Takeda drew such an adorable Vampire Jubilee.
She made me ok with VampJubilee for a little bit.
Takeda drew such an adorable Vampire Jubilee.
Takeda drew such an adorable Vampire Jubilee.
Any time I see a character rubbing the head of another Im gonna think of 'you've got a real hawk eye'
I'm watching Paul blart 2, how does it compare?Spectre was.............something. I felt bored towards the end.
I'd probably be more entertained watching Paul Blart 2 than Spectre. Btw, I understand Daniel Craig ranting about the toxic nature of James Bond after seeing this movie. I know Bond likes younger women but c'mon man, it's bad when the main Bond girl looks like she can be his daughter.I'm watching Paul blart 2, how does it compare?
Man, Batman Zero Year is incredible. Just read the part (about a quarter of the way into Dark City, the second Zero Year volume)Excellent writing.where Gordon was telling Batman about his first couple of weeks into his time at Gotham, with the dog fights, and why he still wears that trench coat.
Nope. Going by a reading order that Tizoc (I think) posted.Have you read any TF stuff before now?
I got my statue exchange, yes!
It has a worse paint job than the one i already have, sloppier and the nose has black paint on the tip because why not? The base also wobbles just the first one.
I want Vampy Jublilee back.
I could get my white paint out and paint the nose tip....or keep a chin bump....or get a third statue. It doesn't effect me but the new statue doesn't even fit into it's own base.
Just a heads up for anyone expecting the last issue of Nameless next week, it's going to be delayed. Burnham and his girlfriend had their first kid last night, so it's a good reason for the delay.![]()
sillymonkers, I hate to tell you, but you're never going to get a mass-produced statue that is perfect. You're always going to find some little defect here and there.
But...will Trump at least be president?
I could get my white paint out and paint the nose tip....or keep a chin bump....or get a third statue. It doesn't effect me but the new statue doesn't even fit into it's own base.
sillymonkey, time to cut your losses and liquidate the collection.
Never. All vampires are dead post-Secret Wars. Hey Messi, did you drop Bombshells? I don't see it on your list.It's not on my list, either. I wish I liked it.
Autumnlands Tooth & Claw #7
Walking Dead #148
Wicked + Divine #16
All-New All-Different Avengers #1
All-New Wolverine #1
Darth Vader #12
Secret Wars #7
Ultimates #1
sillymonkers, I hate to tell you, but you're never going to get a mass-produced statue that is perfect. You're always going to find some little defect here and there.
I could get my white paint out and paint the nose tip....or keep a chin bump....or get a third statue. It doesn't effect me but the new statue doesn't even fit into it's own base.
Read the first issue and decided it will read better in trade. forgetting that this is DC and it wont be out until like april and only be 4 issues or some shit.
DC pretty much never collects only 4 single issues in a volume. If you're talking about Bombshells, it will collect 1-6. Although it IS coming ridiculously late (March). Hate that they do that.
Looking through Comixology, is Bombshells a weekly comic? Seems to be based off of the release date.
Why isnt the smoke in her gun?
She's a pacifist and didn't shoot anyone. I didn't bother taking it out of the plastic after seeing the nose.
You seriously have the worst luck lol
DC pretty much never collects only 4 single issues in a volume. If you're talking about Bombshells, it will collect 1-6. Although it IS coming ridiculously late (March). Hate that they do that.
Looking through Comixology, is Bombshells a weekly comic? Seems to be based off of the release date. I'm confused though because like issue 1-3 has the same cover, and it's like that with a bunch of them.
Sillymonkey is surrounded by a gravitational vortex that attracts all of the statues that shouldn't have gotten through QC. He suffers so the rest of us don't have to. Thank you, Sillymonkers.
Hey Messi, DCBS still hasn't put Bombshell Killer Frost up for order, have they? I already ordered Cheetah. I find it odd since they were both revealed at the same time.
She has been up and gone. I have her in my preorders.
What? Seriously?! When!?
Same month as Cheeta, She was under other not DC for some reason.
God dammit.
I have her ordered from BBTS, but it was just as a placeholder. Guess I'm getting her from them.
I think I cut
My finger of
Its bleeding like hell, my kitchen looks like a slaughterhouseFinger count, go!
I think I am the only person who lost a finger on a cheeser cutter.
So, finger in ice for the transport to the hospital? Can I used frozed stuff, too? I dont have Ice vut frozen stuff in the refridgerator
I think I am the only person who lost a finger on a cheeser cutter.
So, finger in ice for the transport to the hospital? Can I used frozed stuff, too? I dont have Ice vut frozen stuff in the refridgerator
OK, I save the ketchup then, too.Do you have a bag of frozen french fries? Just pop it in there. Should be fine.
I think I am the only person who lost a finger on a cheeser cutter.
So, finger in ice for the transport to the hospital? Can I used frozed stuff, too? I dont have Ice vut frozen stuff in the refridgerator