Yes, and it's glorious! One of the best games I ever played. Was my first soulsborneHuh, that's from the same guys, looking into it. Will do - it got the same exploryness, right?
Yes, and it's glorious! One of the best games I ever played. Was my first soulsborneHuh, that's from the same guys, looking into it. Will do - it got the same exploryness, right?
Yuria doesn't offer levelups.
Yes, and it's glorious! One of the best games I ever played. Was my first soulsborne
It's much harder then DS3 though. Especially in the beginning. Good luck 😉Bought! Thanks =)
It's much harder then DS3 though. Especially in the beginning. Good luck 😉
Yay, I do like half a point damage to this boss in profaned capital. By my math should only have to hit him 487,000 times to win!
Or, use the sword art on that weapon and charge up for 3 seconds and head shot him! Because he'll definitely let you sit there charging a weapon to which he'll kindly lower his head and hold it out for me to hit!
Yea it's a terrible fight imo, but so was the one in Demon's. It was supposed to be nostalgic or something but to me it's a wasted boss slot.
Hasn't started yet? Is it late?GDQ is speedrunning DS3 on twitch right now.
Hasn't started yet? Is it late?
LOL the game crashed in that speed run while he was using an out of bounds glitch... that can't be good
Edit: I was afk for a bit while he was reloading his crashed game, and missed what happened, is it cancelled or postponed?
How did the AGDQ guy get the final boss to just stand there and not move while he wacked away?
That was a funny run. How he beat Aldrich and Soul of Cinder is just hilarious. Almost getting back at the game for being an asshole to you![]()
Sooo.... I'm taking crazy pills or are people invading bosses now?
Sooo.... I'm taking crazy pills or are people invading bosses now?
I'm starting to think I'm leveling out of the range of the boss for the Smouldering Lake. :x Level 60 might be too high now.
I'm not doing the 500 damage I see other folks doing, however. Even with Magic. Weird.
So, how are you supposed to survive the lava with the two items? Even with as much resistance as I have, and profuse sweat, I can BARELY make it to the first one (but can't pick it up before dying) and Estus Chugging is no go since it takes a few seconds to "chug"/animate before healing.
Yeahhhh forget it for now unless you suicide run. It's nothing that interesting anyway.Well I don't have flash sweat. I only have like 15 in Vitality (so like 400 health) soul form. Resistances are in the like 7-13 range on armor.
I think I'm fucked right now for getting those.
Well I don't have flash sweat. I only have like 15 in Vitality (so like 400 health) soul form. Resistances are in the like 7-13 range on armor.
I think I'm fucked right now for getting those.
I think it's my HP being so low, honestly. I have an Estus+7 (not sure what burning in the bonfire does besides that) which isn't the issue.
My stats are like:
(Going from top to bottom)
Trying to get the "soft caps" in STR/DEX/Faith/INT to equip everything available in reality. And for the most part, I've been able to survive (barely) with the base (near base anyway) Depraved HP values. It's just this area that's eating into it too quickly and Estus too slow to run.
It's a glitch From needs to patch.
It is a glitch. Funny it uses a glitch from Dark Souls 1 heh.
The host needs to use the black crystal thing to send home any phantoms that aren't with you.
I've plugged 51 hours into this game and just now found out that there's a bonfire in Crucifixion Woods. Son of a bitch.
I've played 8,000 hours and just realized there's a twinkling titanite lizard on top of firelink
wow this is the kind of glitch that need to be patches asap.
IMO Your vig and att is to low, and dex and str too high.
For att, you should aim to 24 min. 30 max.
I see you're gonna use the Onyx Blade, that weapon scales with fth and int better, so dex and str should be left to the required stats to wield the weapon.
About rings, I see you have Witch ring but Swamp ring also buff pyromancies. You'll also need Sage ring for faster casting.
EDIT: This is my pyro build, if you want an example
If you think 30 ATT is too much you can go 24. I have 30 because it let me have Vestiges (2 slots) and 3 more spells. Also, I have a ton of MP to basically vestige the shit out of a boss in Coop without running out of MP. But you can go 24 and pump more HP if you want. An Ashes Estus Flask will recover up to lvl 27 or 28 ATT worth of MP when no mana.
15 STR is for the pyromancy parting flame. Fire based Sabre Follower is a good secondary weapon if you need something faster than the Onyx Blade, is basically like Carthus Curved sword, but you need less stats to use it.
Hit 30 in INT. These spells aren't hitting any harder and the stuff that requires it being that high seem... underwhelming? Just me?
Thanks, though parting flame is better for dark or close range or what?
Searching information and not getting much of an explanation.
It does more damage with some spells when casting close to the enemy, like Black Flame.
It also gives 1 estus refill every 13 or so monsters. I think it's worth to have, but if you're not interested you can save a couple of levels in STR.
With three phases and invisible shit, frostbite etc? It was definately intended to be a troublesome boss!I guess the proper way to beat this is to focus on the priest and hope the nun doesn't freeze you from off camera? I really don't know how these two-boss fights are generally supposed to work with one usually being off screen - is there a general strategy for it? Just checking, because I feel this wasn't intended to be that troublesome a boss![/SPOILER]
Hit 30 in INT. These spells aren't hitting any harder and the stuff that requires it being that high seem... underwhelming? Just me?
You don't need to hope for anything....Yikes.
was hard! I needed 19 tries, and half of them ended with theSister Friedepriest in phase 2 charging from off camera and killing me XD; I guess the proper way to beat this is to focus on the priest and hope the nun doesn't freeze you from off camera? I really don't know how these two-boss fights are generally supposed to work with one usually being off screen - is there a general strategy for it? Just checking, because I feel this wasn't intended to be that troublesome a boss!
Also, on weapons: The Astora Greatsword probably ISN'T the best choice for the lategame bosses? XD; It sometimes was very difficult to get out of the post-hit-counter move from the bosses. Are faster weapons usually a better choice here?