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CYBERPUNK 2077 |OT2| The Last Samurai [>56K Warning_]


The neon wall art in the gay bar is awesome and hilarious and reminds me of Bruce Nauman’s sculptures.

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so what's the best way of making money legitimately

Try doing the blue quest markers. Lot's eddies and good equipment scattered around these missions.

Avoid the auto scrapper perk because you'll often find jewelry worth $700+ that you can sell. Scrapping it renders it nearly useless.

Get the perk that increases money and components earned through datamining. Invest in a good deck asap. Vik sells a purple one for about 12K that gives you plenty of buffers and ram. The more buffers, the better your chances of getting money from datamining access points.
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I dont mind spoilers, so I've seen the "secret ending"

And holly fuck. It's awesome.

Unfortunately, its has some shitty requirements so most people wont experience it, which is a shame

Please, if you are loving the game, google the requirements. You have to experience it.

I'm early on in the story, and I'm glad that I saw it (just the begining) so I can meet the requirements for it

Its REALLY obtuse


Okay I went back and replayed the ending to see if the items and xp I gained would magically be there post completion and unfortunately not. Here's a list of what I'm missing going through the Nomad ending:

Amnesty iconic weapon
V's new leggings
V's muddy sneakers
V's black tank top


so what's the best way of making money legitimately

Try doing the blue quest markers. Lot's eddy's and good equipment scattered around these missions.

Avoid the auto scrapper perk because you'll often find jewelry worth $700+ that you can sell. Scrapping it renders it nearly useless.

Get the perk that increases money and components earned through datamining. Invest in a good deck asap. Vik sells a purple one for about 12K that gives you plenty of buffers and ram. The more buffers, the better your chances of getting money from datamining access points.

There are some "semi" or "quasi" legitimate options alos you can consider:

Although I woud add that despite that its likely an oversight and and not technically a glitch, the healing item that raises health over time when broken down actaully give you more compenents back than it takes to craft.....about 20% more....even those incredibly poor at math can see that 5 or 10 minutes of crafting this item in the early game gets you some options quickly. I thought this would be the first to get patched out but still worked the last tiime I tried it (admittedly a few days ago now.) Maybe the developers want people to craft and find secrets like this. It takes too long to become rich this way, but an extra 10-20K at the start of the game goes a long way.

Speaking of breaking things down....you get a crapload of money for the materials you break down junk from...dont be afraid to sell the the green one especially...its like gold to shop owners but of course you can alsways get more quickly as there is so much junk everywhere. Im not even sure its worth crafing something with the purpose of selling it for money?!?!? Just sell the material itself?

Also, although technically not a way to make money, but rather to SAVE money you can find some of the thigns you might want to feel liek you shoud pay people big $$$ for lying around the world for free. For example, dont buy the monowire or legendary mantis blades. You can get these right from the start of the game just lyiing in virtually ungaurded containers. I didnt want to be spoiled so I only asked for hints for what city etc. and found the mantis blades on my own...earned my 100K in less time than it would have to do the blue missions LOL. Also if you want to use smart weapons you need a cyber implant. If you do a certain quest from Makoka on jig jig street she will give you a fancy tatoo for free as a bonus on a mission that does the same things as the implant. Saves another 9k. even a little "Extra" exploring can get you really good free gear. Rooftops, abandoned shacks and buildings, back rooms, all have good stuff and the harder you try to get somewhere you are not suposed to be, the better the loot. Anyplace you think would be a good place for a sniper usually has some sniper loot around there somewhere!

Finally, if you need more money faster and want to do it legit, I have been caught going to areas I have no business being in at such low level and would get slaughtered if I tried to fight. Instead I key on the police evidence item, stealth in and out if possible, and just high tail it out of there once acquired...sometime you die but sometime you make it!
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Game continues to amaze. I am loving hacking. In fact it was likely the only way I made it past a mission that completely strips you of all your gear. I had to hack my way out. And holy shit, I came across a hack that makes the enemy kill themselves. Some of my hacks are nearly insta kill, but that one is something to see. Works well against those scary militech bots.

The side missions really are the meat of the game. I enjoy the main story and I guess I am about done with it. I got the "point of no return" warning. So I am running around having fun, for a man that is short on time. So much variety and some really good writing.

SF Kosmo

I dont mind spoilers, so I've seen the "secret ending"

And holly fuck. It's awesome.

Unfortunately, its has some shitty requirements so most people wont experience it, which is a shame

Please, if you are loving the game, google the requirements. You have to experience it.

I'm early on in the story, and I'm glad that I saw it (just the begining) so I can meet the requirements for it

Its REALLY obtuse
This is the ending I got, just not knowing anything about anything.


I like grimes in there though i thought i thought it will be some visuals as well like on some screen could be playing some visuals like her music video for this game was. I think its fits pretty well with that weird high pitch voice..
But lizzy wizzy its like her anyway.
Still no performances in game? Like so many screens that show adds there they could show some like music videos
And music is for everyone taste i dont like all music that is in game thats why we can just pick radio station for ourselfs.
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imo the Girlfriend Reviews review is nicely sympathetic to both devs and players

I watched that review, but no one actually knows "who" is at fault for the disastrous state of the game in certain aspects (whether it's the console versions or the glitches or the half-baked poor features like the wanted system). So I can't even agree with anyone who paints a picture of "good guy devs versus evil corporate suits who ruined their work".

Who knows? Maybe a dev or two screwed-up & did a bad job? It's not unheard of (see Mass Effect Andromeda for example which absolutely was plagued by very inconsistent work). Unless someone had a front row seat at CDPR (& isn't being dishonest), the reason "why" the game was in the state it was when released is anyone's guess.


If you are having issues with shooting in the game, try changing your POV settings. I maxed out mine on PC and it really helped me to feel the combat better. I've played a lot of different games over the years, including first-person view, but I never had to worry about POV... until this game. It's just too zoomed in and I assume it is to improve performance. If you have any issues (headache, uncomfortable, etc.), then try maxing out POV and see how it plays. Helped me a lot and I couldn't understand what's wrong with the game at first.


I'm curious to know how many choice you have in the finale if you do everything right with all the quest, for example i only have 3

panam and the nomads, the harasaka porcelain bitch and letting john and rogue do the thing

How many choice do you have guys? (in spoiler of course)
  • Game felt too short. I realize that I was going for a fast play through but even then, I wanted more. Can be seen as a pro and con tbh, doesn't overstay it's welcome if you don't want but still feels like something is missing

That would be a huge plus if it wasn't for this stupid unskippable bullshit. I'm talking braindance. It's not fun. It's not creative. It's not interesting. There should be a skip button added if you beaten the game once.
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Reactions: KO7


Did people notice they patched in the romance with Meredith Stout? I remember when the game came out people were writing you can only romance her as a male.


Rodent Whores
High single shot damage revolver + silencer + headshot perks + crit chance + crit damage + Mass Vulnerability Breach Protocol Daemon + Sonic Shock + Reboot Optics is my new favorite combination. I can tear through mobs incredibly quickly without alerting anyone. Critical headshots are fucking amazing.


Anyone managed to do the Getting Warmer gig in Japantown? It's probably going to prevent me from obtaining the platinum, because it was presumably fixed in 1.05 patch already and it's still not unlocking for me (I don't get the call from the fixer and the building is locked). There are tons of people with the same problem and I'm definitely not replaying the game from the start to get a chance for the platinum.
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Anyone managed to do the Getting Warmer gig in Japantown? It's probably going to prevent me from obtaining the platinum, because it was presumably fixed in 1.05 patch already and it's still not unlocking for me (I don't get the call from the fixer and the building is locked). There are tons of people with the same problem and I'm definitely not replaying the game from the start to get a chance for the platinum.
If it's broken on your save I'm afraid that patch will not help here. Maybe try glitching through the door using the car method? Maybe once you're inside it will work for you.
Spoiler related to mission Chippin' In - mind blown

I'm actually mind-blow that you can do it. After you finish the mission and visit Johnny's "grave" you will find his hand in your backpack. You can actually click on it to equip it and you will see it on your character as this holographic projection. It looks super cool.




What do the 3 "percentages" in the "I" menu represent? "Edgerunner" "You Live Only Once" and "Down to the Wire"
I might be wrong on all of this but this is the general gist I got while playing. First one is map completion if i'm not mistaken doing quests and stuff makes it go up maybe it's tied to street cred as well. Second one is how much Johnny likes you and the third is tied to the main quest progression. They don't increase in a fluid way so it can go from like 40% to almost full except for the first one. Each one of them upgrades the description of it depending on how further along you are so Edgerunner becomes Legend when you reach the epilogue.
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Gold Member
What do the 3 "percentages" in the "I" menu represent? "Edgerunner" "You Live Only Once" and "Down to the Wire"
They're supposed to be progress bars related to your Street cred, the Johnny situation and your main story progress, but they're impossible to use as a reliable indicator as to how many hours you have left.


If it's broken on your save I'm afraid that patch will not help here. Maybe try glitching through the door using the car method? Maybe once you're inside it will work for you.
I will keep hope that the devs will add the option to restart this gig in one of the future patches. I've tried going back to 10+ hours old saves and I already had that icon on the map. Maybe I drove past it early in the game and the bugged gig triggered.


meatman huh ... would be nice to catch him

shame that all police work its just shoot all bad guys ..done. its no like detective work or anything like look for clues solve murder stuff.. yes you scan and serach for clues on psycho's but after you done them a lot they all same style.

is it true that if you take down people in stealth as grap them you dont get weapons in loot ? as they not yet took their weapons, i think i only get loot from them clothes no ? so most loot you get from shooting everyone blowing them to peaces. thats best loot thing i think. if you think of it more, like mission where they tell you go silently into club and just kill one bad guy ... hmm but all that loot that is on those guards there.. nahhh just shoot everyone there and take all loot. Profit !!
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Gold Member
Okay so guys help me out here. I really wanna wrap up the main quest, but I have some questionsbecause there's a point of no return [I hate that shit in open world games].

If I finish all the big sidequests [Judy / Panam] and then move on to finish the main quest, is that all I need to get all the proper endings? And after that I get warrped back to a certain point so I can finish the random gigs at my own leasure, right?

The big sidequests have an impact on the endings, the random gigs don't?

I kinda need a roadmap I guess, lol


Wanted to maybe start Stealth/Tech build, but went back to my Solo. Just need to find a nice blue Heavy Cannon to craft.

Most of fun perks are actually fairly underwhelming, it’s in the Hacking and Stealth tree you realise nobody tested this stuff 😅


Try doing the blue quest markers. Lot's eddies and good equipment scattered around these missions.

Avoid the auto scrapper perk because you'll often find jewelry worth $700+ that you can sell. Scrapping it renders it nearly useless.

Get the perk that increases money and components earned through datamining. Invest in a good deck asap. Vik sells a purple one for about 12K that gives you plenty of buffers and ram. The more buffers, the better your chances of getting money from datamining access points.
shoot shoot shoot, loot loot loot , sell sell sell. but seriously do all blue icons on map that is some activity and yellow ones that is not main mission , just do those .. loot everyone, sell stuff you dont need .
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Got charged jump - I do not understand why you get Smart interface as a quest reward, but not this. This should literally be given to player in the first 5 hours of the game.


Okay so guys help me out here. I really wanna wrap up the main quest, but I have some questionsbecause there's a point of no return [I hate that shit in open world games].

If I finish all the big sidequests [Judy / Panam] and then move on to finish the main quest, is that all I need to get all the proper endings? And after that I get warrped back to a certain point so I can finish the random gigs at my own leasure, right?

The big sidequests have an impact on the endings, the random gigs don't?

I kinda need a roadmap I guess, lol
Only the bigger side quests might unlock different ending options, gigs are more for money/xp and rarer items.
Panam and Johnny's Chippin In questlines to be more specific the rest i don't think gives more options but i'm not 100% sure


Okay so guys help me out here. I really wanna wrap up the main quest, but I have some questionsbecause there's a point of no return [I hate that shit in open world games].

If I finish all the big sidequests [Judy / Panam] and then move on to finish the main quest, is that all I need to get all the proper endings? And after that I get warrped back to a certain point so I can finish the random gigs at my own leasure, right?

The big sidequests have an impact on the endings, the random gigs don't?

I kinda need a roadmap I guess, lol
I think you answered yourself as you done all those side quests and gigs thats all you need. But if you wanna do all other icons on map you might just do that then before main mission i mean why do it after ? For me main mission was for end . Its not spoiler i think that you wont go back to map after last mission to frer roam again as you in some gta lets say or watch dogs. This is not same


man the more I progres the main story its such a shame the bugs at release killed so much of the hype and the state of the base consoles made cyberpunk get on the hate train by gamers. The main story is so interessting fuck, you meet so many cool characters!! I dont give a shit the world is not alive with crazy good ai's or I cant get to a hairdresser lol. Experiencing this story is just like going true last of us story or ghost of tsushima. You play to meet the characters, to find out what happens next. But also.. A game like ghost of tsushima did not get destoryed so much for not having a open world with loads of stuff to do. There is almost nothing to do in ghost of tsushima other then following foxes, kil people or following a bird. But I think this game just suffered from marketing that made it seem like gta, and people expecting something like gta open world

Maiden Voyage

Gold™ Member
I'm out of side ops at the moment except the beat the brat ones (which I suck at and will wait to do). Are there any missable ones if I go headlong into Act 3?


Does anyone else get a really quick white flash sometimes while playing? Kinda hard to explain. Playing on PC, 3080, up to date drivers etc. Not really annoying cause it aint that frequent but still it’s strange.


I feel like a neon-haired Batman at times, playing games with the gangers, picking them off one by one and listen to them trying to sound tough while I sneak up with Mantis blades behind them. OK a murderous neon-haired Batman, with a sniper rifle.


I absolutely love the look of the city, especially at night. It's the first game where I think that a raytracing-capable GPU might be a good idea after all...


Also love the fact that Judy keeps texting after her dedicated questline ends, including silly drunk texts in the middle of the night. This is something I always found so odd in Bioware games, once the romance-questline is complete they just sit at their desk or calibrate some shit and don't have any other dialogue options. That said, a bit more would have been nice, but I think the way CP handles the "romance" is a step in the right direction.

I’ve probably only spent about 30 minutes in total driving, so I can’t say for sure that the radio stations are underwhelming, but from what I’ve heard so far, the radio stations are underwhelming lol.

Unless if I have to go really far, I spend more time walking, I absolutely love soaking in every bit of this city, every alleyway, street, shop, rooftop, I love it.
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