It took me until the 2nd NG+ to really see the intricate beauty of the LD of the early game. I mean, it wasn't like I didn't perceive it, thought of it and use its connectedness thoroughly -- but I rarely stopped to take it all in.
How you see, the moment you arrive in Lordran, so much of where you'll be. How peering down from the Burg reveals the whole path of the Lower Burg, Capra's enclosure included. The Parish Church from the Taurus archers tower, then Sen's from Parish Church's tower. Back to Taurus, there's the Garden's path down towards the Hydra. Somewhere along that there's the tunnel that leads into Valley of Drakes, and from there round back the entrance in Blighttown and up to Firelink Shrine. From which you can peer into Blighttown, and see the Great Hollow. And all above, and even lower down below, the second half of the game lays hidden.
It's beautiful.
And I think The Painted World holds the essence of Dark Souls' use of 3D space, of constantly baiting you with the next vista while also allowing you to see your progression, of constantly rewarding curiosity and exploration while also saying 'hey, it's all optional, you know?'. And it's all neatly packed.