Brolic Gaoler
formerly Alienshogun
Thank you, thank you. *sigh* I just dont think im cut out for this game.
In regards to the black horned knight, am I supposed to avoid them?
Yep, until later, then you make them your bitch.
Thank you, thank you. *sigh* I just dont think im cut out for this game.
In regards to the black horned knight, am I supposed to avoid them?
Can someone tell me the point of the princess covenant? Also, if I beat the game by not lighting the bonfire (woops) is that bad if I was in that covenant?
Can anyone list the covenants and what they give/do?
What is up with standing right if front of something, and the lock-on not working?
Yeah, I figured that would be the case.
What are the chances for DLC for this game or a sequel. Did it sell well? (Yeah I know about demon souls).
Also, is the red dragon on the bridge unkillable?
I've gotten him down to half 3 times and he just flies back and regens.
Can someone tell me the point of the princess covenant? Also, if I beat the game by not lighting the bonfire (woops) is that bad if I was in that covenant?
Can anyone list the covenants and what they give/do?
As or the Dragon, it's the hardest enemy in the game, bar none. None of my builds have been able to kill him, but I got pretty close once with a 40/40 end/vit faith character by standing in a spot where his main fire attack missed me. But eventually he just freaks out and starts endlessly spamming a fire attack from the sky that hits everything.
I'm sure if you made a build entirely devoted to killing him you could eventually do it, or if you just overleveled like crazy, you could do it, but he's basically unkillable for 99% of players. Which is kind of awesome.
What are some good summon spots for SL32?
Honestly, the transition from Dark Souls to Skyrim is about as bad as it gets. The combat in Skyrim just feels like it was designed for babies in comparison.
I stopped playing Skyrim, I will try playing again next year. I'm still too addicted to DS to enjoy it, it seems so boring with its stupid fetch quest, quick travel, total lack of actual character development (role playing wise), one-click combat, almost random generated dungeons, locations looking alike a lot. No thanks, that is definitely not my idea of goty. Then again, I'm sure I will enjoy it, just not now.I went from Skyrim to Dark Souls and the combat in DS is so much better it's not even funny.
I don't know if I can even go back to Skyrim now
I stopped playing Skyrim, I will try playing again next year. I'm still too addicted to DS to enjoy it, it seems so boring with its stupid fetch quest, quick travel, total lack of actual character development (role playing wise), one-click combat, almost random generated dungeons, locations looking alike a lot. No thanks, that is definitely not my idea of goty. Then again, I'm sure I will enjoy it, just not now.
The DLC question was already answered,
I think a sequel is almost guaranteed. Dark Souls seemed to have sold very well for this type of game, and I think it got up to 1,000,000 sold world wide. There was even talk around here of FROM trademarking something called Dark Forest, which seems like a possible title for a follow up. I can't imagine Demon's Souls sold nearly as well as Dark Souls, and we got a sequel, so things look good.
As or the Dragon, it's the hardest enemy in the game, bar none. None of my builds have been able to kill him, but I got pretty close once with a 40/40 end/vit faith character by standing in a spot where his main fire attack missed me. But eventually he just freaks out and starts endlessly spamming a fire attack from the sky that hits everything.
I'm sure if you made a build entirely devoted to killing him you could eventually do it, or if you just overleveled like crazy, you could do it, but he's basically unkillable for 99% of players. Which is kind of awesome.
My next thing to do in the game is to visit Quelag boss fight. Apparently there is a new Covenant there called Chaos Servant.
Read that about the Egg hat, how do I get rid of it? It doesn't sound like a good thing to be wearing!
Honestly, Im worried that Im just not good at DS. I mean, the game world and atmosphere has definately clicked with me, more so than Demons Souls did, but the timing of button presses and controls is something to get used to.
Real Talk.I think a lot of people who play this game and don't like it just can't stand the fact that this game beats you, the player. This game is better than you, it always will be and it makes your imperfections your own worst enemy. Some people just can't stand that level of challenge and it's a shame.
I wanted to get the whip asap so I went down to Blighttown and got that, also the Firekeeper soul. Went trough Havel towards the Parish and got the Firekeeper soul in the church. Immediately went to Firelink to reinforce the flask and the Firekeeper is already dead without me even seeing Lautrec thus far. Haven't killed a single boss. So I guess that pretty much confirms what triggers the event. Haven't tried picking up the New Londo Ruins Firekeeper soul early but two of them may be enough to screw yourself out of Firelink bonfire and early Ring of FoP goodness. I was planning on never ringing any bells with this char so I guess I'm kinda boned.
I think the trigger is simply entering blighttown: I went directly to quelaag skipping depths altogether in my ng++ (also skipped the bit in blighttown where you get the firekeeper soul with the blowguns and all; I also didn't bother taking the firekeeper soul at the altar in parish btw). anastiacia was still dead as I went back to firelink
Don't worry about it, it's easy to get rid off and quite hard to actually get unless you're trying for it.
Thank you, thank you. *sigh* I just dont think im cut out for this game.
In regards to the black horned knight, am I supposed to avoid them?
Thank you.
Also, how do I leave a covenant? I want to join the Chaos one next, but I am a member of the first one still. Is there an easy way to leave without pissing them off?
From the look of it, you haven't unlocked the "easy mode" of the game yet:Since you already reached the lower part of the bridge, it is time for you to do this:the Drake Sword.
- go to the merchant and buy a short bow and a few dozens of arrow (over 100 just to be safe). You may need to level up your dex to use it.
- go under the bridge, use first-person aim mode to shoot that dragon's tail. Be patient, it may take a short while.
- Once the tail comes off, you get the Drake Sword. You may need to level up your str a bit (it requires 16) to use it properly...
- profit.
When you join another one, it says it abandons your former covenant. Then you just need to go back to your former covenant and re-join that one when you want. I believe there's a rank penalty though. For example, the chaos covenant opens up a really useful shortcut when you give 30 humanity. I think leaving and rejoining the covenant would reset that humanity count, but I'm not sure.
Did they fix the easy way to beat Ceasless Discharge after the patch? I couldn't get him to fall and I had to beat him the normal way, actually died several times.
I stopped playing Skyrim, I will try playing again next year. I'm still too addicted to DS to enjoy it, it seems so boring with its stupid fetch quest, quick travel, total lack of actual character development (role playing wise), one-click combat, almost random generated dungeons, locations looking alike a lot. No thanks, that is definitely not my idea of goty. Then again, I'm sure I will enjoy it, just not now.
Did they fix the easy way to beat Ceasless Discharge after the patch? I couldn't get him to fall and I had to beat him the normal way, actually died several times.
You pretty much nailed it on how I feel about Skyrim as well. I have not touched it for more then a week and most of my thoughts have been on building a new character for PVP in Dark Souls. Dark Souls is like a new drug........
Nope, I killed Ceaseless Discharge using the easy method last night.
yeah, I was looking forward to Skyrim but as it turns out I'd always rather play Dark Souls. Even Batman: AC and Uncharted 3, both of which I loved, seemed like distractions from the main show. Now I'm sitting on a half-beaten Resistance 3, half-beaten RAGE, half-beaten Rayman Origins, unopened Killzone 3, unplayed MGSHD collection, and Skyrim which I'm like 20 or so hours into. Dark Souls really makes the generic Fps-ness of Resistance and the abysmal combat of Skyrim stick out.
Mostly when I play Dark Souls now it's to help people co-op, while chipping away at my own progress (tends to slow down once I get to Anor Londo). Or I'll see a weapon or something on here or the Wiki that I decide I need to get, and I'll work on that.. and since I missed the moonlight sword, I already have an excuse to do NG+ for that character. In terms of trophies, I'm missing knights honor (or whatever the rare weapons is), all sorcieries, all miracles, and tons of the weapon upgrade ones...I really haven't been focused on them, but every so often I'll get one of those out of the way. Game keeps giving me reasons to come back.
Weird, I tried about 5 times to do it this way last night and just got rocked. Maybe he wasn't in the right spot. First time I beat him I didn't know about this trick, and thought he was difficult because he has this one double slam attack that, if you're hit by the first one, you're dead without a chance to recover. Got rocked by this attack again on this playthrough until I figured out exactly when the hell to roll.. it's really hard to not get smashed by this attack or the fire breath! Without the easy way this boss is no joke. I really like Demons Ruins though, really cool area.
So, I beat Seath, but never got all of Logan's spells. I'm going to be mad as hell if Logan isn't in the library anymore, I need to buy crystal magic weapon :|
I just realized that there's a guy in Sen's that sells shards tho. I am 0/2 at that jump tho haha.
The slimes in the depths drop large shards and green titanite I believe. The drop rate isn't great, but the bonfire in the depths is one of my favorite farming spots: titanite from the slimes, humanity from the rats, all while waiting to be summoned for gaping dragon which gives a shit ton of souls.
Also, making a weapon divine/magic/whatever is in a different menu than normal upgrading. I think it's modify equipment or something
I've looked at the chart and have been playing for a long time and I still am unsure about weapon upgrades.
I wanted to make a divine weapon for the Catacombs. I decided to go with the Claymore. I think I already messed up since I upgraded it to a +9 until I ran out of large titanite shards. But I never saw the option to ascend it using the divine ember you get after beating the Moonlight Butterfly. I was supposed to see this after +5 correct? What did I miss? The Blacksmith in the Undead Church took the ember so I know I can do it there.
Also, I saw that you can buy shards from the Giant Blacksmith. But I went back to him in Anor Lando and didn't see any type of shards. Just a set of armor and a weapon I believe. What gives?
I'd love to start upgrading some weapons and maybe a boss soul one, but without the ability to purchase these shards I'll never get there.
Weird, I tried about 5 times to do it this way last night and just got rocked. Maybe he wasn't in the right spot. First time I beat him I didn't know about this trick, and thought he was difficult because he has this one double slam attack that, if you're hit by the first one, you're dead without a chance to recover. Got rocked by this attack again on this playthrough until I figured out exactly when the hell to roll.. it's really hard to not get smashed by this attack or the fire breath! Without the easy way this boss is no joke. I really like Demons Ruins though, really cool area.
I just realized that there's a guy in Sen's that sells shards tho. I am 0/2 at that jump tho haha.
well, it's a waste of large shards to ascend it now to divine. if you have given the divine emer to the smith, ascending weapons is the first option in the conversation menu, you have to push left or right to choose which "path" you want to ascend you weapons with. divine is like the 3 third option.
This would explain things because I have no idea what you're talking about and have obviously never moved it off of normal.
I'd like to create a boss soul weapon for the hell of it. But the only special weapon I needed to upgrade was the divine one for the catacombs. Other then that I can just rock the lightning spear or moonlight greatsword.
Thanks for the reply I will look into that as soon as I get home. I can find another weapon to upgrade to +5 and then divine though but the Claymore seemed like a perfect option for it. So I don't think I should worry about large shards, maybe downgrade it to raw and then choose divine? Gotta look and see what I have later.
ETA...Let me know if this is right. Change the upgrade path right away somehow (never seen this option) to divine. Then upgrade it to +5 using normal titanite shards. Then ascend to divine with the ember. Then upgrade to +5 using green titanite shards.
"raw" is not normal weapon... it's actually another special path that you can upgrade your weapons in. just upgrade the claymore to +10 and save it until you reach the smith in anor londo, where you can upgrade it to lighting. it's gonna rule.
as for the catacombs. upgrade a strike-type (hammer, club, etc.) to +5 then divine. skeletons are weak against striking.
Ha ha , I just realised you can upgrade your armour too! Elite Knight kit +2, ace!
Fuck me, I don't know where to go next or really care, I am just loving the exploring. Saying that, I want to head back to Framesville Swamp as there is a boss area there I've not encounter yet. I would like some more Large Shards for my Claymore, the slugs in the swamp drop those don't they?
SL45 is a good level to get summoned for Smough and Ornstein right?
Yes they do, I would suggest beating the boss near Blighttown though, it will open up Sen's Fortress then you can grab the Gold Covetous Serpent ring and come back to the swamp to farm the slugs with your Item Discovery rate at 300+. Stack it with Humanity in your counter (stop at 10) for max item discovery (410).
OK cool, thanks for the tips. Is the Gold Covetous Ring hard to find in Sens's Fortress?