Fixd... This kind of marketing ... sheesh.Radec said:Cool super sampled pc screenshots.
Fixd... This kind of marketing ... sheesh.Radec said:Cool super sampled pc screenshots.
Snuggler said:It'll probably play good with a pad, though, it's just a matter of preference for me.
->Crytek has also made many improvements to Crysis, including integrating the Nanosuit controls from Crysis 2 that has helped make that game one of the biggest blockbusters of 2011
What exactly does that mean, anyway?evil solrac v3.0 said:console folk, play the whole, it's great from start to finish. ignore the parrots spewing the same tired trope. shame about taking out a whole level, i can already see the game gimped. also :
completely disagree that it makes the game better. double shame.
abracadaver said:Are there respawning enemies in crysis or can you completely clear a level ?
No respawning, but there are cases where a guy uses a flare and that spawns some units. Also every single object position is tracked in the save file. In some levels i made a parking lot with all the vehicles in the same place. Too bad the enemies vanish because it would have been prettty cool to stash every single body in the same place like a trophy room.abracadaver said:Are there respawning enemies in crysis or can you completely clear a level ?
The Lamonster said:What exactly does that mean, anyway?
And yes, taking out that flight level is so retarded.
evil solrac v3.0 said:I mean the fact that so many like to repeat the same thing, "first half great, stop playing second half" I suspect more than a few people didn't actually play the game and are just going by what someone else said.
evil solrac v3.0 said:I mean the fact that so many like to repeat the same thing, "first half great, stop playing second half" I suspect more than a few people didn't actually play the game and are just going by what someone else said.
The second half of Crysis is a lot like all of Crysis 2.evil solrac v3.0 said:I mean the fact that so many like to repeat the same thing, "first half great, stop playing second half" I suspect more than a few people didn't actually play the game and are just going by what someone else said.
Crunched said:The second half of Crysis is a lot like all of Crysis 2.
Straight push forward through linear levels.Alxjn said:Not really. It's not at all like Crysis 2.
Pc version could save anywhere, not sure if this release is using a checkpoint system or what. Don't think it's been mentioned.Guy Legend said:Never played this outside a PC demo a long time ago.
What's the save system the game? Can it be played in short fragments or are there save spots like Far Cry 2?
Crunched said:Straight push forward through linear levels.
Wider corridors don't make it more open IMO. I'm talking level design. Crysis 1 first half is all multi-objective, "do this if you want" gameplay, not "here is your waypoint."Alxjn said:Crysis 2's levels are far more open than the second half of C1. The second half of C1 doesn't even have enemies that make using the suit even remotely beneficial or fun.
Would you be able to leave your 360 on and purchase the game from the Marketplace online if it doesn't come out on time?Guts Of Thor said:Anyone know when exactly this comes out? I have to be at work at 4:15am so It would be nice to let it download while I'm at work.
ukresistance said:Should we be worried?
The game should be ready to download in less than 2 hours. There has been no reviews, no advertising, except one trailer and I even hear it has no achievements/trophies. No Demo to try and limited previews.
What the fuck is going on?
ukresistance said:Should we be worried?
The game should be ready to download in less than 2 hours. There has been no reviews, no advertising, except one trailer and I even hear it has no achievements/trophies. No Demo to try and limited previews.
What the fuck is going on?
Is it up? I also live in Europeabracadaver said:This should be up soon. 2,5 hours left no ?
I'm at work, so if you get it I'd be happy for some quick feeback like controls and framerate etc.abracadaver said:Not yet. 30 minutes left![]()
ResidentDante said:I'm at work, so if you get it I'd be happy for some quick feeback like controls and framerate etc.![]()
abracadaver said:Where did you hear this ? Every 360 game has to have achievements. Its not an option for developers to include them. I wouldnt worry about that
There's nothing like some hard earned gaming holiday. I'm thinking of doing one soon to catch up on all the titles rushing out before christmasabracadaver said:I will download as soon as its up
Took this day off just to play crysis![]()
It just means it's not out yet. Clam down.ukresistance said:Just a rumour from a friend that it had nothing. So I looked at that site, 360 Achievements yesterday and again just a minute ago. It still has nothing. From reading some of the comments, it sounds strange. As this has never ever happened before. It already has the full list of Skyrim achievements which isn't out for over a month. This is normal from what I can tell.
Add that to no reviews or demo and i'm unsure of the quality of this game. It's 1840msp in the UK. It does not need to be 'fucktasticly awesome'. Just better than Crysis 2 and that includes performance and glitches too.
ukresistance said:Just a rumour from a friend that it had nothing. So I looked at that site, 360 Achievements yesterday and again just a minute ago. It still has nothing. From reading some of the comments, it sounds strange. As this has never ever happened before. It already has the full list of Skyrim achievements which isn't out for over a month. This is normal from what I can tell.
Add that to no reviews or demo and i'm unsure of the quality of this game. It's 1840msp in the UK. It does not need to be 'fucktasticly awesome'. Just better than Crysis 2 and that includes performance and glitches too.
Not quite, clicking on "buy game" doesn't do anything just yet.abracadaver said:Its up on the link you posted
You think you got it bad? I wanted to buy it, and then go to It's taking much longer than I thought it would. zzzabracadaver said:This is taking way too long. Ive clicked the buy link like 100 times now.
I wanted to start the download and then go and buy something to eat while it downloads. Guess I will buy food now and hope it works when I get back