SL 140 now. Dark souls PvP is no joke. People bowing before fights. People swinging giant crystal magic-buffed greatswords right on your spawn point in the Kiln. WoG, Great Magic Barriers, high poise tanks? is anyone else loving this shit??! I'll kill a guy differently depending on his fight behavior. Running for Black knights? WoG + TWoP. Bow and allow buff time? Swords and shields. Estus gets you anything - fair game.
I'm 10 kills away from Darkmoon Cov + 3.
I don't even want to say what my PvP build is, I've been so successful.
I used to play Halo (TS 50, MLG 40), but this is truly addictive.
Well you have to tell us your build if you're going to say all that. I'd guess you use that darkmoon buff if you're in the covenant.
As far as my own PvP went today, I received my first
and second ever hate messages. The first guy invaded me at the Kiln while I was trying to use my own red eye orb. He was two-handing a black knight greataxe with a grass shield on his back, real original. He was one of those jerks that never ever swings until you do, and just ninja flips around waiting on you to make a move. As I've dealt with about a hundred carbon copies of him I use TWoP, and killed him in three swings of the great club. He messages me saying, "TWoP pussy", and so I respond saying that if he had used a shield he wouldn't have died. He responds saying that, "I don't need to use a shield when people fight right. TWoP is noob shit." He literally hadn't swung his axe once, nor did he block anything, I don't know what he expected. TWoP seems to me like it was put in the game as a counter to the Dark Wood Grain Ring, and it lasts 15 seconds.
The second message was from someone angry that I went further into the level. I invade him at the Kiln, he bows, I bow back, then I make a break for it. He got caught up with the black knights and I make it onto those skinny poles you have to walk across. He summons two phantoms to help him and they all head down to get me. I was behind the first big pillar with the fog ring waiting. As they start rounding the pillar I use TWoP and start swinging at the host. I kill him and then get killed by pyromancy from the phantoms immediately afterwards. That's when he sent me a couple foul-mouthed messages. I tell him if he wants to have a duel then he should use the red soapstone, I am there to kill him however I've got to.
If either of them had used a shield they wouldn't have died, and it's ridiculous to expect me not to use WoG or TWoP as a faith build. Am I just supposed to heal myself until they die or something?
I think I'm starting to have the same attitude that worldrevolution (I think?) had about PvP. No more gestures , no more waiting for them to buff, I'm just killing them.