Was ordinary town turned 2-shot role cop due to an item won. Why?
I dunno
What's your read on Blarg rn? You look to be scum leaning, but haven't voted for him.
Was ordinary town turned 2-shot role cop due to an item won. Why?
I didn't say there aren't multiple people that I scum or null read currently, but I wouldn't list Blarg as a town read right now whereas others I would. Are you saying you don't think any other players in this game are more reliable than repeating that post incessantly?
I know, but I don't think that somehow makes Blarg look less suspect. Two wrongs don't make a right and all that.he was implying that there are other people who are repeating themselves aswell , just not that obvious.
I know, but I don't think that somehow makes Blarg look less suspect. Two wrongs don't make a right and all that.
But for every single post? What has he done to earn the benefit of doubt from anyone?
I was willing to give him a day phase and see what he's up to, but after that "![]()
Can we assume that those that are currently voting for him are doing so because he is annoying and would rather have a game without him ?
But this should have been obvious from the start? I mean it's the only way you could give his actions a positive spin.The situation we're in is that it might be true that voting for Blarg is in some way a trap, and he didn't reveal this until he got a fair amount of voters to charge in on him.
But this should have been obvious from the start? I mean it's the only way you could give his actions a positive spin.
Unless you are referring to his claimed ability.
I am leaning towards extremely unhelpful and anti-town town player. Problem is that is Blarg's typical town play :/. First time it has really annoyed me though.I dunno
What's your read on Blarg rn? You look to be scum leaning, but haven't voted for him.
Nothing; I wouldn't say he has the benefit of the doubt. I think lynching Blarg is as good o a stab in the dark as anybody else, and people have jumped on board with that idea because he has purposely provoked it.
Do you think those 6 out of 17 voters on Blarg include any mafia players? I think it's likely. Even more likely if Blarg flips Town.
The situation we're in is that it might be true that voting for Blarg is in some way a trap, and he didn't reveal this until he got a fair amount of voters to charge in on him. Whether it's true or not is impossible to tell right now, and I'm curious to see who's gonna call the bluff and who's gonna slink away. That says something.
But this should have been obvious from the start? I mean it's the only way you could give his actions a positive spin.
Unless you are referring to his claimed ability.
Can you elaborate on these at all? Mostly me/Ty4onOf all the people in this thread I get the best vibes from *Splinter and Ty4on and read both as town. Karkador I'm reading as town as he has posted a good bit of helpful analysis.
Wait, why did you quote this Faddy? You don't really mention it in your post?But this should have been obvious from the start? I mean it's the only way you could give his actions a positive spin.
Unless you are referring to his claimed ability.
Natiko is slightly off from the last couple of games he played but I get the feeling he is playing tighter because he has been killed early in both by being open.
what do you mean by that "off" ?
what is the general consensus now.
do we now all think that blarg is Mafia ?
I also doubt any of that stuff had to do with an FA.
It's possible his FA is to have 0 votes
Can we assume that those that are currently voting for him are doing so because he is annoying and would rather have a game without him ?
asking for a general consensus seems a lil weird, sounding like "can we agree on a bandwagon?". 1 bad donut vibe for nin.
Speaking of Blarg....his constant posting of the same message seems to be just a blarg-thing. I don't know what to believe when it comes to Blarg's forbidden action/claim. If Blarg is mafbro, interesting move to create so much attention (assuming posting the same message wasn't part of his forbidden action).
Terrabyte hasn't given me enough confidence at the moment to change my vote of death.
Can we assume that those that are currently voting for him are doing so because he is annoying and would rather have a game without him ?
No, you can't assume that and actually reading the thread would make that fairly obvious.
So we can assume that and also agree on one thing.
I am happy about that Sorian, what about you ?
Are you happy ?
Your other quote is from 3 pages later from what I quoted, which doesn't really change the weirdness of that post. Eat the bad donut, accept it.
We don't agree though, you just said that you don't think he is mafia, when I voted for him yesterday, I did. With the new info last night, I'm still debating if there is more to this so I'm not as sure now but I don't vote on policy.
Can you elaborate on these at all? Mostly me/Ty4on
Wait, why did you quote this Faddy? You don't really mention it in your post?
what do you mean by that "off" ?
please elaborate some more. If you want to throw shade at somebody do it correctly.
I will agree that I'm not having to push as much as I did in Quarantine but that was a bit of a different situation with the electing process. I'm not approaching this any different than I did in Zelda - it's just that no one has jumped out at me as much as acohrs did in that game as scum so I ended up posting a lot towards day end to make my case for why he should be lynched.As for Natiko, he just seems like he is putting less out there than in Quarantine and Zelda. Maybe it is nothing. But he does play logically in a way I think I can read. I find his posts less trustworthy than in Quarantine but perhaps he is protecting himself.
What new info came last night ? are you willing to share ?
So you are making it clear that your vote on Blarg is because you think he is scum , whereas others are voting for him for being annoying. Correct ?
Hi Faddy.
Getting bad vibes from Faddy for some reason; I'll have to check back and see why.
Did the vibes turn out to be bad?
Or my early vote got u mad?
Yeah, I figured that would happen. Sorry, bud. No dead weight.
vote: Blargonaut[/vote]
nin, stop being obnoxious. Asking questions for the sake of it is not a tactic that does anything. The same info you can clearly read, Blarg started not talking in song and said his piece, bullshit or not. As for your second question, yes, I clearly think he has the possibility of being scum, asking me why others are voting for him is a weak question since I have no clue who is being genuine and who isn't.
If I'm not for lynching Blarg and no one else is going to make an alternate suggestion I will do it.
Royal_Flush has barely posted, so in the spirit of no dead weight.
VOTE: Royal_Flush
NPIt was really kind of you all to not post in the two hours it took me to do that. Thanks for making sure I didn't have to redo parts of it due to new information. Also forgive the minor formatting errors with the titles.
What's up with the Limerick for rhythm issue AB pointed out? Have you asked the mod what penalty you'd get?Superbowl took it out of me. Reading through the thread brings me right to this post.
I'm unsure of what to do. I don't believe everything Blarg has said but I don't read him as scum either but I don't know where to place my vote.
Of all the people in this thread I get the best vibes from *Splinter and Ty4on and read both as town. Karkador I'm reading as town as he has posted a good bit of helpful analysis.
Natiko is slightly off from the last couple of games he played but I get the feeling he is playing tighter because he has been killed early in both by being open.
With Terra it really comes down to that preemptive pointing out of his activity. It read to me like him trying to will that into consensus. "I'm more active than I am when I'm scum! I must be town!"I feel like both Terra and Flush are bad lynch targets. Terra struck me as quite eager which seems much more in line with his town play. His frustrations to being scum read seem genuine. He's good enough as scum to keep his cool under pressure.
Flush I have fewer posts, but RN he's a stronger town read to me. Going back to Pokemon I get a very similar vibe from his posts. He has short and concise opinions and calls out stuff he disagrees with like Kark trying to make sense of Blarg. I haven't seen his recent scum play, but going back to Heist his posts are much more padded trying to explain his views.
Oceanic doesn't seem different from his town self, but I don't have enough to make him much more than null RN.
AB is a tiny bit townie, but again little to go from. He seems a bit more solvey.
Interesting, hadn't spotted that.StanleyPalmtree ...Going from against a lynch on Blarg or Terra to seeming fine with either one without much thought on his part.
What do you mean? A few people have called out Flush now (with Faddy and Natiko fighting over the credit even), and I think we've been so far unanimous on Terra having been caught with his pants down.I'm at work but I have the slow night tonight up front at check in so when I get up there, I'll try to post more. I notice the meh feeling on both a Terra or Flush lynch but I actually like those both, would put them with Blarg in a top 3 easy.
Forgot to mention this one. I too have felt Ty isn't as engaged as usual. I'm surprised you include him as a town read despite this - he's a competent scum.Ty4on This isnt quite as strong of a town lean as I have felt for him in prior games, but its still pretty solid. Sharing reads and questioning others like usual. My only hesitation is in the back half of this day phase he has seemed complacent. Generally though a pretty solid feeling of town.
StanleyPalmtree Null for now but closer to a scum lean than a town one. To me his play so far really isnt quotable. He generally has only discussed Blarg and even that was not much. My hesitation is solely based on meta in that last game I thought he was scum and he was town. Still, not a good feeling by the posts he has made. Going from against a lynch on Blarg or Terra to seeming fine with either one without much thought on his part. Seems fine with just following others.
If one of you could quote the posts in question that would be super.
and suddenly that policy lynch is starting to sounds like the best thing iv heard all week.
to be fair its been a below average week
Oh, well that was underwhelming.if you mean me changing my mind on blarg, it was this
which came after blarg actually started saying words, and yet communicated nothing of value, making me fairly certain he is actually just wasting every bodies time.
What do you mean? A few people have called out Flush now (with Faddy and Natiko fighting over the credit even), and I think we've been so far unanimous on Terra having been caught with his pants down.