Ok...I've platinumed this game and have yet to do any co-op. Not for lack of trying, I just have never been able to play with anyone. I made a lv 55 sorc...anyone need help? I can't find anyone!!!!
Update time: Beat Gaping Dragon, but I think Solaire died. Is that possible ? I summoned him before the fight. Also killed the giant rat in the sewers. Gaping Dragon dropped the Blighttown key, but the enemies there are super tough. Where should I go to now?
Go to Anor Londo or the Painted World, imo. It's always booming.
1. Phantoms dying won't matter.
2. You can head to the Catacombs, Darkroot, or Blighttown. You most likely just need a better weapon. Also the mobs there (the goblin things) are pretty durable, get used to backstabbing them.
How do you get to the catacombs?
My weapon is halebrad+3 with 120 dmg, I think.
Update time: Beat Gaping Dragon, but I think Solaire died. Is that possible ? I summoned him before the fight. Also killed the giant rat in the sewers. Gaping Dragon dropped the Blighttown key, but the enemies there are super tough. Where should I go to now?
Defeated the Iron Golem boss without taking a hit. Wow. Nice to be in Anor Londo. This place looks awesome as far as the environment goes. Really cool.
I read that I can use Quelaag's Soul to make a sword. How do I go about doing that?
The graveyard next to firelink.
You need a better weapon. Just upgrade that halberd to +5, at the very least.
If you have the master key, and even if you don't for that matter (as you can run by the drakes by goign throughtthe darkroot basin as well), you cna go backwards through blighttown. THere is absolutely no eveidence for the developers intending for you to do it a certain way, so don't feel you ahve ot do it one way just becuase people say you shoudl go through it one way first them try permuations later........goign backwards IS intended by the developers or they wouldn't have made a back door, given you the only smart option in the gift area as master key, AND put the backdoor to blighttown steps from firelink....just know you ahve an option, and having the slumbering drgaoncrest ring (drop if you kill griggs of vinheim form lower burg, or treeausre in sens' fortress) which will make you silent...when you get to those monsters that seem tough to you..their backs will be wide open and they won't hear you approach! talk about vindication!!!!
TO me the best plan is to ring both bells as fast as possible as this opens you up to the best equipment choices as fast as possible....the rest is up to you. I have also made characters who did the catacombs first in order to work on the rhea and patches vendors, as well as to get the rite of kindling which enables you to kindle fires so that you get +20 estus right off the start. NOtwithstanding, catacomsnb is usualy tough for noobs and vets alike owing to the skellies regenerating without divine weapons, and their keepers are sometimes dificult to kill at low levels if you don't already know where you are going. Still, there is not one area of the game that a noob can't ace with a little ingenuity and patience.
Whats the best place to get tetonite drops?
I do have the master key, so I if got to the cemetary Ill end up going to the back of Blightown? Im lvl 33 at the moment. The skeletons still seem tough to me.
Quelana of Izalith has such a nice voice. I enjoy her company. I'm not sure what thousand year old pussy would be like but I'd give it a shot.
No. Blighttown back door is directly below firelink:
1.) go toward the guy sitting at firelink and turn left down stairs, go down the elevator to new londo ruins gate
2.) go to the door to the right of the elevator area once you are down
3.) use master key to open gate up the stairs .
4.) there is a bridge to your left; cross it and enter cave. Cave holds three giant ogres...at level 33 you could fight them if you have a stable shield upgraded or feel lucky as they are slow (but their club swings track so don't get cocky!)...better to reduce your equip laod and run by them..tehy will follow you and fall of the ledge if you wait atthe ladder to go down into blighttown..500 souls each for cheap.
5.) biggest benefit of goign backdoor is there is a real hot bonfire for PVP at your level at the bottom of the ladder maze and a water wheel. Juts go into the cave at the left of the water wheel.
IN order to best prepare for blightown you should bring a lot of humanity for pvp hiring...have spent some time in Darkroot collecting purple moss, and preferably gone back to asylum revisited to get the rusted ring which will allow you to run and roll in the swamp a tthe bottom of blighttown.
secondary benefits are easy access to a plethora of game clinching equipment like a very stable shield, 3-4 armour sets, a firekeepers soul, several cool weapons, and easy access to queelag who once killed gives you access to the bell, access to pyro vendor, access to cool covenant, access to the best armour in early game via a suicide or home bone run to vist the demon's ruins, just an awesome point of the game for many reasons...why wait for it?
Thanks for the tips. I actually havent explored Darkroot or been back to the Asylum. Should I go there next before heading down to blightown?
Is it possible to reach the lake in Blightown from the Valley of the Drakes before you activate that big wheel thing? I'm running around on this scaffolding shit and I don't feel like falling off anymore.
Edit: Nevermind.
Question about levelling up in this game. I have both my STR and DEX at 40, but it seems like they aren't going to raise my actual strength anymore. Is the only reason to raise STR or DEX for use in weapon scaling at this point? My weapon of choice is pretty much all the time a Longsword +15(C scaling for STR and DEX) and a Compound Shortbow +14 and an eagle shield. The past few levels I've been upgrading my endurance and vitality.
BTW, I'm on my NG+ at level 113 and I'm pretty much tearing through the game. Also, I know scaling goes from E to S in order of how much, but how do you know how much extra oomph is being put in? Is there a way to tell on the stat screen?
Yeah, the first number in each column on the weapon's info screen is the base damage it does of each type of damage. The second number will be +X damage, which is decided by the stat scaling. If you hit triangle then you can easily see the total damage that the weapon does over on the right-hand side of the screen.
If you were to keep your strength and dex at 40 each, it looks like the longsword would be doing 408 damage. You could stick with that if you're really digging the moveset, but there are a lot of weapons that would be doing more damage with the same stats at +15. You can check it out for yourself on the stat calculator.
Ahh thanks. The thing I'm wondering about is if I should bother to keep leveling my STR/DEX at this point or is it a waste since it doesn't actually add to my strength anymore, only scaling. I would like to stick with the longsword since thats what I'm used to. I'm planning on beating NG+ and most likely going into NG++.
EDIT:Nevermind, I started putting numbers in orders of 10 for both and it doesnt seem to increase much at all. :lol
Yeah, there's a big dropoff after 40 for most weapons. Only reason to go above that is to satisfy stat requirements for certain weapons.
Alrighty. I've been alternative upping my Endurance and Vitality back and forth, but, I may stop with vitality since its not adding THAT much more anymore. Adding more stamina to my bar is helping me fend off a crazy amount of attacks.
Just remember that the 40 rule applies to endurance and vitality too. Only stats that are nice at 50 are Faith and Int, imo.
Ummm...is there any easy way to get back to Firelink Shrine from the bottom of the Fire Area? Just beat Ceaseless, killed all the Minotaur looking guys and the gate is yellow (the one with the bridge that leads to it) and I don't really wanna backtrack all the way back up =X
Ummm...is there any easy way to get back to Firelink Shrine from the bottom of the Fire Area? Just beat Ceaseless, killed all the Minotaur looking guys and the gate is yellow (the one with the bridge that leads to it) and I don't really wanna backtrack all the way back up =X
Ahh, ok I'll keep that in mind.
Nope, gotta go back through craptown. Head to sen's fortress(where the gates have been closed, its near the bonfire next to the first blacksmith) and then onto the next area. When you beat that next area, you'll get an item that will let you warp to specific bonfires.
You need to fight your way back to Blight Town, from there you can use the water wheel short cut back to Fire Link.
Remember to rest at the Daughter of Chaos bonfire so you don't have to go back through Blighttown later on.Gahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh noooooooo. SL 115 on NG+ but man I wanna warp so bad.
Gahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh noooooooo. SL 115 on NG+ but man I wanna warp so bad.
Just remember that the 40 rule applies to endurance and vitality too. Only stats that are nice at 50 are Faith and Int, imo.
Nice to be in Anor Londo. This place looks awesome as far as the environment goes. Really cool.
I read that I can use Quelaag's Soul to make a sword. How do I go about doing that?
So I started messing around in NG+ even though I said I was going to wait. The Great Hollow and Ash Lake were the only places I haven't been yet. So I went for it, had a good time. I remember someone talking about how serene Ash Lake is, no doubt. Grabbed some dragon scales, got the Dragon Greatsword (even though my strength is at 16) and joined the covenant...all good.
Then it hit me that I can't warp anymore. Holy fuck I should have waited.
Did you manage to go back? I was wondering how you can go back from Ash Lake if you don't have the Lord Vessel.
I think getting to Anor Londo for the first time is one of my most memorable gaming moments this gen: the hard slog through blightown followed by dying so often in sens, then it all just opens out with that glorious vista when you first arrive. So distinct spatially and design-wise from what you have been struggling through for the previous (for me anyway) 10-12 hours. And it is so quiet by comparison, it is all a truly breath taking piece of game design. And now I mainly hang out in AL helping noobs and cooping for O&S, I must have killed those buggers over 50 times now. Occasionally pop off somewhere else to do something or other, but I always return to AL to chill on the bridge and see if anyone hits my sign.
For Queelags furysword, upgrade any curved sword to +10, then take it to the giant blacksmith in AL.
If you go down bottom of sens where the titanite demons are there is an illusionary wall on the way out. Right after the long ladder up.In Sen's castle at the top where you fight a lonely huge knight right after the bonefire. I can see a lonely huge giant (same as the boulderthrowing giant) standing alone on top of the castle, not exactly on top but he is on the lower roof of the building with the lonely tower you can get to buy crossing a bridge (where you kill a knigh leaving the Richards sword (or something). How do you get to him? I saw that someone had placed a marker there.
finally got seaths tail.
Anyone know if a +15 Avelyn is better or definitively worse than a +5 lightning Avelyn?
Should I bother playing Demon's Souls first or can I just jump into Dark Souls now and play Demon's Souls some time later?