Finally just finished playing this through with my almost-8-year-old on the weekend. She really got into it, though she got stuck in a couple of places (she's slowly learning the videogaming mantra "talk to everyone, knock on every door, open every chest") and I had to do a couple of the tougher battles (especially the very last one, though I suspect she would've been able to win it with a bit of luck). We're missing one of the pieces for the vampire costume, but have all the others.
I gotta say though with the pedigree of the developers they make some pretty fundamental no-twinkie mistakes:
- long unskippable cutscenes before the boss battles which lose any charm on the third repeat and become highly irritating after the tenth (and I suspect contribute strongly to my daughter giving up on the last battle)
- dialog that either runs at its own speed (slightly too fast for a young'un to read sometimes) OR needs X pressed to continue - why not the latter *always*?
Other than that it's such an awesome game; so accessible to kids. I'd love to see more games with the same mechanics.
And Anthem wins as the best ever special ability ever. And I'm not even American