Ahh thanks! I didn't know if I should be using those soul gems or not to level up/buy stuff.
Also - some bosses drop special souls, and those souls can be used to make unique weapons, so you don't want to consume them.
Ahh thanks! I didn't know if I should be using those soul gems or not to level up/buy stuff.
It's probablythe Black Eye Stone vibrating. If you use it you'll invade Lautrec's world, and if you kill him you'll get the Firelink Fire Keeper's soul. If you don't use it to upgrade your flask you can take it to Firelink and use it on her cage to revive her.
So I'm exploring around Blighttown, trying to find out where the hell to go, and I find this huge parasite thing stuck on the wall. My guide book just says kill it. Well arrows are doing 0 damage to it. So I find a tunnel the leads to a ladder down that lets me walk right up to the bastard and slashing it with my sword is doing 0 damage. I assume its blocking my path. So how do I kill this thing?
I used hard attack (R2 on PS3) with my Claymore to damage its tummy (coming from the circular pit behind). I couldn't kill it with arrows either.
FireSo I'm exploring around Blighttown, trying to find out where the hell to go, and I find this huge parasite thing stuck on the wall. My guide book just says kill it. Well arrows are doing 0 damage to it. So I find a tunnel the leads to a ladder down that lets me walk right up to the bastard and slashing it with my sword is doing 0 damage. I assume its blocking my path. So how do I kill this thing?
Okay, I'll go back and try that. It's strange, because it wasn't even showing that my shots were making any damage. No meter or anything.
Also, this new Shadow set I found is awesome.
Oh that sounds quite important, I noticed she was dead last time I went back. So is Lautrec another boss in addition to whatever is at the end of Andor? I was considering joining the Covenant at the end of this level (Princess), would killing Lautrec affect that?
God. Damnit. I've never been so intimidated/daunted by a game before. I started yesterday, beat the first demon after dying about 15 times and now it seems I'm just running around into different, yet equally impassable groups of skeletons with a massive bird spectating.
This game is so proudly reluctant to hold your hand and I respect it for that, but I really don't know if I can handle it. I mean, I'm half an hour in and I'm already losing my shit (this probably also speaks volumes for how "hand-holdy" video games are today).
Anyway, any broad tips? I was told to go into this game knowing as little as possible and I'd prefer it that way; I don't want to have to come into this thread screaming "HELP!" at the top of my lungs every 20 minutes, but it's kind of seeming that way.
God. Damnit. I've never been so intimidated/daunted by a game before. I started yesterday, beat the first demon after dying about 15 times and now it seems I'm just running around into different, yet equally impassable groups of skeletons with a massive bird spectating.
This game is so proudly reluctant to hold your hand and I respect it for that, but I really don't know if I can handle it. I mean, I'm half an hour in and I'm already losing my shit (this probably also speaks volumes for how "hand-holdy" video games are today).
Anyway, any broad tips? I was told to go into this game knowing as little as possible and I'd prefer it that way; I don't want to have to come into this thread screaming "HELP!" at the top of my lungs every 20 minutes, but it's kind of seeming that way.
God. Damnit. I've never been so intimidated/daunted by a game before. I started yesterday, beat the first demon after dying about 15 times and now it seems I'm just running around into different, yet equally impassable groups of skeletons with a massive bird spectating.
This game is so proudly reluctant to hold your hand and I respect it for that, but I really don't know if I can handle it. I mean, I'm half an hour in and I'm already losing my shit (this probably also speaks volumes for how "hand-holdy" video games are today).
Anyway, any broad tips? I was told to go into this game knowing as little as possible and I'd prefer it that way; I don't want to have to come into this thread screaming "HELP!" at the top of my lungs every 20 minutes, but it's kind of seeming that way.
OK, the Skeleton route is super tough, I've been playing the game for 50 hours now and I still haven't tackled that area. Head up the steps to Undead Burg. The skeletons are super hard bastards!
Is it just me or is the multiplayer still a little bugged? I'm going on my 2nd play through on a new toon and i'm getting invaded by people who have armor and weapons late game while i'm still level 9. Is this intended?
God. Damnit. I've never been so intimidated/daunted by a game before. I started yesterday, beat the first demon after dying about 15 times and now it seems I'm just running around into different, yet equally impassable groups of skeletons with a massive bird spectating.
This game is so proudly reluctant to hold your hand and I respect it for that, but I really don't know if I can handle it. I mean, I'm half an hour in and I'm already losing my shit (this probably also speaks volumes for how "hand-holdy" video games are today).
Anyway, any broad tips? I was told to go into this game knowing as little as possible and I'd prefer it that way; I don't want to have to come into this thread screaming "HELP!" at the top of my lungs every 20 minutes, but it's kind of seeming that way.
It's not a bug, but it is a pretty big problem, unfortunately. People have started making low level builds with maxed-out late level gear to grief new players. It's not difficult to do with an ascended pyro flame, master key, and good knowledge of where to go to get the right gear. Fucking stupid, but some people get their jollies from it.
I can't trade with Hawk Girl. I drop my item in her nest, then I just pick the item back up. Yet the trades never work and I just pick my original item back up. What's going on?
I'm pre-patch btw, if that matters.
Drop item in the nest, quit, reload, and your new item will be waiting for you to grab. If you can't drop something it might be because you have it equiped.
I just made my way through Undead Burg only to be burnt to a crisp out of nowhere by some huge fucking dragon. I don't think that's fair at all.
I'm beaten. I definitely see the potential beauty in this game, but I'm too jaded and frustrated to uncover it. I just made my way through Undead Burg only to be burnt to a crisp out of nowhere by some huge fucking dragon. I don't think that's fair at all.
So, yeah. I tried. It's just way too full-on for me. On a positive note, the music that plays whilst you make your character is very awesome.
Hide behind the little wall by the staircase, wait for it to jump down, then run to the bonfire.
Haha. Dude. I was witnessing my body writhe in flames before the dragon even came into view. If being a clairvoyant is a prerequisite for playing this game, then I simpy don't qualify.
Haha. Dude. I was witnessing my body writhe in flames before the dragon even came into view. If being a clairvoyant is a prerequisite for playing this game, then I simpy don't qualify.
I'm beaten. I definitely see the potential beauty in this game, but I'm too jaded and frustrated to uncover it. I just made my way through Undead Burg only to be burnt to a crisp out of nowhere by some huge fucking dragon. I don't think that's fair at all.
So, yeah. I tried. It's just way too full-on for me. On a positive note, the music that plays whilst you make your character is very awesome.
Man, these swamps are insane. So dark and poison everywhere. Can't find the bonfire to save my life.
Haha. Dude. I was witnessing my body writhe in flames before the dragon even came into view. If being a clairvoyant is a prerequisite for playing this game, then I simpy don't qualify.
New update: So, I travelled into the Depths area, fought the crazy butcher and died at the giant rat in the sewers. Tried again, found a side entrance, wich lead me to a water monster thing that hangs around the ceiling and likes to drop on you. Then I made it to another bonfire using the master key. Guess Ill be spending the next few hours in the sewers.
Any tips on clearing the sewers?
New update: So, I travelled into the Depths area, fought the crazy butcher and died at the giant rat in the sewers. Tried again, found a side entrance, wich lead me to a water monster thing that hangs around the ceiling and likes to drop on you. Then I made it to another bonfire using the master key. Guess Ill be spending the next few hours in the sewers.
Any tips on clearing the sewers?
The dragon on the bridge early on was definitely cheap. When I first got the game and was struggling to get through the Burg, it was pretty deflating to die from a giant flame I couldn't avoid. I think it happened 3 times before I finally got to the staircase alive. I wanted to punt the game out the window.
80+ hours later and I have to force myself to quit to get adequate sleep.
Stock up on humanity, find the boss at the bottom, summon help. Use ranged attacks and lightning weapon.
Where do I find me a lightning weapon? And is there a merchant or smith somewhere in the sewers?
No merchant in the depths but there is the undead female merchant at the top of the tower right outside
I hate Blighttown. Fuck it, fuck it, fuck it.
But all she sells is crappy moss.
But all she sells is crappy moss.
But all she sells is crappy moss.
I take it you haven't been to Blighttown yet :]
Any tips on clearing the sewers?