I've been intrigued by this game since it was first shown off. The fake 2D, low framerate animation thing was not working and it looks like they got rid of it for the better. I still wish it was more 3D platformer than beat-'em-up though.
I think she fits the setting.
When someone says something is "woke' its like, it means nothing to me lol
When folks force that argument on every game, it looses more and more meaning.
Double jump is now "woke" lol
By the end of 2025, they'll make this claim about all games...
This looks like an old school PS2 or XB game in terms of its design. (or early PS3 title)
I was wondering the same as I let it waste seconds of my life. That clip in particular is just awful.
I wouldn't say its awful, but its pretty basic.
I want to see a bit more on this game