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CYBERPUNK 2077 |OT2| The Last Samurai [>56K Warning_]

Seriously, this gun is ridiculous. Combine it with Grand Finale perk (the last round in a Pistol or Revolver clip deals double damage), which in case of this gun is EVERY round (it's a one shot) and you get what is basically a hand canon. Love it.



Finished the game, last night. 180 hours, all quests and gigs done, few NCPD tasks. What a ride it has been, never played something that emotionally intense, personal. And listening to that song: "Never Fade Away" after you've finished the game..that thing really cuts deep.
I've been excited and tracking this game practically since it's first announcement, when Iwinski and Pondsmith stepped on stage in front of a small audience.
Tldr: Did it live up to all my expectations and all of CDPR's promises? (. Hell, no. And I still consider it one of the best video games I've ever played.
Sort of a short review/summarization ( without turning this into long winded essay)
What Cyberpunk is the Best game at:
- First Person Storytelling: switching to this perspective was 100% the right choice. In a way, this game does something similar to what Mass Effect 1 did cinematic third person dialogue system... the animations, seamless dialogue/action, music, setup of the scenes, etc all work extremely well.
- World and environmental design: Night City absolutely sets a new standard in this genre. They did a phenomenal job of blending variety of different architecture and art styles, and level of detail in environment is second to none
- Worldbuilding: CDPR's strong suite, no surprises here. There are a ton of interesting info you can discover about the world/setting simply through playing the game
- Music, Sound Design, Ambiance
- Characters, Dialogue, Delivery of emotional/personal stories
- Side missions: They surpassed even the best stories from the Witcher ( like the famous Bloody Baron questline). Questlines like The Hunt, Sinnerman, Like a Supreme, Dream on, Pyramid Song, etc.
The Great:
Gunplay: Going in, I expected something in line of "serviceable/meh-tier": Fallout 4, last Deus Ex, Bioshock, etc. But they really did an outstanding job with shooting in this game: guns feel weighty with "snappy" responsive feel, sound really powerful with good mix of bass/reverb, bullets have satisfying, crunchy sound, reload animations are detailed and slick as fuck, sliding, jumping, hovering, slow mo, going from and back to cover: all feels very fluid and responsive. And it has some fantastic, iconic guns ( Carnage shotgun, Grad sniper rifle, Malorian, etc). Gunplay in this game is legit better than many straight up FPS games, and leagues ahead of anything similar in FPS/rpg or in Immersive sims.
Driving: Bikes...absolutely love driving them around in this game. Super responsive, fast, great looking, easy to drive..with some practice, you can do full on U turns at high speed.
Open world side content/gigs: Typically open world games suffer from little variation on this ( Skyrim/Fallout has 4-5 types of "dungeons" recycled with same fetch object/kill x objective, Piranha bytes have endless encounters of same few types of animals, AC re-uses same few types of generic activities, etc). Some come with story/dialogue, but majority are more light-er on narrative. What elevates them is worldbuilding, great level design with multiple approaches to your goal, back story, huge variety of locations and scenarios they take place in ( save a gangster from local motel, rescue an imprisoned cop from mental ward, Far Cry-style of compound missions, sneak into corpo penthouse, etc, etc). More simpler ones ( like Cyberpsycho huntings), did get repetitive, but I absolutely had a blast with majority of fixer gigs.
Main story&Endings...love the broad range of personal themes it covers. Developing relationship with Johnny, seeing him change his attitude toward V, seeing us both change, all three endings are distinct and carry huge emotional punch. Did not have any problem with length, only thing that felt missing/could've been expanded more was Hanako's role/development in it ( I think the game fast forwards too quickly to the final resolution, after parade mission)
Hacking interactive/sandbox mechanics: You can get creative here and create a range of interesting combinations, sometimes wiping out entire enemy base without even being in their line of sight, by manipulating environment and enemy behavior through surveillance system. Balance issues aside, there is a really interesting/interactive system there that gives a good alternative to gameplay, with more slow/tactical approach.
Visuals: Definitely one of the best looking open world games on PC
The Good:
Rpg mechanics: This has positives and negatives. On one hand, even side missions can have multiple outcomes. Character backgrounds are used in variety of situations: characterization, worldbuilding, providing additional info, persuading characters or granting easier access to something. They are also implemented far better ( in dialogue system) than in any rpg. You also have a very good variety of playstyles ( unarmed, heavy two handed weapons, bladed weapons, cyberware weapons, stealth, hacking that's used for stealth/combat/environment manipulation, handguns, rifles, shotguns). Your character build also affects how you approach missions: rip apart doors, use cyberlegs to reach secret entry on top, hack to misdirect, sneak your way in, open doors with Tech stat, or just go in guns blazing. Stat/Skill/Perk system is well organized, and synergetic, with rewarding mastery perks. Level up Skills by use feels more intuitive/immersive. Plenty of missions can be completed as pacifist. Quickhacks can also be upgraded and gain additional abilities. Stats are also used in dialogue for intimidation/persuasion, and sometimes skills to more easily solve quests( or offer additional outcome). And there is cybeware/mods as additional layer of character customization.
The bad: Good number of perks and cyberware are simply underwhelming passives. Lifepath intros are too brief and a waste of opportunity. Streetcred is also rarely utilized in dialogue interaction. Overall, Cyberpunk is more of rpg "Jack of Trades" with broad range of rpg systems/options that makes it a better rpg than any Bioware/Bethesda/Piranha Bytes title..but it's not really outright outstanding at any of them.
The "meh":
Melee system: Fist fighting is really "Bethesda"/awful tier ( no real impact, poor animations/hit sync, hitboxes and sounds). Nanowire doesn't really feel good, hammers are ok, katanas feel pretty good, the best are mantis blades( due to sound design/impact). Even as it is, it's pretty basic and OP, and something probably better used as extra option next to gunplay.
Driving: Cars. Some of them feel good, but controls for others are way too oversensitive ( like you're driving on ice). Even racing cars will do almost full 360 when lightly steering them. They need to fix this asap.
The Bad:
AI systems: In combat, they perform reasonably well ( minus the ocassional "freeze": They flank, cover, use cover fire, use situational barks). They can also spot bodies and react to opened doors. However their search patterns are pretty poor, npc AI is barely reactive, pathfinding is very janky ( noticeably freezing in place, for split second, when turning), and Police AI/system is probably the worst in modern open world game ( even decades long games like original Mafia are much better). With lack of variety of dynamic encounters in the world ( except for some police/gang shoot out), this really makes emergent gameplay in Cyberpunk non-existant to poor. This needs a complete overhaul on CDPR's part.
Implementation of content in the world/use of locations: Not sure if this is a strict con, but CDPR's approach on this is starting to feel outdated. Instead of relying on world map icons, they could've used existing places to engage player with content ( buy cars from car shops, visit bars to get info and acquire new quests, more interactive vendors for buying clothing, more accessible nightclubs, etc). I really wanted to have a reason to come back to iconic bars like Afterlife, chill out/get a drink after a mission, see some new encounter, talk to bartenders on what's going on it the area, etc. There are a ton of cool, handcrafted locations you only visit once, for few minutes, during a single mission. If they want to be top dog in open world genre, CDPR needs to drastically improve how player interacts with the world outside of missions. ( without the need to go full realism/overboard like RDR2).
Itemization/Crafting: On the positive side, they've toned down negatives from the Witcher ( you can now use iconic weapons until the end of the game and you usually find gear in your close level range). But it's still fundamentally a poor SP/MMO-lite hybrid that feels completely out of place in this universe, with far too many items that have little interesting variation in number and range of properties. What you end up is with constant cycling through and using whatever gives you higher armor/DPS. This would be hundred times better if they used non leveled gear, with customization/tier offset for weapons, and weight/defensive values vs. stealth/speed offset for clothing and armor.
Balance issues: What you'd expect for rpgs, especially of this size: you get extremely OP later on. It still happens much later than in most similar games, and you can be die pretty easily, but some parts, like hacking/crafting/et become super easy to exploit and break the game.
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Thinking of going Hard Mode for my next play through. Or should I try Very Hard? Has anyone else played VH? Is it impossible or do-able?


You don't believe developers own words from multiple previews and interviews that they did throughout the years?

I don't think many people expected a life simulator. I personally expected the bear minimum in terms of AI and player interaction with the world. I love this game but these things are not here and game is clearly unfinished in many aspects and to claim otherwise is just to lie to yourself.

I mean just look at this, shit's embarrassing:

Yeah I think its pretty clear NPC AI should not work like this.

I mean CDPR even hired guys who worked on NPC schedules in Kingdom Come, why would they hired them if the original plan was to have no NPCs with daily routines?
But I still think people are needlessly obsessing over this fairly minor feature.

Seriously, this gun is ridiculous. Combine it with Grand Finale perk (the last round in a Pistol or Revolver clip deals double damage), which in case of this gun is EVERY round (it's a one shot) and you get what is basically a hand canon. Love it.

I have to say, for someone who played Darkest Dungeon quite a lot, ability called Grand Finale being OP AGAIN is quite amusing. :messenger_grinning_squinting:
You don't believe developers own words from multiple previews and interviews that they did throughout the years?

I don't think many people expected a life simulator. I personally expected the bear minimum in terms of AI and player interaction with the world. I love this game but these things are not here and game is clearly unfinished in many aspects and to claim otherwise is just to lie to yourself.

I mean just look at this, shit's embarrassing:

That wasn't the point I was making. I'm not arguing that it wasn't rushed, but gameplay, features, graphics and all that jazz is subject to change at any time. That's just the nature of game development. People act like this is the first time it's ever happened in history.
I’ve got a question about Judy, after her side quests are finished.

Does she ever leave her apartment? Because she sends me random images of being in Seattle and other places yet she’s always just in her apartment lol.


Where is the best place to get weapon mods? All I have are a bunch of blues and a random purple here or there. I see people with weapons decked out with all purple mods and I feel left out.


i don't think i've heard this much bitching about NPC AI in a single video game. it's kind of funny. like lol why are people so obsessed with what is in effect background imagery? idgi
Without old console gen disaster, it would probably be seen as minor complaint in the game...it's not really any worse off than in Deus Ex ( npcs do not even move around), Fallout 4 ( it's hilarious watching them try take cover and crouch against invisible objects), etc.
Along with some misled marketing ( from the trailers) resulting in a lot of very angry people who feel the need to hyperbolize any flaw.


Uh..nearly all of them?

Similar is with "not-a-real-rpg" nonsense because the game has a lot of gameplay oriented missions...which is funny since nearly all rpgs consist of 70-90% combat oriented content. Games like Age of Decadence or either Torment are rare exception ( and the most common complaint there is that they are "boring" and there isn't enough combat).
Difference being that here you are rarely forced in combat ( except in some main story missions), and most of the time level design/character build allow you to avoid it through stealth or hacking, or by finding/opening an alternate route in the environment. You really can't do that in any Bioware, Bethesda, Piranha Bytes or even most Obsidian/Troika/Black Isle games.
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Imagine if you got the sidejobs from fixers in person instead of via phone?

One of the best parts for me was meeting Dino, Dex, meeting Rogue. Agree to meet in some shady bar, talk business, you're on edge because a bodyguard has his hand on his weapon, insane atmosphere.

Man the potential for this game is near infinite.
It would probably work better so that the first time you enter one of the city's districts, you receive a call from fixer to visit them before you start doing gigs. Then they give you a rundown on the place, you get "tagged" by them ( so they can notify you when you're near a gig) and you can see job locations on world map.
CDPR knows how to make great content, but they really need to "wean off" Ubisoft checklist design.
They could have also used night clubs/bars for this: to gain entry you need a high enough street cred ( or bouncers won't let you in).
Then when you get in, bartender would point you to some of the non-fixer jobs/quests in the area. This way you organically gate too high level quests, and player can find content at a good pace.


Really? we are now either fanboys or haters? It would appear that just like society in general nowadays things break down too black and white, no room for the colours in between. Anyone that thought this game would play perfectly on old consoles, and that includes PS4 version with backward compatibility crap on the PS5, the console I chose to play it on, was fooling themself. I for one thought the post was funny. THe crahses on PS5 are because of the backward compatibility and yes the version we are playing was not designed for it ...we knew that before release. I made the conscious decision that the game was really coming out for PS5 in the spring not now, but I wanted to play it now and suffer the consequences. I was pleasntly surprised not the onther way around! LOL. I get more 60 FPS on the PS5 likley than I would had I bought it on my shitty 2012 PC with 680 GTX which didnt even meet the minuimum requirements. Somehow i got through Sekiro with it so I was tempted. LOL.

Although I agree that CDPR needs to sort out what they are doing and deserve at least some of the valid criticism, there is far too much criticism for what actaully happended...(the industry as a whole is corrupt see below) . I knew dam well that although my old PC was goign to be a better option for some things, modding one of them, that I would POSSIBLY get 60 FPS on Ps5, that was all I needed to know to make my decision and Im living with it. It was acvtually a good decision. I am getting a great looking game and it is realtively smooth despite the crashes, which are likely owing to the backward compatibility crap. THis will go away when the actual PS5 veriosn comes out in the spring.

I feel bad as a Canadian that Brazil sucks for gaming, this game in particular as the whole world needs an in depth cyberpunk world to dwell in, felt really lucky to get a Ps5 without pre-ordering, so I went with it for this game, but there is no need to call out people as fanboys. This is the thread for people who are having a good time to celebrate the game in peace also, so rest asssured you will have a lot of poeple in here who like CDPR and this type of game. There are zero complaints from me even though it crashes as much as Fallout NV did because I know there are reasons for it. Bethesada has no excuse and are raping people dry of cash with online BS and never fixed Fallout to this date even on PC. I didnt hate on NV either, as obsidian likley wasnt to blame, I just didnt buy fallout 4 nor 76.

I would be shocked if most posters here dont know about the game dev career option, but just in case you dont...Ill rant on it. My wife worked in it temproarily and of course many of our friends still work in it, I know the music manager for EA games here in Vancouver personally and even though every beep whistle and sound effect that goes through all the EA hockey games emanates from his department and he is the "manager" and head of the department.....he gets paid peanuts compared to other exec friends I have in other "real" businesses. THe idea is that you should feel priviledge to be in the industry, we give you a wellness centre at work to eat drink,exercise, play foozball and relax, but you have to be aware there are going to be inhumane "crunch times" etc. This is rediculous and labour law will shut this down eventually. The workers dont want to rock the boat because in a way they believe they are privileged to work for a game company instead of an oil company etc. TBH I am thankful for any games at all outside Japan or the US where slave labour has not been indoctirnated to a science. Europe isnt cut out that way and its not really surprising that either the workers just cant hack the American/Japan work "ethic" (oxymoron) or there is simple mutiny and mass resignations.

Im not trying to make excuses for CDPR as a "fanboy" but Count me as unsurprised that CDPR has grown really quickly and is now suffering the same "crunch" that other big name companies impose on their middle managers and workers. Even if that leak was false the content in it is happening in the industry on an ongoing basis. Who is to blame? I guess in each company is differnt and we dont know CDPR's story, but rest assured someone isnt on the same page. Probably doesnt help its in Europe where most people dont work for peannuts typically nor accept poor benefits. Canada gets wedged in between Europe and the US for these kinds of things, and although we have a disproportionate amont of gamers per captita, game developers per capita, the same BS as the states goes on with UBisoft and bioware, EA never was canadian they just know where the dollar was cheaper LOL.The walmart of Game studios .

I cant possibly direct my angst at any of you in this thread, there are no fanboys or haters, everyone is just trying to use the gaming outlet to protect themselves from the real disorder which is the corpo world....maybe the whole cyberpunk 2077 paradox is tryng to tell us something?? The Irony of CDPR of all companies succumbing to the marionette strings of the corp world, through release of a game that supposedly admonishes us against the evils of the corpo world is beyond brilliant.

Well Im on console this time round and I cant do the mods. You can go on pornhub and see the Cyberpunk sex scenes also but with no context it would kinda suck, I mean as interesting as it is to see the scenes CDPR comes up with, the real porn on porn sites is "better" if thats what you wnat to do with your time. I was really tempted to look on pornhub for Panam as my female V got shot down and still really connected with her as a friend, maybe even more than Judy...Ill wait to see what happens with my next character who will be male, but it wil be anticlimactic as I already know all the scenes as feamle V anyway.

Yean I have been searching for that quest in my Journal where the monk asks me to find his brother....can never find it....its it really gone?

Ummm, you cant possibly be trying to troll us right? Im only half way through and I have met almost all the fixers. I assume you can meet all the fixers since that seems to be the trend in my game? . Several of them outside the ones you mentioned gave me at least one or two quests each in person. In fact, imagine my surprise when I stumbled up some stairs, disabled some laser beams and turret cannons, only to find Regina and a couple henchmen ready to blast me for messing with their hoard of high tech shit! Regina goes something like "what are you doing here V?" and tells her henchmen not to shoot me. Was a downer there was no (awesome) loot but Felt really cool to just stumble on them without uisng the map. (I realize the hand shake symbol was likely there but I wasnt looking at the map! LOL)

I cant be the only person this stuff is happening to right? ITs likemost people are missing half to 2/3 of the game thinking they did eveything just because of quest markers or plantinum or whatever?

Even if you dont do it the whole game...I implore all of you...just do some random exploration...even just a a little, you will be rewarded much more than by other RPG Bethesda included. Despite the size is waay bigger they still foudn a way to pack more shtuff into the game than Bethesda does and I havent got bugged out quests for doing stuff out of order (although now after reading above Im paranoid many of my early quests are no cancelled for lack of time and attention to them earlier).
Jesus, this wall of text

That image implied that the only people complaining are on consoles, and if you do your search, you'll see thats not the case. Not to the same extent, but there are people facing crashes and other problems also on PC.

Its the same code, after all. PCs are experiencing fewer crashes because its a RAM management problem, so machines with more RAM = less crashes (but still crashes sometimes)

The image also implied that the problem is on hardware, not on software.
If you believe in that, you are either ignorant or is sucking CDPR dick, theres no way around it.

Crashes are caused by faulty code. Period. Thats a fact.
In 7 years, theres no other game on the PS4 library that crashes every hour or so. Thats also a fact.

So thats on CDPR, period. You cant blame people for expecting a non crashing game on their consoles, no matter how hard you want to choke on CDPR's dick or show your fanboy colors.

You said that you arent a fanboy, so I'm gonna give you the benefit of the doubt and believe that you are just ignorant then.
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I just realized this after all these hours, fuck me. I just ignored them cause they were white lol.
Crafting is rather poorly explained to be honest with you. For example, if you want to craft a gun if you click on it multiple times you can re-roll stats on it. I don't know if that's a feature or a bug. :messenger_grinning_sweat:


Crafting is rather poorly explained to be honest with you. For example, if you want to craft a gun if you click on it multiple times you can re-roll stats on it. I don't know if that's a feature or a bug. :messenger_grinning_sweat:

Indeed it's not ideal. I'm hoping they carry out a UI overhaul with either the January/Feb Updates. With Component Crafting especially they need to add in a multiples options (Craft, 1, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 500 for instance) because with that 1 at a time BS: -

aint nobody got time for that GIF

When you've got 12K common Components in your backpack :messenger_grinning_smiling: (even with that Craft time hack you'd still be looking at a couple of hours of button pressing at present)

I'm amazed that never came up in house tbh.

Also, I definitely want to see a proper clothing preview added, both for craftable and shop items.

Someone on the sodium Reddit has a great suggestion as well: -

Clothing sets that you can save.

happy jim carrey GIF
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Is there a single hat in this game that isn’t fuck ugly? I gave my V grey hair, but in third person it looks blonde and I don’t like it, but all the hats are just hideous.
Also, I definitely want to see proper clothing preview added, both for craftable and shop items.
I would like to see a clothing / weapon / cyberwear catalog. It's so annoying that you don't know what stock each shop offers or what new items are unlocked as your level / street cred increases.

Is there a single hat in this game that isn’t fuck ugly? I gave my V grey hair, but in third person it looks blonde and I don’t like it, but all the hats are just hideous.
The only cool hat that I've found is Samurai snap-back that you can get from that old-timer Samurai fan in one of the side-gigs.
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The hats are this game's version of TW3's beer belly armor, it's all ugly.

And is there no way to keep the long sleeves visible? You can see it on the inventory menu and sometimes when driving in first person after switching back from third but then they would change to short sleeves again after like 10 seconds. I heard it's so the arm cyberware doesn't clip through but since there's no way to remove it (at least on console) you're stuck with your rolled up sleeves forever unless they address it in a patch. Never getting any arm cyberware might do the trick too, I guess?


so your quickhack overheat doesnt count as stealth approach then ? how so , they never saw me , i just put on all them overheat and they all died, but they never knoew who, and then mission giver saying that it was not silent approach ... ? how its not silent ?


Panam , what you doing there ?
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Despite all the flaws regarding the deficitary AI and scarce interaction with NPCs I am really loving this game, the atmosphere, sometimes it really feels like you are there... For instance I randomly stumbled upon a small rave that went on till the sunrise, after doing a secondary mission nearby. Well, lucky them, there's no lockdown in NC. :D

It's clear they put a lot of love and passion in making this game, I am sorry to see that the internet became such a toxic environment, many of the beauties this game has are just (intentionally) overlooked.





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Gold Member
Okay this is so fucking bizarre.

I've done all the Judy sidequests. I randomly walk into her apartment and there she is, staring out a window. And there are dialogue options. All dialogue is stuff like "Don't you miss night City?" to which she replies "I certainly don't miss the stench" or something and then you can ask something like "What are you doing now that you're gone?" and she's answering me dead serious. Fully voiced and everything.

So fucking weird.

Then I leave and on the corner of the street next to her apartment is a random guy standing and smoking. And then the NPC walks towards a car and gets in, and literally the moment I think "holy shit I've never seen an NPC do that before" the car blows up and I'm left thinking is this a scripted thing or is the game bugging out, lol.


Is there like a list somewhere of all the major decisions that needed a stat check?

I kinda wanna spec my next playthrough to be able to choose all major stat checked decisions.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Despite all the flaws regarding the deficitary AI and scarce interaction with NPCs I am really loving this game, the atmosphere, sometimes it really feels like you are there... For instance I randomly stumbled upon a small rave that went on till the sunrise, after doing a secondary mission nearby. Well, lucky them, there's no lockdown in NC. :D

It's clear they put a lot of love and passion in making this game, I am sorry to see that the internet became such a toxic environment, many of the beauties this game has are just (intentionally) overlooked.


Okay this is so fucking bizarre.

I've done all the Judy sidequests. I randomly walk into her apartment and there she is, staring out a window. And there are dialogue options. All dialogue is stuff like "Don't you miss night City?" to which she replies "I certainly don't miss the stench" or something and then you can ask something like "What are you doing now that you're gone?" and she's answering me dead serious. Fully voiced and everything.

So fucking weird.
I guess you're playing as a male V.

Judy is in Seattle. Game is bugged that's why she's in her apartment. That dialogue that you're having with her should be over the phone.


Anyone know of a way to get yourself stuck by EMP/Shock? I know we can use our grenades on ourselves, but can anyone think of other options?


I've been playing the game, about 55 hours in, diving in most of the side content rather than the main narrative itself.

This doesn't feel like the so entitled next-gen game they promised. It's so half-backed, and unpolished. There are lots of old-gen open world games that do a better job, hell even The Witcher 3 feels better than this.

I'm currently baring with the game, because the main narrative seems at least cool enough, and the basic core gameplay isn't bad but I can't shake the feel that they really lied about this game... by a lot.

If The Witcher 3 put them right at the top, this game will 100% make a huge stain on CD Projekt's name.


Just came to ask, What female video game characters are more/equally badass as Rogue?
The Boss from MGS3 comes to mind.

Indeed. Or different horses (cars) Or police ai. Or being able to kill civilians or steal their horse
I disagree. In Witcher 3 you can ride different horses but they all perform the same, after all they are all horses. And Guards or enemy A.I is much better than Cyberpunk 2077. In Witcher 3 if you keep hitting them they can block or parry you and stun you with big hit, if you focus on 1 enemy and spam attack the other enemies will get aggressive and circle you from behind and land some hits behind your back. Its better.
You can't kill or steal though that is true. At least you cant interact with them, better than a broken interactivity.

Seriously, this gun is ridiculous. Combine it with Grand Finale perk (the last round in a Pistol or Revolver clip deals double damage), which in case of this gun is EVERY round (it's a one shot) and you get what is basically a hand canon. Love it.


Is this weapon obtained only by crafting?
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Gold Member
O my god that Cirque du Solei track on Body Heat FM, I genuinely thought they had Rihanna on for a moment. 100 hours in I never heard that track before. I don't even care much for Rihanna but this track is wild. This game's entire soundtrack is insane. Biggest musical accomplishment since GTAV, probably is even better. Body Heat, The Dirge, Night City FM and Pacific Dreams are incredible.

I guess you're playing as a male V.

Judy is in Seattle. Game is bugged that's why she's in her apartment. That dialogue that you're having with her should be over the phone.

Yeah moments later I got a picture from a beach somewhere. It's a nice conclusion to her story but completely botched by the weird bug [if it is a bug].
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Seems like the modding scene is already starting and obviously everything is super early and not remotely stable but hey the start is made.

Mods: Specially the third person mod has potentional.

The Mods: third person mod: https://www.nexusmods.com/cyberpunk20... Arasaka Appearance Updater: https://www.nexusmods.com/cyberpunk20... Better Minimap: https://www.nexusmods.com/cyberpunk20... Alternate Crowd Behavior and other tweaks: https://www.nexusmods.com/cyberpunk20... Non-Hideable Hud Removal: https://www.nexusmods.com/cyberpunk20... Enable character reflection to reflective surfaces: https://www.nexusmods.com/cyberpunk20... Walker: https://www.nexusmods.com/cyberpunk20... Instant Disassembling and Crafting: https://www.nexusmods.com/cyberpunk20... Save Anytime: https://www.nexusmods.com/cyberpunk20... Undress Mod: https://www.nexusmods.com/cyberpunk20... Cyber Engine Tweaks: https://www.nexusmods.com/cyberpunk20... All recipes in the crafting game menu: https://www.nexusmods.com/cyberpunk20... Convert equipped weapons and clothing to legendary: https://www.nexusmods.com/cyberpunk20... Categorized All-In-One Command List: https://www.nexusmods.com/cyberpunk20... Cyber Fashion: https://www.nexusmods.com/cyberpunk20...


Seems like the modding scene is already starting and obviously everything is super early and not remotely stable but hey the start is made.

Mods: Specially the third person mod has potentional.

The Mods: third person mod: https://www.nexusmods.com/cyberpunk20... Arasaka Appearance Updater: https://www.nexusmods.com/cyberpunk20... Better Minimap: https://www.nexusmods.com/cyberpunk20... Alternate Crowd Behavior and other tweaks: https://www.nexusmods.com/cyberpunk20... Non-Hideable Hud Removal: https://www.nexusmods.com/cyberpunk20... Enable character reflection to reflective surfaces: https://www.nexusmods.com/cyberpunk20... Walker: https://www.nexusmods.com/cyberpunk20... Instant Disassembling and Crafting: https://www.nexusmods.com/cyberpunk20... Save Anytime: https://www.nexusmods.com/cyberpunk20... Undress Mod: https://www.nexusmods.com/cyberpunk20... Cyber Engine Tweaks: https://www.nexusmods.com/cyberpunk20... All recipes in the crafting game menu: https://www.nexusmods.com/cyberpunk20... Convert equipped weapons and clothing to legendary: https://www.nexusmods.com/cyberpunk20... Categorized All-In-One Command List: https://www.nexusmods.com/cyberpunk20... Cyber Fashion: https://www.nexusmods.com/cyberpunk20...

I've downloaded and tried the convert the legendary mods. Works fine. You can actually edit it to other rarity too. One note is, the item level and stats seem to not upgraded, only mod slots


Jesus, the guy is talented (and his V is gorgeous)

Yeah, he's been doing super detailed gaming screenshots for a few years. Always delivers.

Seems like the modding scene is already starting and obviously everything is super early and not remotely stable but hey the start is made.

Mods: Specially the third person mod has potentional.

The Mods: third person mod: https://www.nexusmods.com/cyberpunk20... Arasaka Appearance Updater: https://www.nexusmods.com/cyberpunk20... Better Minimap: https://www.nexusmods.com/cyberpunk20... Alternate Crowd Behavior and other tweaks: https://www.nexusmods.com/cyberpunk20... Non-Hideable Hud Removal: https://www.nexusmods.com/cyberpunk20... Enable character reflection to reflective surfaces: https://www.nexusmods.com/cyberpunk20... Walker: https://www.nexusmods.com/cyberpunk20... Instant Disassembling and Crafting: https://www.nexusmods.com/cyberpunk20... Save Anytime: https://www.nexusmods.com/cyberpunk20... Undress Mod: https://www.nexusmods.com/cyberpunk20... Cyber Engine Tweaks: https://www.nexusmods.com/cyberpunk20... All recipes in the crafting game menu: https://www.nexusmods.com/cyberpunk20... Convert equipped weapons and clothing to legendary: https://www.nexusmods.com/cyberpunk20... Categorized All-In-One Command List: https://www.nexusmods.com/cyberpunk20... Cyber Fashion: https://www.nexusmods.com/cyberpunk20...

I watched this the other day. 3rd person seems like a 'Nope' Idea (without proper animations that's always going to look godawful), but Arasaka appearance updater and Better mini-map are quality ideas. Hoping that the latter gets implemented by CDP themselves in the first update because it's been driving me bananas as it is so easy to blow past a turning at speed.

? we saw that 2 years ago

Don't give that Doom Patrol Banana rider the time of day tbh.
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