A DR fighting game would be literally the greatest. Makoto could be all about that truth bullet game!
I would main him in a heartbeat
also JUNKO
I'd imagine her moveset would incorporate her difference personas, and it would be hilarious
A DR fighting game would be literally the greatest. Makoto could be all about that truth bullet game!
It would probably be pretty difficult to design characters for a fighting game given that none of them are fighters aside from Sakura (Genocide Jack would work, too). They'd probably have to go all out using their Ultimate abilities as a template.
Sounds like it would either be pretty difficult to design characters for a fighting game given that none of them are fighters aside from Sakura (Genocide Jack would work, too). They'd probably have to go all out using their Ultimate abilities as a template.
would mark out so hard for a DR fighting game
i don't even know how most characters would fight all i know is that i want it
i think that at one of the fan events the series producers even had a discussion about which character would come out on top in a fight and they decided kyoko would win because she's batman and sakura would come in 2nd
edit: actually i was wrong, quote from orenronen, author of the SA LP (i'll spoiler anything about SDR2 characters because might as well, but there's no actual spoilers):
Between the first game and the sequel they definitely can have enough "fighting" type characters to make a small roster.
No, that's wrong
It should go without saying that the old Byakuya would never utter those words. His character arc is about (slowly) understanding the feelings of the people around him. Perhaps "redeem" is too strong of a word, but he definitely stops acting like an acerbic loner by the end of the game. It's clear as day during the final trial, where his cooperation (both in and outside of the trial) as at an all time high. I would argue that his motivations make a complete change, given what happened to his family (he went from wanting to rule the world to trying to restore his family's legacy) but it's ambiguous. We'll have to wait until SDR2 to settle that matter.
I'll admit that the Edgeworth comparison was tenuous, but I wasn't all that serious about it. There's no doubt in mind that there IS a change in his character.
One of Junko's moves should totally be the foot of the giant Monokuma that was tearing down the Eiffel Tower coming down out of nowhere, just saying.I would main him in a heartbeat
also JUNKO
I'd imagine her moveset would incorporate her difference personas, and it would be hilarious
Dibs on Gundam and his Four Dark Lords of Destruction (hamsters)
Why are you getting me hype for a game that will never exist!!
Why are you getting me hype for a game that will never exist!!
obviously a DR fighting game would need to have finishing moves in the form of executions too
Heh, that'd be a really cool concept for IKs. With the appropriate artstyle change, 8-bit intro and everything.
Fuck, how long does it take to level up your characters in School Mode...
So I beat the game an hour ago. Took some time to collect some thoughts.
It's excellent. Really excellent. For me, playing this game had a couple of similarities to when I first played Mass Effect 2. I played ME2 on PS3, which means I played it after spending a calendar year hearing all about how it was this amazing game. It was, as was this. They both start incredibly strong and cement themselves as quality pieces of work, right from the off. Yet somehow, they still managed to exceed my expectations.
I think the game has some trouble establishing tone in the first couple of acts, but after the first two trials, you're in it. The characters are developing, your interaction with Monokuma is as entertaining for you as it is frustrating for the team, and the writing and voice acting really starts to shine.
The cases are all really well put together. They kept me guessing and even when I basically guessed right, I never had the whole picture and that was always interesting. None of these characters (well, Genocide Jill...) are killers and the game doesn't try to make them that. They're people and under the right circumstances, people are unfortunately capable of murder of any degree.
My favorite chapter was 5. The fake out that comes with selling out Kyoko is one of the greatest trolls I've ever experienced, Alter Ego saving Makoto had my heart doing backflips, and even though it's a lot for them to throw in one scene, Kyoko's backstory transforms her into more than just an incredibly cool character - a compelling one.
I have some very minor complaints. Hifumi's "2D" lines always fell completely flat for me. I thought the lovesick Toko stuff was a little much, too. By the end of the game I had just had enough of that, although it does give way to some hilarious lines. Chapter 6 could probably be half as long it is. It hammers away "Hope v. Despair" but man, it feels redundant and takes forever. The characters acknowledging that this is happening doesn't make it any better either. But it's fine. Like I said, minor complaints.
My favorite characters were ultimately Kyoko, Byakuya, and Celeste. Kyoko I love everything about, Byakuya is a great foil for her, and Celeste unsettled me, but she also intrigued me. I enjoyed having her around I felt the loss when she was gone. But I felt all the losses and in general I liked everyone. They assembled a great cast.
One thing I'm super excited for is more of Takada. This has to be one of my favorite OSTs ever. Oh my god. When a Non-Stop Debate starts? Or when Makoto picks the right answer and the music swells? Yes. I loved it. Absolutely cannot wait to hear his work on SDR2 and The Evil Within. I even noticed Tango Gameworks in the DR credits!
There's more to say and I'll post it since I'm sure I'll be playing/thinking about this game for a few weeks yet, but for now, if you're keeping up with this thread, thanks to Houk and the guys at NISA. I think you guys hit this one out of the park. I wasn't sure at first, but ultimately, you really pulled it off!
Everyone's been waiting to hear about your avatar.So I beat the game an hour ago. Took some time to collect some thoughts.
"Some models were never cute.... Some villains you never forget"
Kyoko: She died years ago...
Third Game hero: You're sure?
Kyoko: I was there.
"Some heroes will never back down"
Kyoko: Go to work.
"Junko is back, and she isn't fashionably late"
Junko: Puhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhu!!!
"She's got a new crew, a new game"
Junko: A lot has changed since your old Auntie Junko's been away. A new Japan, new rules, and even a new hope-- I'm ready to give this old world a frown again!
"Now the world's newest Ultimate Hope needs answers"
Third Hero: What can you tell me about models.
Byakuya: Drop it child.
"He'll have to stand alone"
Junko: You're out of your league, I know every trick the original Ultimate Hope and Detective knew at their peak.
"-- To face a vengeful menace from the past who's day is about to dawn again"
Third Hero: Lets dance.
"DanganRonpa 3: Return of Junko-- This time Enoshima IS despair!"
Everyone's been waiting to hear about your avatar.
You might wanna go over the last 2 pages, they've been all about you.![]()
Just checked & it's in the Physics Lab. You'll have a better chance of getting it after leveling up your characters. Also, if you can, GET THE TOOLS. It will make getting materials so much easier.Guys, how do you get Iron Plates in School Mode? I can't them from regular collecting and I can't make them. It seems like Pectoral Harness might unlock them, but you need Iron Plates to get it....
That's why I want the Iron Plate. D: I want all the tools, but them damn iron plates. Thanks for the help, man.Just checked & it's in the Physics Lab. You'll have a better chance of getting it after leveling up your characters. Also, if you can, GET THE TOOLS. It will make getting materials so much easier.
Guys, I came up with the plot for DanganRonpa 3
So can we get some art up in here or what? Anyone have the class pictures? I'd love to screenshot the art as it appears in the game, but I'm not very quick on the draw and when you buy the art from the Extras menu, it has the X button prompt in the corner.
PK, do your thing!
I love everything about this post, hahahaJunko: I have a dream.' That one day every person in this nation will control their own despair. A nation of the truly Hopeless, dammit. A nation of Violence, not words, ruled by anarchy, not committee! Where the law changes to suit the criminal, not the other way around. Where power and chaos are back where they belong: in the hands of the people! Where every man is free to Kill - to act - for himself! Fuck all these limp-dick lawyers and chickenshit bureaucrats. Fuck this 24-hour Internet spew of trivia and celebrity bullshit! Fuck American pride! Fuck the media! FUCK ALL OF IT! America is diseased. Rotten to the core. There's no saving it - we need to pull it out by the roots. Wipe the slate clean. BURN IT DOWN! And from the ashes a new America will be born. Evolved, but untamed! The weak will be purged and the strongest will thrive - free to live as they see fit, they'll make America great again! ...In my new America, people will die and kill for what they BELIEVE! for money. for oil! Not for what they're told is right. Every man will be free to pursue his own Despair!"
Makoto: I said my hope was a tool of justice. Not used in anger. Not used for vengeance. But now... Now I'm not so sure. And besides, this isn't my hope.
It hammers away "Hope v. Despair" but man, it feels redundant and takes forever. The characters acknowledging that this is happening doesn't make it any better either. But it's fine. Like I said, minor complaints.
So can we get some art up in here or what? Anyone have the class pictures? I'd love to screenshot the art as it appears in the game, but I'm not very quick on the draw and when you buy the art from the Extras menu, it has the X button prompt in the corner.
PK, do your thing!
Here are all of 'em.
Here are all of 'em.
Damn right. So good.Sakura makes the swimming and race pictures oh so much better
So can we get some art up in here or what? Anyone have the class pictures? I'd love to screenshot the art as it appears in the game, but I'm not very quick on the draw and when you buy the art from the Extras menu, it has the X button prompt in the corner.
PK, do your thing!
He posted some here.
Also, did you happen to check Makoto's report card after he became the Ultimate Hope?
Yeah, that part feels really hamfisted. Goes hand in hand with what I'd said eariler about Junko's whole "I'm the embodiment of despair" speech. Kinda lame, but ah well--mostly just stands out cause the rest of the game is so well written.
A few of the characters, like Hifumi, don't do enough to stand out amongst their character tropes.
Here are all of 'em.
The Ultimate... Despair?
I feel that makes a rather dark implication.
Worst typo ever
I wanted to see the words "Ultimate Hope" after earning it, but noooooooo
We need a patch!
It's not a typo - I can't guess as to their reasoning, but that's what they had in the Japanese version.
You know, this is like of the best Japanese adventure games I've played so far. If I'd rank them (including Corpse Party since it's an adventure game)
We need a patch!
It's not a typo - I can't guess as to their reasoning, but that's what they had in the Japanese version.