Rolling Girl

Publisher: XSEED
Developer: Team GrisGris/5pb
Genre: Adventure Horror
Platforms: Playstation Portable, PlayStation Vita (via Backwards Compatibility)
Genre: Adventure Horror
NA: January 15th 2013
EU: January 23rd 2013
Official Website:
Developer: Team GrisGris/5pb
Genre: Adventure Horror
Platforms: Playstation Portable, PlayStation Vita (via Backwards Compatibility)
Genre: Adventure Horror
NA: January 15th 2013
EU: January 23rd 2013
Official Website:

If you knew the fate that you are destined to befall would you change your actions in hopes of salvation,
or would this serve to pull the noose tighter around your neck?
Corpse Party: Book of Shadows is a compilation of eight short stories set before, during and after these
events, "fleshing" out the experience and further developing its characters and mythos alike.
Some chapters take place in an alternate timeline, where characters go into the events of Corpse Party
with foreknowledge of the fates that are destined to befall them, granting them a rare opportunity
to make different decisions and potentially avert their grisly demises.
Other chapters detail events leading up to Corpse Party, providing insight into the minds of some of its
less prominent characters and revealing the influence they may have had in the grand scheme of things
(or the influence it may have had on them).
And the final chapter, available only to those who have either played through the first Corpse Party or
seen every wrong end in Corpse Party: Book of Shadows, details events from approximately two weeks
after the first game's conclusion, delving deeper into the mystery as two characters frantically search for
answers in a location even more cursed and uninviting than Heavenly Host Elementary itself…
or would this serve to pull the noose tighter around your neck?
Corpse Party: Book of Shadows is a compilation of eight short stories set before, during and after these
events, "fleshing" out the experience and further developing its characters and mythos alike.
Some chapters take place in an alternate timeline, where characters go into the events of Corpse Party
with foreknowledge of the fates that are destined to befall them, granting them a rare opportunity
to make different decisions and potentially avert their grisly demises.
Other chapters detail events leading up to Corpse Party, providing insight into the minds of some of its
less prominent characters and revealing the influence they may have had in the grand scheme of things
(or the influence it may have had on them).
And the final chapter, available only to those who have either played through the first Corpse Party or
seen every wrong end in Corpse Party: Book of Shadows, details events from approximately two weeks
after the first game's conclusion, delving deeper into the mystery as two characters frantically search for
answers in a location even more cursed and uninviting than Heavenly Host Elementary itself…

Yui Shishido
What makes this overzealous teacher's assistant tick? Corpse Party: Book of Shadows steps back a few years
and looks at Yui in the past, during her senior year of high school. Back then, she wanted to be a teacher more than
anything... but was she ready for it? Could she handle the responsibility? As an aspiring educator, where did she
turn for help and support when she needed it? And perhaps most importantly... could she survive the deadly curse
of Kisaragi High, or was her role destined to come to a premature end?
What makes this overzealous teacher's assistant tick? Corpse Party: Book of Shadows steps back a few years
and looks at Yui in the past, during her senior year of high school. Back then, she wanted to be a teacher more than
anything... but was she ready for it? Could she handle the responsibility? As an aspiring educator, where did she
turn for help and support when she needed it? And perhaps most importantly... could she survive the deadly curse
of Kisaragi High, or was her role destined to come to a premature end?
Yoshiki Kishinuma
Though impulsive by nature, Yoshiki can be surprisingly level-headed when the situation calls for it, easily serving
as a voice of reason for those around him. His near-obsessive care and concern for Ayumi is what drives him onward,
and he's willing to do whatever it takes to ensure her safety, even at the cost of his own. But in a place like Heavenly
Host, is it really possible to protect another human being, or are one's efforts better spent on self-preservation?
Though impulsive by nature, Yoshiki can be surprisingly level-headed when the situation calls for it, easily serving
as a voice of reason for those around him. His near-obsessive care and concern for Ayumi is what drives him onward,
and he's willing to do whatever it takes to ensure her safety, even at the cost of his own. But in a place like Heavenly
Host, is it really possible to protect another human being, or are one's efforts better spent on self-preservation?
Satoshi Mochida
A doting brother, good friend, attentive student and all-around honorable individual, Satoshi is also a bit of a wuss
(a fact which he himself readily admits). As a result of these personality traits, he's generally among the first people
others look to as a leader, but the last person who should ever be given that role. And of course, when the time loop
occurs, he's the only one who fully remembers all the events yet to come.
Can he keep his friends out of harm's way, or will his meekness affect his credibility?
A doting brother, good friend, attentive student and all-around honorable individual, Satoshi is also a bit of a wuss
(a fact which he himself readily admits). As a result of these personality traits, he's generally among the first people
others look to as a leader, but the last person who should ever be given that role. And of course, when the time loop
occurs, he's the only one who fully remembers all the events yet to come.
Can he keep his friends out of harm's way, or will his meekness affect his credibility?
Naomi Nakashima
Haunted by feelings of deja vu, Naomi seems to know bits and pieces of the harrowing events that are destined
to occur within Heavenly Host Elementary School. Determined to find some way of changing fate and preventing
these tragedies from coming to pass, she must learn to suppress her own dark urges and control her inner demons,
before it's too late.
Haunted by feelings of deja vu, Naomi seems to know bits and pieces of the harrowing events that are destined
to occur within Heavenly Host Elementary School. Determined to find some way of changing fate and preventing
these tragedies from coming to pass, she must learn to suppress her own dark urges and control her inner demons,
before it's too late.
Seiko Shinohara
For longer than she can recall, Seiko has harbored feelings deeper than mere friendship for her bosom(ed) buddy
Naomi, but has chosen to suppress them in order to support Naomi's wishes and dreams for the future. Once the
nature of Heavenly Host becomes clear, however, Seiko realizes that her time on this earth may be limited, and
she must decide whether to come clean or continue living a lie...
For longer than she can recall, Seiko has harbored feelings deeper than mere friendship for her bosom(ed) buddy
Naomi, but has chosen to suppress them in order to support Naomi's wishes and dreams for the future. Once the
nature of Heavenly Host becomes clear, however, Seiko realizes that her time on this earth may be limited, and
she must decide whether to come clean or continue living a lie...
Mayu Suzumoto
Unconsciously aware of the grisly end that fate has in store for her, Mayu embarks on a desperate search for her
classmate and "rock," Morishige. Always struggling to stay one step ahead of certain death, Mayu's justified paranoia
and careful planning help her reunite with old friends, and even make new ones. But the clock is ticking, and there
are only so many places she can run before whoever (or whatever) is pursuing her finally catches up...
Unconsciously aware of the grisly end that fate has in store for her, Mayu embarks on a desperate search for her
classmate and "rock," Morishige. Always struggling to stay one step ahead of certain death, Mayu's justified paranoia
and careful planning help her reunite with old friends, and even make new ones. But the clock is ticking, and there
are only so many places she can run before whoever (or whatever) is pursuing her finally catches up...
Ayumi Shinozaki
Ayumi is perhaps more in danger than anyone else in Heavenly Host due to her natural receptiveness to spiritual energy.
If she's not careful, she could become so deeply and completely possessed that her own soul would be lost forever --
and there's no telling what might take its place. Her only hope for salvation lies in the friendships she's forged with her
classmates... but will that be enough?
Ayumi is perhaps more in danger than anyone else in Heavenly Host due to her natural receptiveness to spiritual energy.
If she's not careful, she could become so deeply and completely possessed that her own soul would be lost forever --
and there's no telling what might take its place. Her only hope for salvation lies in the friendships she's forged with her
classmates... but will that be enough?
Yuka Mochida
Satoshi's little sister, Yuka is not unlike a spoiled princess, always getting her way and depending on her big brother for
absolutely everything. When separated from Satoshi and forced to act on her own for the first time in her life, however,
Yuka has only two options: take charge and survive, or panic and perish under Heavenly Host's many deadly torments.
Does she have what it takes, or is this destined to be her last stand?
Satoshi's little sister, Yuka is not unlike a spoiled princess, always getting her way and depending on her big brother for
absolutely everything. When separated from Satoshi and forced to act on her own for the first time in her life, however,
Yuka has only two options: take charge and survive, or panic and perish under Heavenly Host's many deadly torments.
Does she have what it takes, or is this destined to be her last stand?

Sakutaro Morishige
In the real world, Morishige is a loner. He's a stage actor for whom no one cheers, and a man with no real tact or social graces.
A lifetime of this has made him an introvert, and as far as he's concerned, his only real friend in the world is Mayu, who regards
him just as strongly as he regards her. But without Mayu around, Morishige is forced to find comfort wherever he can... even if
it means obsessing over the dead while ignoring the living...

Unlike the previous game you have point and click game-play in Book of Shadows. Explore Heavenly Host
thoroughly and found your way out.
thoroughly and found your way out.

"Darkening" system emphasizes the need to keep calm since you gradually become frightened and unstable,
distorting the game's graphics and altering their decision-making abilities.
distorting the game's graphics and altering their decision-making abilities.