^ Thank you, I don't want to know anything about the sequel so spoiler tag all DR2 shit please. It's only a few months away.
This place is getting a little dangerous, even with the spoiler tags...
^ Thank you, I don't want to know anything about the sequel so spoiler tag all DR2 shit please. It's only a few months away.
So I have one question about SDR2 (I hope I wasn't spoiled ;_
It's not the SDR2 spoiler thread, so I'm spoiler tagging it.
I've seen a fair amount of fan art (and one figure) with Nanami and that white/pink female Monokuma or whatever. So, my question is this:
Is Nanami the mastermind in DR2?
If you exclude obvious motives like "I want to live in the real world", "I want to see/help my family and friends", and "I want to get the fuck out of here before I'm next", some characters' dreams are only touched on if you hang out with them I think. Asahina wanted to get the gold in the olympics, Sakura wanted to best the one person stronger than her.Actually thinking about it, most characters didn't really have something that important in the outside world. Man, they should have just settled.
^ Thank you, I don't want to know anything about the sequel so spoiler tag all DR2 shit please. It's only a few months away.
The only character I've had the guts to look up any fan-art for is Celeste. I was reasonably confident she'd be spoiler free since the odds of her featuring in the sequel are, uh, pretty slim.So can we get some art up in here or what? Anyone have the class pictures? I'd love to screenshot the art as it appears in the game, but I'm not very quick on the draw and when you buy the art from the Extras menu, it has the X button prompt in the corner.![]()
You may notice a slight theme in her fan-art.
Alright, I guess I need to know how badly I was spoiled for DR2. I'm still going to enjoy it, but I'm pissed that I ran across someone openly talking about this.
DR2 SPOILERSHow big of a spoiler is it that I know that the core characters from the original game started a group called the Future Foundation (or something like that)
I'm never looking up anything Dangan Ronpa related again until I've beaten the second game.
Good riddanceI was reasonably confident she'd be spoiler free since the odds of her featuring in the sequel are, uh, pretty slim.
Alright, I guess I need to know how badly I was spoiled for DR2. I'm still going to enjoy it, but I'm pissed that I ran across someone openly talking about this.
DR2 SPOILERSHow big of a spoiler is it that I know that the core characters from the original game started a group called the Future Foundation (or something like that)
I'm never looking up anything Dangan Ronpa related again until I've beaten the second game.
This present trophy is really getting to me. I cannot fathom a single reason why I keep getting repeats despite spending well over the amount of coins it should take to guarantee a non-repeat item. I can spend the 99 coin maximum and still wind up getting repeats nine times out of ten.
Please help. ;_;
The only way to escape is to stay off the internet.Has anyone noticed this pattern of people coming into this thread after having beaten the game, then a few posts later they come back asking how bad they just got spoiled for DR2? hehehehe
Actually, I shouldn't laugh. I could probably be next to fall into some crazy spoiler trap...
I'll hope it's not too ingrained in my memory by the time I play the second game.
Oh well. Thanks for letting me know!
me: also if you ever get a vita, play danganronpa
me: also dont ever look up danganronpa
friend: Aight
....what? Haven't seen it in a while so, I don't recall them being similar.Did anyone else notice how the initial premise is vaguely similar to Charlie and The Chocolate Factory?
....what? Haven't seen it in a while so, I don't recall them being similar.
Did anyone else notice how the initial premise is vaguely similar to Charlie and The Chocolate Factory?
yea. I don't see it eitherWell I mean you got kids.
You got one crazy guide.
You got kids doing bad things. Sure one is just breaking the rules due to their own greed and the other is murdering other kids but close enough?
....what? Haven't seen it in a while so, I don't recall them being similar.
Vaguely similar. Makoto wins his way into the school the same way Charlie wins his way into the factory: pure luck, Monokuma has a really overt, bewildering presence like Willy Wonka, and the characters all have a gimmick just as the kids in CATCF do. The way they meet their end is usually tied to that gimmick.
Well it is pretty easy to get spoiled for SDR2 since it is a sequel and things are still connected between the two games.
I mean, you probably won't get spoiled for everything depending on what you are looking up, so there will still be things left for you to discover.
Of course the internet is out to spoil you on Danganronpa anyway, so might as well not even look up anything anyway.
Does anyone forgive Maizono for what she did? I can't bring myself to. Hell, in the first case, I blame Maizono more than I do Leon. Maizono and Celeste are the only characters I didn't pity whatsoever, excluding the Despair Twins. I really think Leon wouldn't have killed anyone if not for Maizono attacking him.
Why would anyone forgive her? As Mike from Breaking Bad once said:
"I was being sexist. Trust me, this woman deserves to die as much as any man I've ever known."
Vaguely similar. Makoto wins his way into the school the same way Charlie wins his way into the factory: pure luck, Monokuma has a really overt, bewildering presence like Willy Wonka, and the characters all have a gimmick just as the kids in CATCF do. The way they meet their end is usually tied to that gimmick.
You'd be surprised. There are people out there that defend Junko. People seem okay with Mondo as well (including me), and Jack is well liked despite being a serial killer.Why would anyone forgive her? As Mike from Breaking Bad once said:
"I was being sexist. Trust me, this woman deserves to die as much as any man I've ever known."
You'd be surprised. There are people out there that defend Junko. People seem okay with Mondo as well (including me), and Jack is well liked despite being a serial killer.
You'd be surprised. There are people out there that defend Junko. People seem okay with Mondo as well (including me), and Jack is well liked despite being a serial killer.
Let it be known that Leon is the most heroic villain in the game for dispatching an obviously psychotic murderer before they could seriously harm anyone rather than just walk away when she barracaded herself in the bathroom.
No more half measures, indeed.
You'd be surprised. There are people out there that defend Junko. People seem okay with Mondo as well (including me), and Jack is well liked despite being a serial killer.
I think what most people don't like about Mondo was that he killed Chihiro. Hell, if he killed anyone else, people could forgive him especially since he was the most remorseful about it. And really it was the most tragic murder out of the game for both parties.
You'd be surprised. There are people out there that defend Junko. People seem okay with Mondo as well (including me), and Jack is well liked despite being a serial killer.
Mondo was a loose cannon. First interaction with Makoto? He throws a punch for nothing and knocks him out.
He got what was coming to him.
Yeah, that's how I feel about Maizono. Leon could've stopped, but what can ya do? Guess she picked the wrong one to fuck with.
Yeah, that's how I feel about Maizono. Leon could've stopped, but what can ya do? Guess she picked the wrong one to fuck with.
Kirigiri: It adds up perfectly. Sayaka Maizono chose the most vulnerable person she could as a target for murdera professional athlete who was several times stronger than her.
Leon: Dude! What total BS! That logic is hella whack!
The fact that she just threw away their friendship like that sickens me. Guess she's a good villain in that regard. Would hate Mukuro more if not for "If", but that's not canon and not written by the writers of the main games so whatever.Even knowing she was behind it to begin with, I honestly hated her on sight in Chapter 6.
I can't forgive her for trying to kill Leon and failing miserably. If you're actively planning to murder someone, at least get the job done right. Lost a lot of respect for her because of that.Does anyone forgive Maizono for what she did? I can't bring myself to. Hell, in the first case, I blame Maizono more than I do Leon. Maizono and Celeste are the only characters I didn't pity whatsoever, excluding the Despair Twins. I really think Leon wouldn't have killed anyone if not for Maizono attacking him.
...Good riddanceMy bullshit detector exploded whenever she was on screen.
She needed someone who would be dumb/horny enough to fall for it. The girls are out, she thought Chihiro was a girl, and Hifumi was into 2D. Out of the boys, Mondo is way too strong, Byakuya isn't stupid, and Makoto would have made it way too obvious it was her.About that, was there any indication as to why she chose to kill Leon? I mean, if you are gonna kill someone, why go for an athletic guy who can easily fight back instead of someone like Chihiro, Hifumi, or Junko?
(Mukuro!Junko would have totally won that fight, but it's not like Maizono knew who she really was.)
I really don't know why she even picked Leon as her target. I'm sure there are more stupid characters *coughHirocough* that she probably could have easily murder instead.
The fact that she just threw away their friendship like that sickens me. Guess she's a good villain in that regard. Would hate Mukuro more if not for "If", but that's not canon and not written by the writers of the main games so whatever.
You can be sympathetic towards any of the murderers, even Maizono. Antagonists with actual depth tend to have that effect on people, that's why despite Walter White being the most despicable human begin ever--people still rooting for him.
That's why I think some people might forgive Maizono, cause you can be sympathetic towards her--You know what Monokuma(Junko) did to drive most of them to do.
That said, her plan was pretty fucked up and selfish. Actual forgiveness is a stretch.
She needed someone who would be dumb/horny enough to fall for it. The girls are out, she thought Chihiro was a girl, and Hifumi was into 2D. Out of the boys, Mondo is way too strong, Byakuya isn't stupid, and Makoto would have made it way too obvious it was her.
She should have went for Hiro, I agree.