You are fine. And there is an item you can get for free to cure you at anytime.
As a Pyromancer I simply cannot kill the bossAbyss Watchers. I'm about to give up for awhile on this one. The closest I've gotten is phase two 25%. However, the amount of frustration that is locking on to cast spells, then going into free-form camera to run away, toggling back and forth, etc., is just too great in this fight. I simply can't seem to maintain it throughout the entire fight.
I also am wondering if I should respec. I only have enough Stamina to get off two Fire Orbs, which means if I get off a Fire Orb, chances are I don't have enough stamina to roll usually. The casting time is also incredibly slow :/. I think I screwed up my build by dumping a bunch into int and attunement, realizing I also needed Faith, then trying to get Dext for some weapons.
Should I be using Greatsword +3 on this fight and Pyromancer Flame +2? I don't have any Large Titanite shards to upgrade anything further. Am I severely underpowered? I'm actually Level 40, so it seems like I'm high (trash mobs are easy).
I dunno, I'm really not feeling Pyromancer for this fight at all. Most bosses so far have simply worked better going pure melee mode. Almost into desperation mode for summon help.
As a Pyromancer I simply cannot kill the bossAbyss Watchers. I'm about to give up for awhile on this one. The closest I've gotten is phase two 25%. However, the amount of frustration that is locking on to cast spells, then going into free-form camera to run away, toggling back and forth, etc., is just too great in this fight. I simply can't seem to maintain it throughout the entire fight.
I also am wondering if I should respec. I only have enough Stamina to get off two Fire Orbs, which means if I get off a Fire Orb, chances are I don't have enough stamina to roll usually. The casting time is also incredibly slow :/. I think I screwed up my build by dumping a bunch into int and attunement, realizing I also needed Faith, then trying to get Dext for some weapons.
Should I be using Greatsword +3 on this fight and Pyromancer Flame +2? I don't have any Large Titanite shards to upgrade anything further. Am I severely underpowered? I'm actually Level 40, so it seems like I'm high (trash mobs are easy).
I dunno, I'm really not feeling Pyromancer for this fight at all. Most bosses so far have simply worked better going pure melee mode. Almost into desperation mode for summon help.
As a Pyromancer I simply cannot kill the bossAbyss Watchers. I'm about to give up for awhile on this one. The closest I've gotten is phase two 25%. However, the amount of frustration that is locking on to cast spells, then going into free-form camera to run away, toggling back and forth, etc., is just too great in this fight. I simply can't seem to maintain it throughout the entire fight.
Should I be using Greatsword +3 on this fight and Pyromancer Flame +2? I don't have any Large Titanite shards to upgrade anything further. Am I severely underpowered? I'm actually Level 40, so it seems like I'm high (trash mobs are easy).
I can't remember exactly where and no you don't lose levels just the chance at a special ending.Free? Please tell me how! Also, do you lose the levels you gained after being cured?
As a Pyromancer I simply cannot kill the bossAbyss Watchers. I'm about to give up for awhile on this one. The closest I've gotten is phase two 25%. However, the amount of frustration that is locking on to cast spells, then going into free-form camera to run away, toggling back and forth, etc., is just too great in this fight. I simply can't seem to maintain it throughout the entire fight.
I also am wondering if I should respec. I only have enough Stamina to get off two Fire Orbs, which means if I get off a Fire Orb, chances are I don't have enough stamina to roll usually. The casting time is also incredibly slow :/. I think I screwed up my build by dumping a bunch into int and attunement, realizing I also needed Faith, then trying to get Dext for some weapons.
Should I be using Greatsword +3 on this fight and Pyromancer Flame +2? I don't have any Large Titanite shards to upgrade anything further. Am I severely underpowered? I'm actually Level 40, so it seems like I'm high (trash mobs are easy).
I dunno, I'm really not feeling Pyromancer for this fight at all. Most bosses so far have simply worked better going pure melee mode. Almost into desperation mode for summon help.
I think my progress may be glitched? After killingI've got nowhere to go. Maybe because we killed each other at the same time?Aldrich
oh my lord, I legit had more trouble with the monster onthan literally anything else in the game thus far. I managed to figure it out, but damn that took me a few tries.the bridge to Irithyll
was probably the best level so far, very DS1 in design. A shame they pretty much abandoned the Metroidvania-style enviroment, really.Cathedral of the Depth
Dark Souls 1 still their magnus opus, all things considering.
It does decent damage, but trying to find that opening to land the hit and be able to evade efficiently is proving the most difficult part. On my best attempts, I've gotten him to 25%, but the length of the fight gets to me.I just co-op'd it tbh.
Your pyro flame should actually do a ton of dmg to him.(Each fire orb did 1/8 of his health for me) The biggest thing is getting out of the way of those AOE slashes he does in phase two.
I did the cathedral area first so that might explain the levels?You're like 10 levels higher than I was when I did that fight in like 2 tries. Not trying to toot my own horn, just saying your build sounds kind of all over the place.
I'd just summon if I were you.
I think I'd have to put more points into Str or Dext to equip anything else effectively. I've mostly been trying phase 2 with magic only, but maybe that's a losing proposition and I should just go melee.Maybe switch to a long sword and buff it with resin? You can stunlock them and get in a lot of hits.
So gamespot said this regarding hollowing....
Quest Spoiler:
When you speak to Yoel in the Firelink Shrine, Yoel will offer to "unlock your true power" by branding you with a Dark Sigil item. Accept this proposition to get a "free" skill point, but it's important to note that doing this turns you Hollow. That is, your maximum hit points begin to decrease each time you die. Yoel can give you up to five "free" skill points via this process, however, you need to die two times to gain a new skill point and a Dark Sigil from him. Do this as soon as possible, as he can die later on in the game's story.
Someone else said it makes you more vulnerable to holy damage cause by lothric knights, bosses and the the following miracles: Divine Pillars of Light and Blessed weapon (buff)
So basically....should I be doing offering boss help to raise the 100,000 souls to fix this?
I fucking hated that thing. Still, it could have been worse...imagine fighting two of them at once?
And there it is, another masterpiece. But the journey is far from over.
Last boss was a challenge. Didn't bother to try.parrying him so I don't know if that makes the fight easier, just relied on my dodging
Level 82 and 32 hours, solo and blind.
What other bosses have you beat at this point?
Old Demon King
There's another way to go inwhich leads to more areas.Irithyll
I see FuturePress didn't make a guide for this. Shame. I would've bought it immediately right now.
I fucking hated that thing. Still, it could have been worse...imagine fighting two of them at once?
I don't really care about the lack of interconnectedness when the individual level design is this good, TBH. You can still see how the world comes together (pretty much all the areas I've found so far are clearly visible from either the High Wall or the Undead Settlement) and they flow believably. I think it's a shame some people are going to overlook the often spectacular level design just because the areas don't all end up looping back to Firelink.
It's pretty damn far, like 10 bosses in, something like that,it's in the area after you have defeated 3 lords of cinderCan someone answer in a non spoiler way.
How far into the game can I turn in Sunbro tokens?
I feel like maybe i missed the shrine.
I am at least 6 major areas in.
It does decent damage, but trying to find that opening to land the hit and be able to evade efficiently is proving the most difficult part. On my best attempts, I've gotten him to 25%, but the length of the fight gets to me.
I did the cathedral area first so that might explain the levels?
I think I need to respec my build. This is my first real attempt at DS (and not giving up) so I'm not sure what I'm supposed to be doing for Pyromancer (outside Attunement/Int/Faith).
Here are my numbers:
Any recommendations?
I think I'd have to put more points into Str or Dext to equip anything else effectively. I've mostly been trying phase 2 with magic only, but maybe that's a losing proposition and I should just go melee.
Well, Ibecause he attacked me. Then told Anri about it. So I have no idea what will happen now lol.killed Horace
Am I.....going to have to fight two of them at once?
It does decent damage, but trying to find that opening to land the hit and be able to evade efficiently is proving the most difficult part. On my best attempts, I've gotten him to 25%, but the length of the fight gets to me.
I did the cathedral area first so that might explain the levels?
I think I need to respec my build. This is my first real attempt at DS (and not giving up) so I'm not sure what I'm supposed to be doing for Pyromancer (outside Attunement/Int/Faith).
Here are my numbers:
Any recommendations?
I think I'd have to put more points into Str or Dext to equip anything else effectively. I've mostly been trying phase 2 with magic only, but maybe that's a losing proposition and I should just go melee.
So happy Im a pyro. Beat the dude in two tries.
It's pretty damn far, like 10 bosses in, something like that,it's in the area after you have defeated 3 lords of cinder
Summon some help! If you can, get multiple going to run out of embers doing thisboss fight arent IPontiff Sulyvahn
So what's a good point to go through the? I just beatSmouldering Lakeand am inWolnirnow.Irithyll
I did it before Wolnir >_>
its not an easy area tho, so bring your a-game(and your vigor/strength or whatever main damage stat you're building)
Trying to get to the area below the bridge that breaks. Looked up a video on youtube but can't do it. I die of fall damage every time. Any way of doing it or am I just blocked off? I need the boss down there!
Use theTrying to get to the area below the bridge that breaks. Looked up a video on youtube but can't do it. I die of fall damage every time. Any way of doing it or am I just blocked off? I need the boss down there!
So what's a good point to go through the? I just beatSmouldering Lakeand am inWolnirnow.Irithyll
I've been beating most of the bosses so far in two tries. The first attempt seems to be more of a learning experience in most cases.
Trying to get to the area below the bridge that breaks. Looked up a video on youtube but can't do it. I die of fall damage every time. Any way of doing it or am I just blocked off? I need the boss down there!