Logan's is worse than the starter catalyst until you reach 46, then it starts overtaking it.
I checked with this however (always used it to calculate my melee builds) and Logan's only gains about 3 more points after you go from 50 INT to 60, but I'm not sure if that is accurate so I asked here.
Logan's is worse than the starter catalyst until you reach 46, then it starts overtaking it.
I checked with this however (always used it to calculate my melee builds) and Logan's only gains about 3 more points after you go from 50 INT to 60, but I'm not sure if that is accurate so I asked here.
I invaded someone as part of the forest covenant and the guy dropped ~400K souls, the sad part is that he didn't even put much of a fight and I really don't want to spend them since it feels cheap
So I'm willing to give them away to anyone that wants them by buying lots of Dung Pie and dropping them so whoever picks them can sell them back to Frampt (probably will require more than once since you can only buy 99 out of anything)
I invaded someone as part of the forest covenant and the guy dropped ~400K souls, the sad part is that he didn't even put much of a fight and I really don't want to spend them since it feels cheap
So I'm willing to give them away to anyone that wants them by buying lots of Dung Pie and dropping them so whoever picks them can sell them back to Frampt (probably will require more than once since you can only buy 99 out of anything)
Soooo... Since the 1.05 patch I no longer see other people's signs. Is this a common problem? I know I'm online because I can invade other people's worlds.
Edit: And now I suddenly see them. Ignore my post!
I've been doing a ton of invading recently while putting off starting NG++, and I'm up to 620K souls. I give them hell, but if they beat me they get a reward.
I have come to see what you guys were all talking about in OT3 now. Backstabs completely ruin PVP. I can respect when someone is obscenely good at it and just backstabs you over and over until you're dead, but it really isn't any fun.
If I die, my souls stay dropped on the area of my death. Let say I respawn do some grinding to get some Humanity points so I can become hollow to get some help, if I touch the checkpoint light will my souls that are dropped, disappear or that only happens if I die on the 2nd time, right?
I'm currently trying to beat the Minotaur under the castle. The one that had 2 enemy dog monsters with him. I keep dying so I'm prolly want to get some assistance with Hollow form.
You can definitely take it off. He usually does his quick long-range attack twice, then his smashy-smashy stab that's basically an invitation to cut it off. Unless you're talking about the super-long range attack, I never even try on that one because he retracts it so fast.
This Youtube video shows the basic technique, though you can probably skip the part where he gets munched on right after cutting it off. That's an optional step.
I played it all day yesterday. Here's what I got done:
I finally beat Sif after 4 tries by hitting him with melee, then finished him off with some soul arrows when he was down to his last pip of health. I don't get why people felt sorry for him; it's just a boss with good animation, big deal.
I beat Gaping Dragon which was incredibly disappointing as a boss battle compared to Sif and extremely easy. Chopped off his tail and got the axe. Maybe it's because I'm SL80 (read: overpowered). I hate the frogs; they scare the crap out of me. Thankfully, I never got cursed because they're only one area which I'm never going back to unless they drop something good.
I also got invaded by a dude who was using a Katana with poison, and he shot me poison arrows. It was pretty funny because he wanted me to go to where he was at, but I saw that he laid down a trap (which was a glowing bag) so I didn't go over there. So for several seconds, none of us wanted to go to the other side; it was funny. I threw him some fire to see if he would come, but he dodged it. Eventually, he came to my side and ended up kicking my ass because he had the bleed with poison enchantment, versus my paltry Drakesword; I almost beat him. This was in The Depths by the way.
Also beat Quelaag by summoning a player who coincidentally happened to be the very first invader I ever got in my game; a Deprived. I managed to beat him easily and got his Butcher blade plus 12,000 souls and humanity. It was funny how he ended up helping me after I just fought him. Nonetheless, she was incredibly easy; I think I could have killed her on my own but with the other player there as a distraction, it was stupid easy.
I joined the Chaos Servant covenant, but I killed the guy who was at the entrance because I thought he was a regular enemy. Needless to say, I didn't get infected with the curse after I killed him. So now I can't buy the spells; that sucks. But I'm still cool with the covenant. Pyromancy is ridiculously strong and overpowered; especially that spell that I got from joining the covenant.
PVP's pretty fun I must say, so I'm gonna become human more often. Oh well, on to Sen's Fortress, and to explore New Londo Ruins more. Plus grind for some more souls. I'm really enjoying this game even more after doing the PVP and co-op. It's definitely one of my favorite games this year.
Also beat Quelaag by summoning a player who coincidentally happened to be the very first invader I ever got in my game; a Deprived. I managed to beat him easily and got his Butcher blade plus 12,000 souls and humanity. It was funny how he ended up helping me after I just fought him. Nonetheless, she was incredibly easy; I think I could have killed her on my own but with the other player there as a distraction, it was stupid easy.
I hate to be a buzzkill, but that invader who also helped you kill Quelaag was an NPC. Real life invaders do not drop their weapons. There are a good handful of those.
About my own exploits: I have decided that my Grant build is much better off not using the Grant. One-handed, the Grant does 725 and the Divine +10 Great Club does 715. The Grant weighs 24 and the Great Club weighs 12. They have the exact same moveset other than the two-handed R2, which is a wrath of god type explosion with the Grant and just a normal attack with the Great Club.
Are any of the unique weapons worth using? I like that the upgrade system is more streamlined than Demon's Souls, but the balance is not nearly as good as it was in Demon's.
I finally beat Sif after 4 tries by hitting him with melee, then finished him off with some soul arrows when he was down to his last pip of health. I don't get why people felt sorry for him; it's just a boss with good animation, big deal.
He has a limp, how can you not feel sorry for him you monster ((( Also, something about protecting the grave of his friend which you want to defile.
Oh and BTW, if you're already lvl. 80 at Gaping Dragon, you can expect the rest of the bosses to be easy as well. Most people complete the game at lvl. 80 or thereabouts.
Been playing in Blight Town tonight, or should I call it Frame Town? So much slow down.
Anyway, I have got to the first Bonfire and found a weird slug thing attached to a wall, its pretty big. Not gone too near that just yet. Just up the ladder from the bonfire is an enemy in an egg (kinda looks like an Alien egg), what's he all about?
I also got invaded by a dude who was using a Katana with poison, and he shot me poison arrows. It was pretty funny because he wanted me to go to where he was at, but I saw that he laid down a trap (which was a glowing bag) so I didn't go over there.
I beat Gaping Dragon which was incredibly disappointing as a boss battle compared to Sif and extremely easy. Chopped off his tail and got the axe. Maybe it's because I'm SL80 (read: overpowered). I hate the frogs; they scare the crap out of me. Thankfully, I never got cursed because they're only one area which I'm never going back to unless they drop something good.
So from reading this thread, well a few posts, you can get an axe by chopping off its tail? I got an axe from the church rooftop boss but thought it was regular loot. Didnt know you had to chop its tail to get it.
Anyways im at the Depths. Pretty overwelmed atm, i mean i havent been to the forests and below that entrance there is a huge enemy i ignored. Im SL24 or so. Still feel week. Not enough loot i have found. Still using a long sword. Guess ill have to upgrade that soon.
So from reading this thread, well a few posts, you can get an axe by chopping off its tail? I got an axe from the church rooftop boss but thought it was regular loot. Didnt know you had to chop its tail to get it.
Anyways im at the Depths. Pretty overwelmed atm, i mean i havent been to the forests and below that entrance there is a huge enemy i ignored. Im SL24 or so. Still feel week. Not enough loot i have found. Still using a long sword. Guess ill have to upgrade that soon.
If you head back to the Blacksmith in the Parish (by the Church) I've seen you can buy the Bastard Sword (actual name) which seemed pretty decent, similar to a Claymore (which you can get under the dragon on the bridge, and there is another Bonfire right next to it).
He means that your intelligence isn't high enough. Either pump some points into it, or wait until later in the game when the stat requirement will be dropped.
I think you can buy a catalyst from Griggs, Logan or the New Londo blacksmith.
I hate to be a buzzkill, but that invader who also helped you kill Quelaag was an NPC. Real life invaders do not drop their weapons. There are a good handful of those.
About my own exploits: I have decided that my Grant build is much better off not using the Grant. One-handed, the Grant does 725 and the Divine +10 Great Club does 715. The Grant weighs 24 and the Great Club weighs 12. They have the exact same moveset other than the two-handed R2, which is a wrath of god type explosion with the Grant and just a normal attack with the Great Club.
Are any of the unique weapons worth using? I like that the upgrade system is more streamlined than Demon's Souls, but the balance is not nearly as good as it was in Demon's.
The Black Knight range of weapons are pretty good (the Greataxe in particular is one of the best in the game), also couple of others like the Dragon Slayer bow.
Why do people call dark souls upgrade system more "streamlined" than demon's ? feels kinda the same to me without the Crushing/Sharp path and couple of others which only upgraded bows/shields.
He means that your intelligence isn't high enough. Either pump some points into it, or wait until later in the game when the stat requirement will be dropped.
I think you can buy a catalyst from Griggs, Logan or the New Londo blacksmith.
I love how so many people think the NPC invaders are humans. The fact that it fools so many people makes it a great decision by the developers to put it in for those maybe not playing online. It seems to give the same thrill of a real player.
Why do people call dark souls upgrade system more "streamlined" than demon's ? feels kinda the same to me without the Crushing/Sharp path and couple of others which only upgraded bows/shields.
I think it's because you get more stone drops. There's definitely something that makes it more compelling for me, because I barely upgraded my weapons on my playthrough of Demon's but I upgraded a lot of things on Dark.
Why do people call dark souls upgrade system more "streamlined" than demon's ? feels kinda the same to me without the Crushing/Sharp path and couple of others which only upgraded bows/shields.
Well the number of materials needed is standard now. 9 Shards will get any weapon to +5. In DeSo it would vary, with bigger weapons requiring much more materials to upgrade. Also, in the previous game only certain weapons could go down certain upgrade paths and it was kinda arbitrary. I also like how green shards work for multiple upgrade paths, and how you can descend without starting from scratch. Oh, and being able to upgrade at bonfires is sweet.
If you head back to the Blacksmith in the Parish (by the Church) I've seen you can buy the Bastard Sword (actual name) which seemed pretty decent, similar to a Claymore (which you can get under the dragon on the bridge, and there is another Bonfire right next to it).
Thanx for that BUT can I run to get that claymore and try to block the dragon's fire while using potions or would I somehow have to kill him first? I have the weakest bow&arrows, so I doubt I can do it that way.
I hope I can just run through the bridge, block fire attack+heal and do that a few times.
I guess I should tackle the New Londo Ruins I've been avoiding, how many curse things should I bring along? And are the enemies there weak to either electricity or fire?
I guess I should tackle the New Londo Ruins I've been avoiding, how many curse things should I bring along? And are the enemies there weak to either electricity or fire?
2 To 4 transient curses should be enough. You'll find more and the ghosts will occasionally drop some. They're weaker to fire, but electricity is still pretty effective.
2 To 4 transient curses should be enough. You'll find more and the ghosts will occasionally drop some. They're weaker to fire, but electricity is still pretty effective.
Gargoyles halberd is a badass weapon, love it. The slightly strange timing is tricky at first but it is great when it starts to click. Surprisingly good at pvp as well I think a lot of people don't know what to expect - I suck at pvp and have had more success with this than anything else. upgraded to raw +5 and it hits hard, loving it.
Spent all day cooping in anor londo, have 500k souls so will spend it on upgrading kit rather than levels. Any recs for decent mid weight armour? Have used crimson set for too long, love it but would like to try something new, have rofap and wood grain ring so can handle heavier if it's worthwhile.
Beat Priscilla, once I figured out how to make her visible it wasn't too hard. Damn that blood loss though
Also I suck at PvP, got invaded like 6 times in the Painted world, all by people near the top of the list in that book you can check. They backstab me without even being behind me :|
so i fell of the wagon for a while, yesterday i made the effort to get back on it but i didn't go quite as planned. was supposed to be dumping my excess humanity into bonfires, spending souls and getting on with finishing the game. instead i found myself trawling the early areas for guilty NG+'s to invade. so much fun.
I beat Gaping Dragon which was incredibly disappointing as a boss battle compared to Sif and extremely easy. Chopped off his tail and got the axe. Maybe it's because I'm SL80 (read: overpowered). I hate the frogs; they scare the crap out of me. Thankfully, I never got cursed because they're only one area which I'm never going back to unless they drop something good.
oh man like super overpowered for that fight :O that's end-game levels.
PVP's pretty fun I must say, so I'm gonna become human more often. Oh well, on to Sen's Fortress, and to explore New Londo Ruins more. Plus grind for some more souls. I'm really enjoying this game even more after doing the PVP and co-op. It's definitely one of my favorite games this year.
yeah i'm loving it at the moment and i'm generally a single-player/co-op kind of guy - demon's/dark souls are literally the only pvp games i play. one of my demon's souls builds was dedicated to punching people to death with the iron knuckles and i'm tempted to do another one in dark with the caestus.
About my own exploits: I have decided that my Grant build is much better off not using the Grant. One-handed, the Grant does 725 and the Divine +10 Great Club does 715. The Grant weighs 24 and the Great Club weighs 12. They have the exact same moveset other than the two-handed R2, which is a wrath of god type explosion with the Grant and just a normal attack with the Great Club.
Are any of the unique weapons worth using? I like that the upgrade system is more streamlined than Demon's Souls, but the balance is not nearly as good as it was in Demon's.
i haven't found a unique that seems any better than what i'm running at the moment - was mainly a lightning zwei +5 but since the patch my large club+14 (should go farm a slab i know) has been rocking it. with greater magic weapon i get 715 in one hand also and i can probably afford to go up another 10 points in strength before i cap off. if i decide to cap this character that is. have people settled on a "standard" invading range in this, like 120 was for demons?
Holy fuck tomb of the giants is annoying. How the fuck are you supposed to get to the bottom when you're surrounded by skeletons steep drops and it's fucking pitch black?!?
So I just beat Ceaseless Discharge in Demon Ruins. The place is now crawling with Capra Demons and the gate is sealed. Apparently I have to go back through those gates way back at the beginning. Is there some quick and easy way to get back up there?
So I just beat Ceaseless Discharge in Demon Ruins. The place is now crawling with Capra Demons and the gate is sealed. Apparently I have to go back through those gates way back at the beginning. Is there some quick and easy way to get back up there?
Usually it means switching to a weapon with high backstab damage along with the Hornet Ring, or switching to a weapon that stunlocks better than your usual weapon. Exactly what you switch to depends on your build.
For example, the current character I'm playing with is a Faith-heavy build, with minimal Strength and Dexterity investment. My usual PvE equipment is a Lightning Longsword and Sanctus, and for rings I use Dark Wood Grain Ring along with Ring of the Sun's Firstborn. When an invasion pops up I switch to a Chaos Bandit's Knife, the Grass Crest Shield, and replace the Ring of the Sun's Firstborn with the Hornet Ring. Then begins the traditional Dark Souls PvP waltz of performing acrobatics at one another until somebody lags and gets one-shot backstabbed. After I get the Sunlight Blade Miracle I'm going to retire the Bandit's Knife and forge up a Rapier+15 that I'll use the Miracle on to increase my backstab damage still further.
Another character normally uses a Claymore, and has exactly 16 Strength to wield it one-handed. When an invader shows up, though, I switch to a Zweihander, which can only be used two-handed with 16 Strength, but that doesn't really matter because shields are essentially irrelevant in PvP. The Zweihander does more damage per swing and stunlocks better than the Claymore, making it better suited to PvP. I also switch my shield out to the Grass Crest Shield, because its Stamina regeneration effect works while it's slung on your back, making it a perennial PvP favorite. If you're going for stunlocking like that you also probably want to equip the Wolf's Ring, to boost your Poise and prevent your opponent from stunlocking you.
That's the basic idea. PvP boils down to who gets backstabbed or stunlocked first most of the time, so your PvP equipment should be stuff that's heavily optimized toward doing one or the other.
Holy fuck tomb of the giants is annoying. How the fuck are you supposed to get to the bottom when you're surrounded by skeletons steep drops and it's fucking pitch black?!?
You need a way to make it not pitch black. Your options are the Skull Lantern that can be dropped from Necromancers in the Catacombs or can be found after
Patches kicks you into a hole near the beginning of the tomb
, the Cast Light spell that you can buy from Dusk, or the
Sunlight Maggot that you can get in Lost Izalith
. The latter two are the best options, because they don't require you to give up your shield to generate light, but the Lantern is the only option that can be acquired within the Tomb itself.
Tomb of the giants was easier than I though, especially when I realized I had a lantern from earlier. FFS. also, if there's one thing this game is teaching me,it's to trust no one.
I finally beat Sif after 4 tries by hitting him with melee, then finished him off with some soul arrows when he was down to his last pip of health. I don't get why people felt sorry for him; it's just a boss with good animation, big deal.
That's the basic idea. PvP boils down to who gets backstabbed or stunlocked first most of the time, so your PvP equipment should be stuff that's heavily optimized toward doing one or the other.
The only character I rely on stunlock semi-heavily with is my Zwei build, and he uses Greatshield of Artorias with it. My other characters use +15 weapons and hit and run tactics, and I never backstab unless someone just literally leaves themselves open for it. I win about 90% of my PvP fights I've had in Kiln, Forest and various areas, so I can safely say you do not need to do either of those things to win. Stunlock or backstab can make it easier true, but you don't have to heavily optimize for it as long as you know the far more important rule of PvP IMO: how to defend against them.
Holy fuck tomb of the giants is annoying. How the fuck are you supposed to get to the bottom when you're surrounded by skeletons steep drops and it's fucking pitch black?!?
I've been to every merchant I know of (the ones who didn't disappear) no fucking sorcery catalyst on any of them. Anyone able to help me out and let me know where I can get one?
I've been to every merchant I know of (the ones who didn't disappear) no fucking sorcery catalyst on any of them. Anyone able to help me out and let me know where I can get one?
Go to the merchant in Undead Burg and buy the Residence Key from him. Then go into the lower Undead Burg and head towards the area with those torch-wielding undead. Just before you get to that area look for a door on your left. If you get close to that door you'll hear someone ask for help. Open it up and you'll find a sorcerer in there along with a corpse in a barrel. The corpse should have a catalyst.
Got invaded in Demon ruins... I send the guy a message asking for help with the stray fire demon and he lets me backstab him. He drops his summon sign and we end up helping each other for that boss and the centipede demon. Then we went and did some actual PvP through the red soap stone. Badass.
It s a very wise strategy that when you want help and all you are getting is invaders, that you message one of them to help...you know they are the correct soul level most of the time if they are red. I have not had one refuse ever although several had the wrong SL or we could not get on the same server easily. Most were on the same server though as they had not re-dropped their sign yet. I usually let them win (pretend to unprepared etc.) switch weapons etc. and they feel bad that they are messing your play-through and are willing to help.