Yeah it's way more comparable to something like Fallout or even Deus Ex than GTA.why do people insist on comparing Cyberpunk to GTA or RDR? CP2077 is an action rpg, compare it to other open world games in its genre
If you're playing this game with a mini map on, you doing yourself a disservice. Turn that shit off, get immersed.Don't know if it's been posted but you can FINALY change the awful minimap on PC thx to modding:
Because CDPR hyped their game up that way.why do people insist on comparing Cyberpunk to GTA or RDR? CP2077 is an action rpg, compare it to other open world games in its genre
They literally said their world will be the most immersive. 1000 unique NPC day and night life cycles. Your choices will impact the world. Even ads will be magically tailored to you.
Its in the demo thing I think. I also saw young Rippa refrence it.Where? I only ask because I know for a fact that the bolded/underlined one came from a German interview where they compared the NPC daily routines to The Witcher 3, which is entirely fair.
Because CDPR hyped their game up that way.
They literally said their world will be the most immersive. 1000 unique NPC day and night life cycles. Your choices will impact the world. Even ads will be magically tailored to you.
CDPR would have been better served to just focus on saying the story will be amazing and fun and the graphics on PC will blow you away. Instead they wanted to play with the big boys and tried to pretend that Night City was going to be the greatest open world in gaming history.
When you over hype and under deliver your going to piss off people.
Its a shame because if you took away all the hype and lies from CDPR its a fun game with great sandbox gameplay.
Its in the demo thing I think. I also saw young Rippa refrence it.
I dont think we should deny CDPR over hype.
They would have been wiser to focus more on the story and graphics to hype. More Keanu and more ray tracing hype.
Sell the game as the best looking star powered story where you live in a future and bang hot gals and dudes.
The open world is a total after thought.
If they hyped it that way there wouldnt be a huge backlash against the game. No one would expect the next GTA. They would just expect a cinematic story game with a big hollywood star.
In fairness if you watch those old demos, like 99% of that shit is indeed in the game. I don't think they totally Molynauxed this game to be something it wasn't, even if there were some cut features along the way.Because CDPR hyped their game up that way.
They literally said their world will be the most immersive. 1000 unique NPC day and night life cycles. Your choices will impact the world. Even ads will be magically tailored to you.
CDPR would have been better served to just focus on saying the story will be amazing and fun and the graphics on PC will blow you away. Instead they wanted to play with the big boys and tried to pretend that Night City was going to be the greatest open world in gaming history.
When you over hype and under deliver your going to piss off people.
Its a shame because if you took away all the hype and lies from CDPR its a fun game with great sandbox gameplay.
In the first gameplay reveal trailer from 2018. Timestamped for you:Where? I only ask because I know for a fact that the bolded/underlined one came from a German interview where they compared the NPC daily routines to The Witcher 3, which is entirely fair.
“Dont get the hate.” He didn’t play on consoles I see.
How dense you must be in order to still dont understand that at least 60% of the players playing the game are doing so on last gen consoles, and therefore, are having a different experience?I’m playing on PS5 and aside from the crashing, which is common on every platform, the game is amazing, visual bugs here and there, but oh no a floating cigarette it’s the worst game ever.
In the first gameplay reveal trailer from 2018. Timestamped for you:
The city’s streets are bustling with crowds of people from all facets of life, all living their lives, with a full day and night cycle.
In reality there's no day and night cycle and NPCs have no life. They don't exist outside of your camera view.
There are actually 2 different types of NPCs: static and moving. Moving just pop in and out based on your camera position. If you move your camera fast enough you can see NPCs changing as you look the other way. Static just, well, stand in one place and have pre-defined animations. They will be in the same spot regardless of time of day.
The Witcher 3 was much better in this regard.
No. But it doesn't help a game if I can shoot 12 Voodoo Boys NPCs standing in 3 different spots only to run around the block, return and find the exact same NPCs standing in the exact same spot EVERY SINGLE TIME.Do you honestly even for an instant think THAT's what makes Witcher 3 good?
I'm the biggest Cyberpunk fanboy on this forum
It's interesting how many fenced off inaccessible areas there are on the map, the island on the west with the space port, the badlands to the north, and the walled off parts of Pacifica. I get the sense that these were cut for the sale of DLC than time and I am interested to see what they do with them if that turns out to be the case. I was wondering if they were gonna give us a whole new city like Blood and Wine or just flesh out the one we have. It seems like there is plenty of room for the latter.
In fairness if you watch those old demos, like 99% of that shit is indeed in the game. I don't think they totally Molynauxed this game to be something it wasn't, even if there were some cut features along the way.
And if you're looking to cut scope and figure out where to put your resources, shit like NPC's buying groceries, cookies on billboards, and cop bribery are gonna be pretty high on the list. These things are set dressing, not part of the core game. It seems disingenuous to me when people point to these as serious omissions that break the game.
Was The Witcher 3's open world "a total after thought?"
It had about the same level of interactivity as Cyberpunk. Less, in fact, but it's hailed as the greatest game of the generation by many and praised for setting a new standard for open world RPGs that has been copied by a variety of games.
Just a heads up, that poison perk doesn't work with contagion. I believe contagion does chemical damage.Yup, INT was the first stat I boosted to 20 back in my 30s and that shit was bonkers. I got a legendary cyberdeck that decreases upload time by 75% and spreads ultimate quickhacks to one other nearby target which is insane. I can wipe out an entire mob that's just chillin' in 2 seconds with one breach protocol and contagion. I can see everyone in a building before I even go inside and incapacitate everyone there in less than a minute lol. This is on hard difficulty too. I'm almost maxed out COOL as well, and the increases to poison damage with the stealth tree can make this even more devastating.
First time I told him the truth, the second playthrough I hid it. Jefferson is in a much better state if you tell him it was just his rival for mayors seat.So what did everyone choose at "Dream On"? The ending was untraditional ( next to most games, where you always go after bad guys, and come out on top), but this felt somehow fitting in this setting. Sometimes you're simply outmatched and less harm is in just walking away.
The setup of the scenes, dialogue, the music; another great quest. Even grew to like the Corpo couple.
They definitely overpromised, and some of their marketing ( there is a stark difference between that and developer interviews), misled people about how the world "will play". To me, Cyberpunk has absolutely the best open world when it comes to missions and how you can approach situations and interact with the environment to achieve your goal. ( Personally I'd rather play 150 hours of having fun with a lot of good side content than unlimited hours of shallow side activities and police chases).People expected things that CDPR promised, teased, showed.
They promised the next gen of open worlds (this was literally the basis of their request to get money from the polish govt by the way) with npc's on full schedules, cycles.
A game doesn't have to hit rockstar levels of sandbox to have functioning police AI or npc's that have more than 2 reactions to player actions. There isn't even anyone riding a bike in the entirity of Night City lmao. So it actually made me feel super weird riding a bike, because literally everyone else is just driving cars.
Yeah, some comparisons go way too far because rockstar has mastered the small details and thats not a standard that every game needs or should be held to. But CP2077 lacks some very very basic stuff.
"This is an action RPG" - yes, an action RPG where you spend half the playtime talking to people, interacting with things. Almost every main story quest or narrative led side quest is 50% talking, and 50% action. That's fine - this game is very immersive. It's marketed as immersive, and when you're questing, it is. The problem is, the immersion falls apart when you're not actively doing quests, and you don't need to really run around with a magnifying glass to find the flaws or missing features.
Things like... no reason to ever go back to your apartment, not having some sort of an online catalogue to browse cars instead it's dumped in your quest log, despite having proper eating/drinking animations in quests they don't exist in the open world, there's not a single mini game (TW2 had multiple, TW3 had gwent, and those games were definitely not nearly as immersion focusesed as this). Hell, you can't even change your hair style. Again, TW3 had this.
Cyberpunk online is coming eventually, but it's very clear the game's open world will have to evolve A LOT for it to support a decent online experience. It's not too far fetched to imagine that CDPR wants in on the GTA Online party, but in its current state, it simply would not work.
I liked the game overall. I finished all the quests, left some shitty ncpd filler stuff undone, don't really care for them. I think at its best it's up there with some of the best games of the gen. But unfortunately as an overall package it feels like it was put out before it was actually finished. There are cut corners and missing features so glaringly obvious, they even left in the UI element for the 6th attribute they cut.
Again, this shit isn't "big promises," it's set dressing, and every game cuts features or content as the go for a whole host of reasons including just design and optimization.Which goes to another point I made which is CDPR doesnt have the talent time money to play with the big boys. Yes they had to cut scope and take out all the big promises they made because they couldnt hack it.
I cannot take someone seriously who says that things they were hyped about were persistent NPCs and billboards that paid attention to your vending machine purchases, and that without this, it's just a bunch of empty promises.I have said the core game is fun it keeps you playing. Problem is thats not what they hyped. You cant promise filet minon and then deliver a big mac and not expect backlash.
But it's still the best open world city ever. It's bigger, more detailed, more layered, more secrets to find...They wanted to make it the best open world city ever but couldnt pull it off but instead of switching the hype they waited till they sold the game.
The performance issues on console are inexcusable and the backlash over that is totally 100% fair. But other people were either expecting to much or ready to hate it, and I think some amount of backlash was inevitable.And since it ran like crap and it didnt match the hype they put out people turned on it and didnt give it a chance. I hated the game in the first 10 hours and then it clicked and i started having fun. Its just the bugs and lies turned enough people against the game without them powering through to get to where it clicks.
Nah I dont cut CDPR the slack.Again, this shit isn't "big promises," it's set dressing, and every game cuts features or content as the go for a whole host of reasons including just design and optimization.
I cannot take someone seriously who says that things they were hyped about were persistent NPCs and billboards that paid attention to your vending machine purchases, and that without this, it's just a bunch of empty promises.
Like you know how petty and forced that sounds, right?
But it's still the best open world city ever. It's bigger, more detailed, more layered, more secrets to find...
The performance issues on console are inexcusable and the backlash over that is totally 100% fair. But other people were either expecting to much or ready to hate it, and I think some amount of backlash was inevitable.
It got overhyped but I don't think that's because of the handful of (truly trivial) cut features, or any deception but because hype just built to an unattainable level based on the game's legacy, ambition, and the amount of time it spent in the public conversation over the years.
I have heard most crashes are related to driving fast. Maybe getting worse because you got a better car?Welp after 40 or so hours on PS5 the crashes just keep getting worse and worse. At first when I got into act 2 just at the open world it would only crash randomly durin extended driving. Then I did a bunch of story missions and the crashing got more frequent. Now it is crashing during random gunfights. This is unacceptable. Since I purchased the PC version and a new RTX enabled GPU I decided to submit for a refund. Godspeed to all the console players, I hope they fix this shit soon. It’s a great game and from now on I’ll be playing it on PC.
Oh I see. I didn't know there was a difference.Just a heads up, that poison perk doesn't work with contagion. I believe contagion does chemical damage.
I doubt that was a sixth attribute slot, I think it will be a thing about NG+ or max level later.
I hardly drove at all, plenty of crashing. The only thing that was common was me thinking "I haven't had a crash recently..." followed by a crash within 15-20 minsI have heard most crashes are related to driving fast. Maybe getting worse because you got a better car?
Sadly the corpo lifepath feels completely rushed and out of place.more screens from the PC corpo intro
I don't think a 2060 is gonna get you 4K RT-on at a decent i refunded my PS4 game and bought it on GOG to support them anyways. for my new game i am playing Hard Mode as a a big breasted corpo lady who specializes in blades and stealth and quickhacks. already the game looks way better than it does on consoles and i have turned down most graphic effects to get the fps. i have a 1060 GTX handling it at near 50-60fps at 1440 for the moment and it looks and plays great. on the way is a 2060 RTX that should help bump that up to a full 4K with Ray Tracing and DLSS so I got this game to test out my new rig (as well as having an excuse to play it all over again). when i first started the game it was in full 4K, and it looked great, but it ran at like 15 fps. it is a very demanding title!
anyways here is to the corpo life.
I don't think a 2060 is gonna get you 4K RT-on at a decent framerate...
Yes, you can reset perks but not skills. It costs 100k. You can buy it from Ripperdocs.
Look up the digital foundry vid for optimizing. There’s quite a few setting that make no visual difference but add up. and they make recommendations for DLSS settings at whatever your i refunded my PS4 game and bought it on GOG to support them anyways. for my new game i am playing Hard Mode as a a big breasted corpo lady who specializes in blades and stealth and quickhacks. already the game looks way better than it does on consoles and i have turned down most graphic effects to get the fps. i have a 1060 GTX handling it at near 50-60fps at 1440 for the moment and it looks and plays great. on the way is a 2060 RTX that should help bump that up to a full 4K with Ray Tracing and DLSS so I got this game to test out my new rig (as well as having an excuse to play it all over again). when i first started the game it was in full 4K, and it looked great, but it ran at like 15 fps. it is a very demanding title!
anyways here is to the corpo life.
How dense you must be in order to still dont understand that at least 60% of the players playing the game are doing so on last gen consoles, and therefore, are having a different experience?
"I'm playing on PC/next gen and I dont get the hate"
Of course you dont, dumbass
Yeah, a 2060 isn't gonna cut it. I have a 2060 Super, the best settings is ultra with DLSS quality. No Ray tracing at i refunded my PS4 game and bought it on GOG to support them anyways. for my new game i am playing Hard Mode as a a big breasted corpo lady who specializes in blades and stealth and quickhacks. already the game looks way better than it does on consoles and i have turned down most graphic effects to get the fps. i have a 1060 GTX handling it at near 50-60fps at 1440 for the moment and it looks and plays great. on the way is a 2060 RTX that should help bump that up to a full 4K with Ray Tracing and DLSS so I got this game to test out my new rig (as well as having an excuse to play it all over again). when i first started the game it was in full 4K, and it looked great, but it ran at like 15 fps. it is a very demanding title!
anyways here is to the corpo life.
For pre-ordersYou're wrong, they showed the platform split, more than 50% of people bought it for PC.
Lol.For pre-orders
Games sell more on consoles after the pre-order/launch day. That's the case with every multiplatform game.
Still, 50% of the userbase on consoles doesnt contradict my point.
So, if 75% of the player base are having an OK experience, it certainly doesn't in-validate the issues that 25% are having, but it should highlight the hate bandwagon in effect here. Someone saying "I don't get the hate" is a perfectly valid statement, given the fucking hyperbole of shit around this game. "It's a scam!", "Nothing works", "They didn't even make a game!", "It killed my children!", "CDPR invented COVID-19!". I've lost count of the number of demonstrably false claims I've seen - everything from claiming a particular drink isn't in the game, to claiming the enemy AI doesn't exist and that enemies doesn't actually move, shoot, or do anything because CDPR literally didn't code any AI. So, no, "I don't get the hate" is a perfectly valid statement in this cyclone of fuckery.
"This is 25% of the overall total players."Lol.
Ok, 50% of the player base on consoles. Let's run with that. The base consoles, the OG Xbox One, Xbox One S, and PS4 - are having the real issues. Absolutely unacceptable state - refunds more than warranted. The PS4 Pro and the Xbox One X have a decent experience, still with issues. The PS5 and the Xbox Series X|S have a pretty good experience overall, with PS5 having more issues around crashing. What's the breakdown across the three different SKU tiers? We can't know for certain, because the one version of the game works across all three tiers. So, I'll be fair, and I'll you give the majority for your point: the majority of console players are playing on the base consoles, or, experiencing big issues. So, you started by saying 60% to bolster your post. Then, you got corrected down to 50%. And now, with me being fair, you're down to 51% of 50% of the player base. This is 25% of the overall total players.
So, if 75% of the player base are having an OK experience, it certainly doesn't in-validate the issues that 25% are having, but it should highlight the hate bandwagon in effect here. Someone saying "I don't get the hate" is a perfectly valid statement, given the fucking hyperbole of shit around this game. "It's a scam!", "Nothing works", "They didn't even make a game!", "It killed my children!", "CDPR invented COVID-19!". I've lost count of the number of demonstrably false claims I've seen - everything from claiming a particular drink isn't in the game, to claiming the enemy AI doesn't exist and that enemies doesn't actually move, shoot, or do anything because CDPR literally didn't code any AI. So, no, "I don't get the hate" is a perfectly valid statement in this cyclone of fuckery.
For me, I'm 40 hours in. Still haven't finished the main story line, still have countless quests to do, and this is still easily the best game I've played this generation. If they can stick the landing, this will potentially be the best game I've ever played. Period. Some poor bastard being stuck with the gutter-trash OG XBone version doesn't make my experience any less great - or someone else's statement of "I don't get the hate" any less valid. You'd have to be pretty fucking dense not to understand that.
For pre-orders
Games sell more on consoles after the pre-order/launch day. That's the case with every multiplatform game.
Still, 50% of the userbase on consoles doesnt contradict my point.
"Despite the growth in PC gaming, consoles still make up a larger portion of the gaming market. Consoles account for 30% of the 2019 global gaming market at $45.3 billion.1 PCs fall slightly behind with 24% market share or $35.3 billion."Considering refunds are mostly console players it's probably an even higher percentage on PC now, not lower. Not to mention it's been the number 1 best-seller on Steam for 6 weeks straight and broke the record for concurrent players in a single player game on Steam. I'm not even sure where you got this "factoid" from that pre-orders are more PC and after launch is more console for games, sounds totally made up. To me the PC gamer is the type of person to wait on sales... because we get amazing sales.
"Despite the growth in PC gaming, consoles still make up a larger portion of the gaming market. Consoles account for 30% of the 2019 global gaming market at $45.3 billion.1 PCs fall slightly behind with 24% market share or $35.3 billion."
"According to Steamcharts, the game isn’t selling that good through Steam either with the charts indicating that the game has sold between 200,000 and 500,000 copies so far."
"As reported by VentureBeat earlier this year, it has been estimated that Red Dead Redemption 2 sold roughly 10 million copies on PS4 and Xbox One in its first three days of sales."
I cant think of a multiplatform game that sold more on PC compared to consoles. But feel free to send me some in case you find some.
Preorders may have been 50/50, but I want to see lifetime sales
Ok thenThey weren't 50/50, they were over 50% on PC. Also everything else you posted is garbage, you do not prove your generalized point with literally one game as an example, even so nothing here says anything about PC being bigger for pre-orders whereas consoles do better in the long run, any game you think of that did better on consoles PROBABLY also did better on pre-orders, or are you saying more PC gamers pre-ordered RDR 2? Speaking of, pretty disingenuous to use as an example a game we had to wait for the PC port of, I'd have gotten PC had it released PC day 1, but it didn't, so I went with the PS4 version.
Ok then
Show me some multiplatform games that sold more on PC
I'll be waiting. Refute me.
figured i might as well go corpo for the PCMR run =)