Brolic Gaoler
formerly Alienshogun
WTF is the sword that looks like a dragon bone that can stunlock you through your shield and give you toxic?
That shit is OP as hell.
That shit is OP as hell.
WTF is the sword that looks like a dragon bone that can stunlock you through your shield and give you toxic?
That shit is OP as hell.
Gravelord Sword.
That's broken as hell.
Pygmy the Forgotten from the intro; was she ever mentioned/seen ingame at all? I found nothing regarding her.
Gravelord Sword.
Counter it with a Shotel.
So more developments today (I think the game finally clicked today)
I had two very interesting online experiences.
1)Summoned a fellow player who helped me with the boss in lower undead burg (the things with the tail and two dogs) which dropped the key to the depths.
2)Went to the depths (had about 7000 souls on me) and came across a weird butcher, just as I was about to head to fight him, I got invaded by some super strong player who killed me. Grrr, I lost those souls. Can I get them back???
Otherwisem the game is awesome. Should I continue into the Depths?
The Depths is where you should be headed at this point, yeah. When you're killed by an invader you leave a bloodstain same as any other death, so head back to where you died and nab it. The Depths are one of the game's griefing hotspots, as you've discovered. It's crawling with level-suppressed invaders using endgame gear. You'll probably want to stay hollow for the duration, though there's an NPC invader you'll probably want to fight before you take on the boss, which you can do in offline mode if you don't want to deal with being human online down there.
Ive been playing online on PS3 the past few days without any problems...
Is there any point in getting INT over 50? Finally got all of the sorceries. I have INT50, Logans Catalyst, Dusk Crown, Bellowing Dragoncrest ring. Am I maxed out in terms of magic damage output?
Been playing Dark Souls on and off for the past week. Currently level 25. I just arrived at the gargoyles fight. Shit's hard. I get closed at killing the first gargoyle, then the other one murders me.![]()
Try using pine resin on your weapon. Go human and summon Solaire and / or a partner.
How exactly do I "go human?" Do I just get a high humanity; I still haven't figured out this aspect of the game.
I hate Blighttown. Fuck it, fuck it, fuck it.
It gets easier. Take it slow, you'll be able to blitz the place once you have it down.
Once you hit the swamp, rush along the right wall, bonfire, you're home free.
Woohoo, I beat one of those Black Demon Knights with the horns. That was a tough fight though. He dropped a cool sword but I cant use it yet cuz my stats arent up to snuff.
Just wanna make sure before I go in and don't really want to risk spoilers by checking the wiki, but does the final boss have a cuttable tail?
Just wanna make sure before I go in and don't really want to risk spoilers by checking the wiki, but does the final boss have a cuttable tail?
Wow, not sure how I missed that tidbit in my attempt to get Dark Lord.Darkstalker Kaathe tells you that you are the furtive pygmy's direct descendant and as a result able to become The Dark Lord .
That glitch to keep your shit on a new character works btw. I'm well on my way to a decked out sorcerer build.
Int caps at 50 right?
I can't find a bond fire in the Depths/Sewers which will make fighting the boss impossible with my level 30 Warrior without being a human with players to summon. I refuse to stay human going through the Depths because I can OWN every enemy easy but annoying people keep invading and nobody drops their soul sign in that area.
The Bonfire in the Depths is near the start, even closer if you have the Master Key.
When you go into the Depths down the steps and into the room with the Butcher, you can take him out (if you wish) and the dogs and make your way through the water in the area there (more dogs and zombies). Get out of the water and turn right and follow it round (another Butcher will attack). Keep going down the passages until you get to a very long corridor with slimes hanging from the ceiling. At the end of that room is the entrance to the Bonfire. IF you have the master key you can use it there. If not, it's best to take on the first Butcher and at the back of that room is a little hole you can fall down which drops you into a huge room with a massive rat. The key is in that room. Follow the passage ways and eventually you'll get back to the Bonfire (via a different route obv.)
It took me a few tries to get there but it's not too bad.
After that, the boss is very close to the Bonfire down a couple of corridors.
okay, so I started the game as a Pyromancer and now I'm exploring around the Undead Burg, I spent too long grinding souls near the start to afford the Heal miracle, only to find I needed 3 levels of Faith to use it (d'oh) but now to use it, with my fire and an axe/shield I can't use my bow. I'm feeling like I should have picked the warrior dude instead since I use melee a lot and to use any decent weapons I need to crank up my strength/dex a lot but if I do that I neglect my pyro/miracle strength a lot. I feel like I need to start over again and go all light weapons as I like to roll around like crazy.
Also: should I be spending my humanity all the time? I didn't know you lose it when you die and don't reach your soul corpse so that seems to me I should be spending them? And large souls gems? Do I use them? Sell them? I have a bunch but I'm just kinda hanging onto them along with a shit ton of crappy loot.
Woot! I rung the first bell-tower. I never thought I would like this game as much as I do. \
Is it weird that I've been having dreams about Dark Souls and forming plans in my mind to beat enemies (I had a dream about beating the two gargoyles)?
Trophy Questions:
Knights Honor - Do all rare weapons have to be on the SAME character?
Bond of a Pyromancer/ Wisdom of a Sage/Prayer of a Maiden - Do all spells have to be on same character?
Woot! I rung the first bell-tower. I never thought I would like this game as much as I do. \
Is it weird that I've been having dreams about Dark Souls and forming plans in my mind to beat enemies (I had a dream about beating the two gargoyles)?
Yes aaand yes.
A couple of things:
Your pyromancy flame is not affected by ANY stat. It might say it scales with intelligence on one of the menus, but it's only for the melee attack which you will probably never even use. The power of the flame can be upgraded by pyromancy trainers, one of which you can encounter in the area after lower undead burg.
And you shouldn't really spend your humanity all the time. You only lose the "loaded" humanities (number in the upper left corner) when you die. I'd make sure to spend them by reverse hollowing/kindling bonfires. I wouldn't use them just to heal yourself just yet.
Those soul pickups are just worth a certain # of souls. when you use them you'll get that number added to your soul count. So, it's safest to use them in front of a bonfire/merchant/whatever when you want to spend the souls.
I had a weird message pop-up today.
I am in Andor Lando and I went into the Great Hall where there are two huge guards. I got a message come up on screen which was rather odd (can't remember what it said now!). I am not Human and it wasn't from a red message on the ground.
Is that a normal thing? Was it from the huge guards in that room?
Oh, I have a Lightning Claymore +1 now, it's sick.