You know, this is like of the best Japanese adventure games I've played so far. If I'd rank them (including Corpse Party since it's an adventure game):
Corpse Party (1+BoS)
DanganRonpa: Trigger Happy Havoc
Shadow of Destiny
Virtue's Last Reward
Time Hollow
Yeah, DR is definitely up there for me as well. There's just so much about it that I love. I'm so glad we're getting the sequel this year and that there's a third game that we might have a good chance of eventually getting.
I still haven't played too many games of this type, but I too loved everything about DR. It really did turn out to be everything I wanted. I already want to replay if and the sequel has shot to the top of my most wanted list.
Worst typo ever
I wanted to see the words "Ultimate Hope" after earning it, but noooooooo
We need a patch!
It's not a typo - I can't guess as to their reasoning, but that's what they had in the Japanese version.
Here's my thinking: Makoto either earned that title for besting Junko or (more likely) because in truth, he's the ultimate unlucky student. A bad omen; his very presence brings about despair. I think if you believe that, you could go on to assume he and the survivors will go on to face hardships like Junko said. But they'll make it. They have hope.