the last issue: Click
Velvets hardcover that is out this week is listed as 'Velvet Deluxe Edition' nowhere does it have vol 1 ect on it. That series is toast imo. It's sad really as I loved it.
I will not have people shitting on Mike and Laura Allred in here. Not today, not ever.
So a friend and I were talking and, from a creative perspective, not financial, who would you say is the Marvel equivalent of The Trinity? I was going to say at this point and time. Captain America (Steve Rogers), Iron Man (Tony Stark), and probably Captain Marvel (Carol Danvers)
Tell me Messi, are you also considering a purchase of the Sunstone hardcover coming out this week? I hear it's a pretty good comic. It would be nice if we also had a statue to go with it.
So a friend and I were talking and, from a creative perspective, not financial, who would you say is the Marvel equivalent of The Trinity? I was going to say at this point and time. Captain America (Steve Rogers), Iron Man (Tony Stark), and probably Captain Marvel (Carol Danvers)
Oh wow really? No spoilers, I have vol 3 sitting here, but it totally ties up?
I guess he put this in the back of the last issue: Click
Nah. I would swap Captain Marvel for Thor. Carol ain't primetime yet, as much as Marvel wishes she was. And don't give me the "but Thor's a dude" argument. He's just as pretty as any woman.
Really? Thor? Huh, I wouldn't have thought of that.Steve/Tony/Odinson. In terms of popularity, like if you wanted to put out a book that would be big, I would go Peter/Logan/Deadpool.
Cap, Iron Man, Thor is the Avengers equivalent. Carol is barely a blip on the radar.So a friend and I were talking and, from a creative perspective, not financial, who would you say is the Marvel equivalent of The Trinity? I was going to say at this point and time. Captain America (Steve Rogers), Iron Man (Tony Stark), and probably Captain Marvel (Carol Danvers)
I just excerted all my will power to not jump into that Akira anime OT thread. Whew
Speaking of Akira it's time to double dip on the manga! Pre ordered the box set
And if it gets a digital release I'll Tripple dip!
I bought the hardcover the day preorders started, same for the calendar and will do the same for any statue.
List of books I probably won't read for a while....
Moonshine #6
Finished up Route B last night and I've done 75% of the side quests. I feel like I just finished eating my vegetables and now it's time for the desert! That route c tease has me excited. I should be done with it by this weekend.Dude, where you at in Nier? <///////3
I just excerted all my will power to not jump into that Akira anime OT thread. Whew
Speaking of Akira it's time to double dip on the manga! Pre ordered the box set
And if it gets a digital release I'll Tripple dip!
Let us pray that Otomo grants us a digital release. And frankly you can never have too many copies of Akira!
Growing up outside of the original TMNT series one of the other books my older brother collected was the entire colorized NA release of Akira. I wonder where those are. That's actually how I originally read it.Let us pray that Otomo grants us a digital release. And frankly you can never have too many copies of Akira!
Finished up Route B last night and I've done 75% of the side quests. I feel like I just finished eating my vegetables and now it's time for the desert! That route c tease has me excited. I should be done with it by this weekend.
Oh you're in for dessert alright....I can't even hint lol. Do check in when you're done though...
Didn't they just release Ghost in the Shell in color hardcover too?
Growing up outside of the original TMNT series one of the other books my older brother collected was the entire colorized NA release of Akira. I wonder where those are. That's actually how I originally read it.
Oh you're in for dessert alright....I can't even hint lol. Do check in when you're done though...
They did. But then we have things like Bersek which is on CMX but only in Dutch or whatever. Not via Dark Horse. And Oh my goddess is sort of collected. They need to get the back issues all added.Didn't they just release Ghost in the Shell in color hardcover too?
I honestly have no idea, but it'd make sense with the movie coming out.
They did. But then we have things like Bersek which is on CMX but only in Dutch or whatever. Not via Dark Horse. And Oh my goddess is sort of collected. They need to get the back issues all added.
I'm in the middle of a Route B playthrough. I'll definitely get back to it after I finish with Mass Effect.
Will do! I might go back and finally play the original Nier. I own all his other games but never played them. I even have the Nier soundtrack
I really enjoy the manga. Great art. Fun jolly good times in the story. I need to pick it back up. I used to collect it back when manga would be split into 22 page "comic book" issues and released monthly. Viz also did this with books like Ranma 1/2. It was kind of rough. People have it muuuch better nowYup. They just released 1, 2, and 1.5 as deluxe hardcovers in late February.
I've never read the AMG manga. I've seen the anime TV series and some movies, though.