You not only missed me calling out Faddy for lying about or breaking his FA, but you also seem to have made up this whole "weird attempt to analyse the Blarg message" thing. As far as I can recall, I only mentioned Blarg once in my "hey, this is a summary of what I missed, let me reread the thread". Perhaps you are confusing me with Ty4on?
Speaking of Faddy, both myself and Ty4on (through my post) have called you out on the missed Limerick. Either you are lying, or you should be dead. Given how long it has been and you are still alive, I am assuming you are lying.
Vote: Faddy
Lemme think what sticks out, I cannot access the post count thing really easily on mobile; we should consider sticking that link in the OP somewhere.
As for the game state, the Sorian/Karkador bickering feels like play styles are just clashing. It almost reminds me of Batman, but I town read both players here so far. More so Sorian I think, mostly since he has seemed to not dwell on FAs as much, but I say that without going back and rereading so dont take it as gospel or anything.
Bronx has played like Bronx. Problem for me is that Bronx seems to play the same as town, scum or dirty neutral ascetic serial killer.
Nin has been gambiting, but why? I guess we will find out at some point.
Ty4on I town read, though I somewhat selfishly do not like him co-opting my Faddy accusation.

Still, his posts have been pretty detailed and hunting.