smh at all the people joking about losing a finger. I went to ER once for insufficient hydration, and the most vivid memory I have of that incident waswatching a young woman walk by sobbing, holding a bloody napkin over her hand while her boyfriend tried to comfort her.
Really depends on what finger it is. Index or thumb would fucking suck. Any of the others, you'll get by. Although sometimes you need the middle, as that comes in handy for L2/R2 sometimes depending on controller layout.
Once my father almost cut of his thumb with a axe, it was horrible, we found him just in time to get him to the hospital.
And my uncle cut off his index in a machine.
Guys, I just realized that you could have taken me to serious, even while I wrote the Lizard Serum stuff.
Even while my kitchen really is bloody like hell, I will not go to the ER. I just cut myself.
Guys, I just realized that you could have taken me to serious, even while I wrote the Lizard Serum stuff.
Even while my kitchen really is bloody like hell, I will not go to the ER. I just cut myself.
So.....cancel the spider-man costume i just ordered in order to one day defeat you when you go on a lizard-fueled rampage?
Cancel it and take a "Die Spinne" costume from the one time Spidey and Wolverine were in East Berlin. Then come to germany to beat someone up. Stay true to the canon!So.....cancel the spider-man costume i just ordered in order to one day defeat you when you go on a lizard-fueled rampage?
Yeah, have a little bit blood on my iphone, but I already tried to fix it with pressure. It will be ok, even when it will be horrible to drive again tomorrow.I knew you weren't serious, otherwise you'd be typing on a very bloody keyboard. But if it's bad, I would still consider getting it looked at.
Nightwing Vol. 5: Setting Son
Welp, the mediocrity that has been New 52 Nightwing has ended. I don't know if it's because Kyle Higgins didn't understand the character or what, but it just didn't work. It was inconsistently paced, and a lot of storyline's seemed to be picked up and then dropped. Alas, Grayson is next, so I have a positive horizon ahead. Though, I'll read Forever Evil first, because I'm curious about what exactly happened to Dick, though technically I already know. Plus, I've seen some say that it was actually a good event, despite Trinity War and the tie-ins being shitty.
I had the worst potato chip i ever tasted yesterday, Utz Carolina Style Barbeque. It's what i imagine a urine and vinegar chip would taste like.
Guys, I just realized that you could have taken me to serious, even while I wrote the Lizard Serum stuff.
Even while my kitchen really is bloody like hell, I will not go to the ER. I just cut myself.
I actually shaved and have now a second bleedig wound on my chin (I am stupid, I know)Well if you do go the Lizard serum route GAMEPROFF, make sure you don't turn into the horrible Amazing Spider-Man 2 one.
Hope you're ok and it heals up quick, in all seriousness.
Literally the first Google result for "Utz Carolina Style Barbeque":
Utz Carolina BBQ Chips Are The Most Perfect Potato Chip On Earth
Well now I don't know what to believe.
I miss when Boomerang here actually used to show old cartoons.
I never liked vinegar chips and didn't know what i was getting myself into. I bet there is a high correlation between liking vinegar-ish chips and sniffing comics.
Salt and vinegar crisps are my favourite, and I've never sniffed comics! I'm outraged, good sir, this will not stand!
Trinity War was actually pretty good, I liked it more than Forever Evil and that wasn't bad either.
I actually shaved and have now a second bleedig wound on my chin (I am stupid, I know)
I only sniff word books, and only ones I have purchased with real actual money.
Comics are great, but they lack New Book Smell, which is the greatest of smells. It's probably toxic, but "died from inhaling a leather-bound edition of The Once & Future King" is a great way to go.
Forever Evil had some fun Bizarro stuff. That's the only nice thing I have to say about the writing and art on that event.
We still talk about Sejic's trash around here? Smh.
We still talk about Sejic's trash around here? Smh.
Doesn't #2 come out this week? I should read #1.
I thought it was as well, it's listed on CBR, but Image's own site says the 25th.
Switch #1 was mostly enjoyable, i could do without the Witchblade stuff which is how i felt when the book was announced but it does have Sejic's endearing-character-qualities. Not sure if i'm going to wait for the trade while the book dies or continue monthly while the book dies.
^^^ pro-tip, use paint to fill in the creases.
Nope. Going by a reading order that Tizoc (I think) posted.
It was pretty sick
Walking Dead tv show is boring me a little, the season started strong but then it took a swerve and just sat down on the two plot points happening at the same time.
TWD really is just torture porn and emotional manipulation.
I'm good.
Eh. Crossed is torture porn. Walking Dead has a story to tell. The comic, I mean. The TV series hasn't interested me in some time. Sometimes I flip through Crossed at the comic shop just to see what crazy shit is in there. Though I'm a bit curious to read Alan Moore's Crossed +100 series.
Is that avatar from Overwatch? They lost me so hard by not being F2P. And they're being super-cagey about content offerings.
Seven Soldiers: Zatanna #2 - Love how Morrison makes Zee feel so human through the way she talks.
Supergirl (PAD) #2 - This is really good so far. That page where Kara learns that Linda was into some fucked-up shit was great.