You can just wait and give all the divine tomes to Karla. Safer that way.
Too late.
**Actually it is not as she only accepts 4 of the tomes.
You can just wait and give all the divine tomes to Karla. Safer that way.
The ones she doesn't take you know are safe to give to miracle lady, that's how I always remember any way heehee!Too late.
**Actually it is not as she only accepts 4 of the tomes.
It's not too hard a build actually its pretty decent to go with the fist weapons but unless you've got practice you might struggle in PvP. I feel they're a bit of a downgrade from DS2 though.Tried the Caestus on the left hand. It does exactly what I want it to do, with both the parry and a fast attack that does decent damage. Thanks!
It's also neat that I can hold triangle and two-hand them if I feel like just slugging it out with something. There's something badass about sheathing a huge sword on your back and then duking it out with fists.
Also unlocked the cleric. Now I can try doing STR/Faith or Dex/Faith or something. I've always wanted to try doing a faith build somehow.
If you mean an OT, the game isn't out til February, so no. But there have been threads discussing the beta and such before.Is there a NIOH thread yet?
There's a glitch that allows you to invade Boss rooms, as in, you can enter the boss room as an invader.
Well, glad I haven't played the game in a week then.
Where's a good early farming spot for souls to level up at?
Anor Londo bonfire.
Edit: NM you said early.
I just lost 14000 souls I could've used to level up from 28 Depraved (need to get my STR/DEX and Int and the other one--faith stat--to at least 20-30 for weapons and stuff to be equipped). So I think the area I'm in (if I can pull summons) should work.
I'm honestly shocked I've gotten to the Lost Cathedral (or whatever that has the blood loss worms) with just the Uchikatana and like the chain-mail armor and the East-West Shield. D: Granted, with some co-op help, but still...
Well, glad I haven't played the game in a week then.
Where's a good early farming spot for souls to level up at?
Just for fun: How could it be officially sanctioned? Boss invasions, I mean.
I agree since the boss can hit the invaders as well it can create for some really amazing encounters -- But in a Souls game, unless the boss is specifically designed around this idea (which is very rare), people have the expectation of being able to PVE them.
What could be done to incorporate boss invasions but have it be fair, voluntary, and incentivized so that hosts will want to do it?
I wonder if you can trigger seed of a giant in a boss fight.
You just use them that's it as they gain a status effect from it, although I don't why it would not work.How do you use them? Mine did nothing when I used it with a lot of enemies and an invader.
Without watching a boss invasion I assume the boss isn't tracking the reds, if it was I am certain they would be sending "you and that boss ganked me, pos!" messages.
Keeping it fair? Host has two phantoms and invader can draw aggro works for me but it is a cheat that the game isn't aware of, so no thanks. I never had it happen in dk2 but if you were online the 3-3? boss was going to be human. That was often amazing.
You might want to try the estoc instead of a rapier it has a much better moveset.So I tried to use the rapier with my mage and damn is this weapon a pain in PvE. No range, a terrible hitbox and nothing to counter multiple enemies.
Tried to kill the big tree with it but lol. This does not work.
I'll have to get something different. Maybe the broadsword again.
Is awesome for both the invader and the one getting the invasion...IMO lol
You might want to try the estoc instead of a rapier it has a much better moveset.
Horses for courses, I've been a fan of rapiers since Demon's Souls
I will say there's a way of playing with rapiers that might be different to other weapons, I tend to do a fair bit of camera tilting when not locked on to take advantage of the verticality of Souls sword combat (like tilting down to hit crystal lizards or hitting the target points on the tree boss, with a more vertical weapon you can just press attack, but with a purely forward poke of a rapier, the camera tilt gives you more options for targeting). Like Stormtrooper says try the Estoc the horizontal swipes on the R2 give it a more versatile moveset and opportunity for crowd control.
Should I level up both STR and DEX for the Hollowslayer Greatsword since it scales on both? Or just Dex?
Should I level up both STR and DEX for the Hollowslayer Greatsword since it scales on both? Or just Dex?
Yes, it's a quality weapon. You should go for 40/40.
I think it has B DEX scaling at +5, so if you want to go pure DEX is still good. Unless you want to max it's damage.
It's not a quality weapon at all it is a DEX oriented great sword with D/C scalingIf you want the most out of it you need to level both... But definitely dex first if you're using it as you level up.
Ideally if you do go 40/40 you might benefit from a weapon with quality scaling or uses the refined upgrade path to maximise your stats.Should I level up both STR and DEX for the Hollowslayer Greatsword since it scales on both? Or just Dex?
It's not a quality weapon at all it is a DEX oriented great sword with D/C scaling
Ideally if you do go 40/40 you might benefit from a weapon with quality scaling or uses the refined upgrade path to maximise your stats.
That's a bit of a stretch you might as well say every weapon is a quality weapon at that point scaling just doesn't work that way. Sure putting points into STR will help with even suboptimal scaling its better than nothing but that doesn't make it quality at all.Well, if you need to go 40/40 to get max damage, that's effectively a quality weapon. (you can't refine it, is a boss weapon).
That's a bit of a stretch you might as well say every weapon is a quality weapon at that point scaling just doesn't work that way. Sure putting points into STR will help with even suboptimal scaling its better than nothing but that doesn't make it quality at all.
I really miss this game. It was perfect![]()
Quality here is based on Demon Souls as in the upgrade path with equal stat scaling so C/C for weapons etc. A quality build uses 40/40 stats but it doesn't make a DEX weapon a quality one at the end of the day it still scales higher with DEX rather than STR.A 40/40 in STR/DEX is quality.
Now a weapon that scales to both is typically used in a quality build. As the weapon has scaling in both STR and DEX.
If the weapon doesn't, no need to create a quality build.
As scaling and stat into STR/DEX don't really do much. Not to mention scaling isn't the same on all weapons, like a scaling of C in STR isn't the same as C in STR on another.
Pretty simple.
DS2 in some aspects is two steps forward one step back you can't really approach it the same way as you would with 3 combat wise it really doesn't work. It does have some refinements that DS3 lacks however combat wise.Trying to play DS2 again. Getting further but by far the combat mechanic sucks, and its magnified by PVP.
Especially being invaded as a hollow at a bonfire. Half the time its a dude that you can't even hit either.
I may just stop. I would probably have liked this if it was my first dark souls game as I wouldn't know any better.
FuckI keep getting him down to like 15 or 20% health and he gets me.Champion Gundyr phase 2. I can barely find an opening to attack or heal and half the time that I do it's actually just a lead in to that shoulder bash attack. Ughhhhh.
Here goes try 15 or 20 or however many this is.
No,Which one? Tutorial boss or?
No worries, I'm out of embers and just hopped off for a break anyway. Hopefully when I've calmed down and come back I'll get it.Which way are you dodging? I could get on my other character and come help, but I don't know how much I would help =D
No worries, I'm out of embers and just hopped off for a break anyway. Hopefully when I've calmed down and come back I'll get it.
I've been dodging to my right, his left (away from his lance).
So, is level 45 too high for Faron's Keep's bossfight? Put a sign down and nothing.
Speaking of which, you can apparently get 3 gestures from that fight. Is it possible to?summon each one and send them home. I know one of them counts against Sirris' quest, so if I can summon, learn the gesture and have them sent home to avoid breaking that quest...
Abyss watchers? Crap I forgot to do that, only missed gestures right?