The Lamonster
There are achievements in Resident Evil 4 so they could be in Crysis.IOnEI Falcon said:So no achievements right since it is Games on Demand?
There are achievements in Resident Evil 4 so they could be in Crysis.IOnEI Falcon said:So no achievements right since it is Games on Demand?
Metal-Geo said:Far Cry really had the problem of 'first half awesome, second half shite'. Not sure why so many people have the second half of Crysis. I really thought it varied the gameplay a little. Took you away from the jungle for once as well. If anything, the second half prevented the game from becoming stale and boring for me.
T-0800 said:Was that ever confirmed to be true?
Speedymanic said:It probably won't have a platinum trophy. Don't get your hopes up folks.
I think the achievements were leaked already in the last thread, one of them was "Can it run Crysis?" again I'm sure.IOnEI Falcon said:So no achievements right since it is Games on Demand?
Snuggler said:Way too big.
Even if there is some cut content, it'll probably be the same size as many retail games. Unless Crytech are wizards, it'll be around 5GB or more.
Sleep Arrest said:Wait, so will it cost me $19.99 plus my states sales tax? Or will me buying 1600 MS points simply get me the game?
No way am I letting MS use my credit card again.... and I really don't want to buy $50 worth of MS points for Crysis and RE4.
*thread hijack* Sorry, just confused.
Snuggler said:Kinda confusing quote. For it to be "factual", it would have to be based on "technical specifications", not preference or taste or whatever. It's probably just a translation thing, though.
Too bad they won't be releasing the remake on PC. I'd consider paying $20 for it even though I own old Crysis. I might check it out on PS3 but it won't be the same without kb/m controls.
Heavy's Sandvich said:Have they ruled out KB/M for ps3? Could still happen!
madmackem said:So im in the uk im going to have to pay 1840 ms points for this aint i.
Same. After you're done with the shooting, you have to fly to the aircraft carrier IIRC. That gives you a chance to freeroam the island from the air at dawn. Very atmospheric.Zenith said:I loved Ascension.
Well, he is kind of right. Not in terms of technical specifications( resolution, AA, fps) but in terms of better lighting, TOD and possibly water, it looked better than Crysis 2 in short footage I watched, amazing.Kibbles said:
Cevat Yerli: "I want to be clear: when I say the console versions look better than Crysis on PC, I mean that as a factual thing, not in terms of technical specifications."
I don't want to start a screenshot war like in the other threads, I just quoted to show their confidence in how this is turning out.
Heavy's Sandvich said:Why would you pay more being in the UK?
It's going to be 1600 points.
Heavy's Sandvich said:Why would you pay more being in the UK?
It's going to be 1600 points.
The Lamonster said:I can't wait for tomorrow! Actually it's probably going to be a huge download. Maybe I should say I can't wait for Wednesday!
Any idea on the file size for the 360 version?
kassatsu said:It is Games on Demand
usually like 2am PST on XBLStallion Free said:Where the fuck is my achievements list MS?
Also, what time will this go up?
MikeE21286 said:aka " we don't have to release a demo for it " that's why.
I guess at least it gets 1000 Achievements. I'd rather have a demo personally.
specialguy said:Err no, XBLA games are limited to 2GB.
MikeE21286 said:Seems like a meaningless and arbitrary restriction.
Shadow of the BEAST said:willl there be a demo on psn?
Its because XBLA games are stored in one big container file. Xbox 360 uses Fat 32, so the maximum one of those files can be is 2GB. Yes, theres probably ways they can work around it but to keep it simple they've left the limit at 2GB. With Games on Demand my guess is that they are just dumping the game files directly onto the HDD instead of putting them in a container file. I have no knowledge of this, just speculating but seems like thats why Games on Demand don't have a limit.MikeE21286 said:Seems like a meaningless and arbitrary restriction.
More GB = more value?
Yep. This is one of the things that disappoint me. If it wasn't for the PS3 logo showing up in the trailer at the end and them mentioning it in the press release you'd think it was 360 only.Infinite Justice said:will they even show the fucking game running on PS3?
Infinite Justice said:will they even show the fucking game running on PS3?
It's four years old? 2011 may be the best year for major releases this console generation, is it really surprising that a game from 2007 is not getting the spotlight? Dark Souls, Batman, Skyward Sword, and Skyrim are all around the corner. The gaming press is preoccupied.Wonko_C said:What's up with the lack of press pre-release hype? Is this thing on an embargo or something? No reviews, no new videos, it even feels like it's not coming out tomorrow.![]()
specialguy said:It's technical in nature as far as I know (something arcane to do with file systems or the like).
Although MS should have had the foresight to realize even 2GB would be a hindrance one day, and designed XBLA to allow full size games. But that's another story. Considering the initial XBLA game size limit was 50MB, they probably never thought about it.
infinityBCRT said:Its because XBLA games are stored in one big container file. Xbox 360 uses Fat 32, so the maximum one of those files can be is 2GB. Yes, theres probably ways they can work around it but to keep it simple they've left the limit at 2GB. With Games on Demand my guess is that they are just dumping the game files directly onto the HDD instead of putting them in a container file. I have no knowledge of this, just speculating but seems like thats why Games on Demand don't have a limit.
lowrider007 said:Strange how little hype there is for this release, one of the PC's best and most technically revered shooter is coming out tomorrow for the consoles and nobody seems to care :-\, I completed this on the PC numerous amounts of times and I can't wait until this is released, I'm counting the hours.
I'm super hyped, I just wish it had come out a couple weeks before when I had nothing really to play. This week people are getting hit hard (Rage, Dark Souls etc).lowrider007 said:Strange how little hype there is for this release, one of the PC's best and most technically revered shooter is coming out tomorrow for the consoles and nobody seems to care :-\, I completed this on the PC numerous amounts of times and I can't wait until this is released, I'm counting the hours.