Just hit 22 DEX so tried out the Silver Knight Str. Sword, it seems really decent. Nowhere near the damage of my Lightning Claymore+4 (well duh), but it's really quick and has a nice combo. Might upgrade one into another type of weapon. Anyone else like them?
my new character is at level 30... just wandering in bligtht town, with 160,000 souls... since I don't want to level up my character too much, I have no use of those souls. I really wish I can just give souls out. I can make some newbies very happy.
my new character is at level 30... just wandering in bligtht town, with 160,000 souls... since I don't want to level up my character too much, I have no use of those souls. I really wish I can just give souls out. I can make some newbies very happy.
Upgrade some weapons, upgrade pyro glove, buy spells. Plenty to spend souls on besides leveling up. It is cool to go from feeling just CRUSHED that you lost 4k souls when you're early in the game.. to walking around with 100k with a new character like its nothing and barely caring if you lose it.
It was a good night of invading - constant invasions, almost no downtime in between said invasions. That was as a darkwraith though; earlier in the day as a darkblade, not a single bite.
Only problem is that I lost most of it. :lol I'm not comfortable without the crutch of BKGA str build or my casters - running a dex build katana guy is proving rather difficult. Also doesn't help that this is in Anor Londo where most of the fights were 2v1 or 3v1.
Desperately need more poise and hp; got stunlocked to death by a BKGA. I might just start anew.
my new character is at level 30... just wandering in bligtht town, with 160,000 souls... since I don't want to level up my character too much, I have no use of those souls. I really wish I can just give souls out. I can make some newbies very happy.
I did not want to level up to fast as well and whenver I got a shitload of souls on hand I would head over to the undead merchant in the sewers and stock up on shit. I ened up with:
99 Charcoal Pine Resin
99 homeward bones
999 arrows
most of the moss clumps as well (not the toxin one though)
A number of pruging stones
99 Prism Stones
mmm thanks I will have a go with iron flesh then if I can't make any progress tonight, all the ranged attacks and the close up hug screw me up, I do ok dodging the slashes.
just stay in close, go behind them to avoid hug, two hand weapon with grass crest shield (or alternative for stamina regen on back)...I've never required iron flesh for first game...once the formula of "attack" at all costs was instituted they go down like flies. One estus per king is enough when you two hand and don't stop mashing R1 until each is dead. With lightning spear +2 they usually take about 5-6 hits each......done in 90 sec. wear lots of magic resist armour like gold hemmed or antiquated skirt....ornsteins or havles peices are better if you have them.
my new character is at level 30... just wandering in bligtht town, with 160,000 souls... since I don't want to level up my character too much, I have no use of those souls. I really wish I can just give souls out. I can make some newbies very happy.
that's tough. after the patch you get humanities left and right. as mentioned, i have over 100 in stock and have never ever run out of "active" humanities either. i usually have 10, not that i want to keep the active, but because I just keep getting them...
If you put your Active Humanity to 30 you will have 150 curse resist along with the item discovery and Chaos weapon buff values. Curse resist buff from humanity caps at 30 though, so I just run around with 30 in my counter and 99 in my inventory, when I get too much in my counter, I just donate it to the Chaos Witch.
I did not want to level up to fast as well and whenver I got a shitload of souls on hand I would head over to the undead merchant in the sewers and stock up on shit. I ened up with:
99 Charcoal Pine Resin
99 homeward bones
999 arrows
most of the moss clumps as well (not the toxin one though)
A number of pruging stones
99 Prism Stones
I didn't get any Black Knight weapon drops in the parish or burg, even killed them unhollowed >.< Of course I have a black knight great sword on my DEX character...
When I return to the Asylum do those BKs have a chance to drop them? Can you still game the save system by powering off the system before looting to get one?
Being human doesn't help item drop rate (at least it didn't pre-patch not sure if they changed it post) but here is what does:
1.)humanity in your meter top left, having one there is huge, diminishing returns for extra humanity after that.
2.)covetous serpent ring from sens fortress
3.) the weird mimic chest head (although you will lose health while wearing)
haven't checked to see if the mimic thing can get you over 410, but generally 410 is the highest you can do .......4 times better than 110, which is wah tmost have when trying black knights early on. I save them until I get the ring as there is not much point in having the equip early anyway if you are limiting your levellling (recommeded to fight griefers who do this ......fight fire with fire.)
I go through to sens, sometimes anor londo, no higher than level 30...always get lightning spear and gold hemmed set as early as possible however while onoly killing the two necessary bosses to get them. The rings from sens are a nice bonus for places like blighttown (slumbering dragoncrest allows you to backstab the zombies if you go backwards.)
Wanted to pimp a video made by my friend for Dark Souls, it's his first so excuse the quality. This is his Maneater Mildred Level 25 character that he invades with in Blighttown.
Wanted to pimp a video made by my friend for Dark Souls, it's his first so excuse the quality. This is his Maneater Mildred Level 25 character that he invades with in Blighttown.
It seems that every covenant has it's own range for PvP. Members of the forest covenant for example can invade any player provided the host's level is higher (i was level 17 and invaded a lv267 player).
What about the other covenants? Do someone has a recap regarding this?
no offense meant to your friend but its not really hard to own most lowbies who aren't designed strictly from PVP from the beginning, especially when you're using a lightning butcher blade
no offense meant to your friend but its not really hard to own most lowbies who aren't designed strictly from PVP from the beginning, especially when you're using a lightning butcher blade
I'm sure it evens out when he runs into twinked sunbros. It's still infinitely more creative than the typical mask of mother, giants armor, and lightning shotel builds.
Wanted to pimp a video made by my friend for Dark Souls, it's his first so excuse the quality. This is his Maneater Mildred Level 25 character that he invades with in Blighttown.
lol, never said he was PvPing, he knows what he is doing, at least it's something interesting. As long as you are creative with your griefing in Dark Souls, it can be very entertaining, it fits the tone of the game as well too.
So I killed Ingward after backtracking to New Londo Ruins from Anor Londo so I could get to the
Four Kings
despite not having the Lord Vessel. The drakes in the Valley of the Drakes take a good chunk of my health by the time I make it inside; I hate them so much and I have the Ring of Fog ring equipped too. I still haven't fought the boss yet. Oh and I also got the Rite of Kindling after fighting Pinwheel (who was ridiculously easy without needing to summon Leeroy; he just served as a good diversion) plus I met
the Gravelord. I spoiled myself for Tomb of Giants since I know he's the boss. Shouldn't I just go back to his place and kill him just to get it over with or do I need to go through that place any way? If so, I'm not going back in there until I've dealt with Ornstein and Smough.
Plus I got the Strange Doll and finally managed to defeat
Stray Demon
after several tries. Next stop after New Londo, a detour into the Great Hollow and Ash Lake before heading back to Anor Londo.
I need to turn human more often and do some more PVP. It's pretty fun. After seeing you folks getting rich off doing this, I'm ready to throw in the towel from grinding in the Forest Covenant area (which I haven't done in a while).
So I killed Ingward after backtracking to New Londo Ruins from Anor Londo so I could get to the
Four Kings
despite not having the Lord Vessel. The drakes in the Valley of the Drakes take a good chunk of my health by the time I make it inside; I hate them so much and I have the Ring of Fog ring equipped too. I still haven't fought the boss yet. Oh and I also got the Rite of Kindling after fighting Pinwheel (who was ridiculously easy without needing to summon Leeroy; he just served as a good diversion) plus I met
the Gravelord. I spoiled myself for Tomb of Giants since I know he's the boss. Shouldn't I just go back to his place and kill him just to get it over with or do I need to go through that place any way? If so, I'm not going back in there until I've dealt with Ornstein and Smough.
Plus I got the Strange Doll and finally managed to defeat
Stray Demon
after several tries. Next stop after New Londo, a detour into the Great Hollow and Ash Lake before heading back to Anor Londo.
I need to turn human more often and do some more PVP. It's pretty fun. After seeing you folks getting rich off doing this, I'm ready to throw in the towel from grinding in the Forest Covenant area (which I haven't done in a while).
Unfortunately you've gotta trek through the Tomb of the Giants to take out Nito. I know, ti would awesome if you could just take him out from where you join his covenant.
Also, are you going through the Valley of the Drakes via the Darkroot Basin path? If I remember correctly those are the Drakes on and around the bridge, right? You can run right past those without having to fight them.
So I killed Ingward after backtracking to New Londo Ruins from Anor Londo so I could get to the
Four Kings
despite not having the Lord Vessel. The drakes in the Valley of the Drakes take a good chunk of my health by the time I make it inside; I hate them so much and I have the Ring of Fog ring equipped too. I still haven't fought the boss yet. Oh and I also got the Rite of Kindling after fighting Pinwheel (who was ridiculously easy without needing to summon Leeroy; he just served as a good diversion) plus I met
the Gravelord. I spoiled myself for Tomb of Giants since I know he's the boss. Shouldn't I just go back to his place and kill him just to get it over with or do I need to go through that place any way? If so, I'm not going back in there until I've dealt with Ornstein and Smough.
Plus I got the Strange Doll and finally managed to defeat
Stray Demon
after several tries. Next stop after New Londo, a detour into the Great Hollow and Ash Lake before heading back to Anor Londo.
I need to turn human more often and do some more PVP. It's pretty fun. After seeing you folks getting rich off doing this, I'm ready to throw in the towel from grinding in the Forest Covenant area (which I haven't done in a while).
You know you don't have to go through the valley of the drakes to get to inward right? Its easier to run by the ghosts in New Londo, and even easier still to return that way once you drain the water.
I'm sure it evens out when he runs into twinked sunbros. It's still infinitely more creative than the typical mask of mother, giants armor, and lightning shotel builds.
Or the mask of the father, two hand BKGA, grass crest shield on the back builds. When I'm looking to summon people for help I don't even take those sorts anymore. They've got to have something fairly unique. People always like to criticize COD players for all doing the same thing, but there are so many carbon copy builds at the Kiln in this game I might as well be getting invaded by the same person over and over sometimes.
lol, never said he was PvPing, he knows what he is doing, at least it's something interesting. As long as you are creative with your griefing in Dark Souls, it can be very entertaining, it fits the tone of the game as well too.
That is AWESOME! I can't wait for my character to be that powerful, wowzers!! The magic too, shiiiit! I haven't gone down the magic route at all, might have to as it looks fucking amazing!!
lol, never said he was PvPing, he knows what he is doing, at least it's something interesting. As long as you are creative with your griefing in Dark Souls, it can be very entertaining, it fits the tone of the game as well too.
Invading with a lightning weapon in your underpants is about as far from creative as you can get in terms of Dark Souls invasions. It's pretty much the reference implementation of the boring invader build. It'd make for vastly more entertaining invasions if he was running an actual Maneater Mildred build, without the maxed-out equipment. Blighttown's a hostile place; using the fatal drops, the poison swamp, and the enemies it'd still be possible to pull off a win without relying on the stunlocking/backstabbing non-scaling weapon and partial nudity invasion recipe.
Invading with a lightning weapon in your underpants is about as far from creative as you can get in terms of Dark Souls invasions. It's pretty much the reference implementation of the boring invader build. It'd make for vastly more entertaining invasions if he was running an actual Maneater Mildred build, without the maxed-out equipment. Blighttown's a hostile place; using the fatal drops, the poison swamp, and the enemies it'd still be possible to pull off a win without relying on the stunlocking/backstabbing non-scaling weapon and partial nudity invasion recipe.
Haha rots of raffs. yeah. You can (usually) tell alot about an invader/victim by what they are wearing. I.e. something like fat boy Snough armor with Gold Hemmed hood, tells you the person is crafty..
It wasn't all too long ago where I lost my 35 hour save and felt like balls and almost put the game away. Now I'm listening to some sweet ass end game music. Gonna mess around some in NG+ but I'm gonna save the full 2nd playthrough for sometime next year. I can already tell I don't really want to wait though this game is straight crack.
/True story...I died like 8 times in a row to Gwyn, getting him down to a sliver of health time and time again and barely losing. Then I was like err, I should put on my sorcery boosting ring. Absolutely annihilated him FTW.
Upgrade some weapons, upgrade pyro glove, buy spells. Plenty to spend souls on besides leveling up. It is cool to go from feeling just CRUSHED that you lost 4k souls when you're early in the game.. to walking around with 100k with a new character like its nothing and barely caring if you lose it.
It really is soul crushing to get into a multideath/soul recovery cycle, trying to fight off a bunch of drakes, and then forget the damn elevator is still at the bottom. I haven't been back since.
I did get a free demon spear from someone who PVP'd me. I finally beat him after a 2nd rematch and he invaded me again and dropped some loot. Pretty cool dude.
Invading with a lightning weapon in your underpants is about as far from creative as you can get in terms of Dark Souls invasions. It's pretty much the reference implementation of the boring invader build. It'd make for vastly more entertaining invasions if he was running an actual Maneater Mildred build, without the maxed-out equipment. Blighttown's a hostile place; using the fatal drops, the poison swamp, and the enemies it'd still be possible to pull off a win without relying on the stunlocking/backstabbing non-scaling weapon and partial nudity invasion recipe.
This video has some pretty hilarious and very creative Blighttown invasions. A Dragonbow archer build seems like fun but man that would be a pain in the ass to use for anything besides PVP invasions.
This PVP vid is probably the funniest one I've seen for all the wrong reasons. Still a lot of dudes like this in the forest camping around at SL 100+ with a buddy. They always indict you as well.
I thought both Pin Wheel and Nito were too easy and let downs, Especially when I first saw Nito in the intro I thought he was gonna be an incredible boss but he was slow and fairly easy and beat him on my 1st attempt i think.
The Skeleton dogs were a problem though, they killed me a number of times
It engenders this bizarre love from me. A couple days ago I was so burnt out on DS but now I can't wait to start all over again even though I know I've seen everything and PvP will be an unbalanced lagfest.
Vagrants are rare monsters that appear in specific places where other players have died and lost a large amount of humanity or have dropped certain items in online mode.
yeah you need to take the shortcut I think to get Soliare for gwynn. THink you can get the helm and kill the bug that drops the helm first (before centipede) but not before firesage, nor placingthe lordvessel. The inside door to the shortcut was locked for me prior to centipede one time though IIRC so not 100% sure. Gauranteed if you get the helm at your earliest convenience and DO NOT go backwards form izalith into the shortcut, you will get solaire if you see him after centipede....not sure if you have to hire him for centipede but I have every time and it did work so take it for what its worth.
There just isnt anyone with soul summon signs around.
And I'm tired of the area and want to move on. I'm SL 58.
Gonna try again in 15.
edit: also what's the quickest way to the fog door? I've been running from Firelink through Valley of Drakes. But it's a ton of running, and lots of enemies along the way make it annoying.
There just isnt anyone with soul summon signs around.
And I'm tired of the area and want to move on. I'm SL 58.
Gonna try again in 15.
edit: also what's the quickest way to the fog door? I've been running from Firelink through Valley of Drakes. But it's a ton of running, and lots of enemies along the way make it annoying.
There just isnt anyone with soul summon signs around.
And I'm tired of the area and want to move on. I'm SL 58.
Gonna try again in 15.
edit: also what's the quickest way to the fog door? I've been running from Firelink through Valley of Drakes. But it's a ton of running, and lots of enemies along the way make it annoying.
It's definitely easier to go from firelink right to New Londo ruins. Run past the first ghosts, and head to the right around the staircase. You can drop down on a ledge there and then onto the ground. Then you're pretty close to the fog door, and it's possible (and not too difficult) to run past all of the enemies to get there quicker.
I'm not even quite sure how to get to the valley of drakes from firelink.. don't you have to briefly stop in New Londo Ruins to do this anyway?