I believe it's supposed to be like that so the messages can lead you astray. The Seek Guidance miracle supposedly shows the amount of positive and negative ratings.
Well, I'll be. Perhaps one day I'll actually see for myself what Seek Guidance does.
Honestly, the transition from Dark Souls to Skyrim is about as bad as it gets. The combat in Skyrim just feels like it was designed for babies in comparison.
Hahaha. I have so many friends who play Skyrim and bum it like it was the second coming. Maybe just one who plays both Skyrim and Dark Souls. You guys are my only real Soul buddies.
I mean, I get that it's an epic sprawling world and that you get to be epic and slay epic dragons all day. I honestly wouldn't mind giving it a go - don't think I'd even mind the babyish combat. But the way all that "rawr epic"ness is piled on (not to mention the technical complaints it receives and the number of jokes associated with it) puts me off. Makes it feel like the swords and shields version of Modern Warfare or something.
I tried to play Oblivion, and while the huge scope and sense of adventure pulled me in, as soon as I talked to a few NPCs I immediately felt disconnected from the world. a) The voice-acting was terrible, and the number of voices/samples extremely limited considering the number of inhabitants. b) The wooden way they would turn towards you and have this unnatural conversation made it feel cheap.
I know they are minor details, but the way Demon's/Dark Souls handles this NPC/world inhabitants approach is really very sophisticated. It's simple (some may say archaic in terms of there being no conversation options outside of Yes/No), but extremely effective. Every 'person' you come across is like an oasis in this bleak world, and every one of them has their own background, personality, and something interesting to offer - not to mention their own unique voice (the majority of which are performed well in my opinion).
... Wow, I don't know how I got onto that immersive world rant from the combat comment. Ah well, here's looking forward to my next little trek in Lordran tonight.