VOTE: Sorian
So, two things:
First of all, the way you pushed for Terra's lynch/implosion yesterday, with posts from another game, to be pretty unfair and rather misleading. I clicked to follow a post you quoted and was surprised when I found myself IN ANOTHER THREAD. You tried to push suspicion on him by quoting from a game that's done and behind us. You've come off pretty cynical and sort of on metagame autopilot, but this crossed even that line.
Ty4on likewise needs to be shamed for posting a link to a scumchat in an ancient thread on a website we don't use anymore. That's crazy, man. It just shouldn't be relevant, and should not be admissible in this court.
Second, I want to review your claimed FA, and what you said about FAs Day 1.
For reminders, here's your FA claim:
Also, let's get this out of the way now so that I don't get burned if the day ends early for some reason, my FA is still in place and I have to role claim before day 2 ends. I'm an even night commuter. So gg on not killing me N1 for once, also gg when I get hit with the barrage of "Sorian is obviously scum and is just trying to excuse living through night phases."
So if I'm reading this right, your FA is that you must claim on Day 2.
Of all the FAs we've seen flipped, or heard about, the common thread is, naturally, that it's an action you
can't do or can't let happen, not an action you
must do. There's a difference.
So please clarify what your FA is, because this is fitting in as well as Faddy's "must rhyme every fourth post" FA claim that he rescinded.
Jokes on you, I already posted my forbidden action.
That said, I have no issue with discussion and pretending otherwise doesn't change that, I'm not interested in chasing garbage though, not really sorry that I feel like you and Splinter aren't actually being sincere in what you are pushing.
I've looked and haven't found where you posted your forbidden action before this post. Please link.
Where crap like what is going to happen? Blarg's FA isn't going to hinder him from playing the game in such a complete way. They are meant to be annoyances and minor handicaps, what Blarg is presenting us is a facade that forces him to post the same thing over and over again and when presented with a "coded" way of responding to us, he ignored it anyway. You're trying to ask the question of who is getting in the vote and why, I'm still talking about the actual issue of is Blarg scum or not.
Being forced to roleclaim Day 2 doesn't sound like a "annoyance or minor handicap" to a player, especially one like you