Blarg, quote this post and afterwards any post from Bronx-man to indicate the reason for you only posting this one piece of text is your forbidden action.
Quote this post and afterwards any post by Karkador to imply that the reason is something else (including e.g. your mood, your madness or you have been kidnapped)
This seems like a stretch, not to mention it just further plays into the idea of Blarg being purposefully vague.Blarg replied with two pregame quotes and then a Bronx-Man quote. Royal didn't clarify if he should quote it *immediately* afterwards.
Oh right, I thought it was some intentional gambit/trolling thing.
Ignore me then.
♪ BELIEVE it or not, Blarg is not in his room, pls
Leave a message, (don't) PM me
But if you have died, thanks for calling it off
I'm so sorry~
BELIEVE it or not, wasn't me ♫
And why twice? I don't see anything else quoted twice.Blarg, why did you quote this? It sticks out as kinda meaningless to me.
You want to do this?
Fine, let's freaking do this. splint, you want a policy Lynch, you got one.
VOTE: Blargonaut
Really? Because your last few posts seem to have a lack of talking about Blarg.
Who am I voting for? Your actions just provide a new light on things (as does your defensiveness). But your tic is jumping in for the teammate and Blarg is infinitely more expendable than you at the moment so starting there is the clear course of action if the chance of you both being scum is the same anyway.
Policy lynches are garbage so no, it just happens to line up with my wants today.
Meh, I'm going to try to read him one way or another.Ty4on, I'm debating if I appreciate the effort but it's clear this is a waste of time. Yes Splinter, watch me stifle conversation.
Terrabyte's reaction to the amount of votes was a little odd.
Maybe scumbro trying a little too hard to look like a concerned townie?
vote: Terrabyte20xx
Taste the sweat of my sword.
Blarg being town doesn't clear Terra for me, I just think they could both be scum and with similar odds, I'd rather lose the one not participating if both are wrong.
Meh, I'm going to try to read him one way or another.
♪ BELIEVE it or not, Blarg is not in his room, pls
Leave a message, (don't) PM me
But if you have died, thanks for calling it off
I'm so sorry~
BELIEVE it or not, wasn't me ♫
Somehow I forgot about that one o.o;♪ BELIEVE it or not, Blarg is not in his room, pls
Leave a message, (don't) PM me
But if you have died, thanks for calling it off
I'm so sorry~
BELIEVE it or not, wasn't me ♫
So, since the alternative discussion is going nowhere, I'm gonna return to the question of forbidden actions.
Assuming a forbidden action is not just this game's idea of a joke, I'm assuming a FA is meant to either
A) Mechanically make the game harder by limiting what people can do
B) Create situations where people might be entrapped into breaking their FA
I can't see a real purpose for the FA otherwise. That's why something like mandated poetry every fourth line, or mandated Believe It Or Nots, while silly and entertaining, doesn't come off as a compelling mechanic to me.
In Faddy's case, poetry doesn't necessarily make the game mechanically harder (so it doesn't sound like 'A'), nor does it seem like a situation he can be trapped in (so it's not 'B' either).
Under those conditions, I'm more inclined to believe OceanicAir's claim - ending up in second place for votes is a mechanical way of making it harder; though I have yet to see a reason why OA would purposefully get entrapped into second place and die.
You're assuming that people are in control of their own fates with their FA which doesn't need to be the case, it also wasn't in the source material.
When I skimmed the wikipedia article about Danganronpa3, people's forbidden actions were stuff like "running in the halls" and "opening their left hand"
You're saying there could be FAs that are out of people's control? Doesn't seem fair.
When I skimmed the wikipedia article about Danganronpa3, people's forbidden actions were stuff like "running in the halls" and "opening their left hand"
You're saying there could be FAs that are out of people's control? Doesn't seem fair.
I think OA's would fall under being out of his direct control. He can influence it indirectly but ultimately he cannot prevent it by direct actions.It's a possibility, yes. So far, there doesn't seem to be FAs like that, from what people have claimed, but there could always be a case where someone else could die as a direct result of someone else's action.
I think OA's would fall under being out of his direct control. He can influence it indirectly but ultimately he cannot prevent it by direct actions.
You're trying to navigate nonsense.
Well, good luck with that
I'm the map, my role is Ultimate Navigator.
in case it's not obvious, I'm trolling.
♪ BELIEVE it or not, Blarg is not in his room, pls
Leave a message, (don't) PM me
But if you have died, thanks for calling it off
I'm so sorry~
BELIEVE it or not, wasn't me ♫
What was even the point of that.
There's an extra syllable in line 1 and 3.
back in your room?
Actual words! Care to share what the point of all that was? Or perhaps give some reasoning why you shouldn't be lynched today?and it seems like I've backed into myself. Perhaps, we can discuss this?
Actual words! Care to share what the point of all that was? Or perhaps give some reasoning why you shouldn't be lynched today?
okay, what would you like to discuss?
What would YOU like to discuss?
better hurry it up, my allotted 1 hour of normal posting a Day is already more than halfway over*
Talk to me, people
With you? Well, I've been all about FAs today, so could you tell us anything about your forbidden action?
Blarg, mind posting a reads list?