As IceMarker said, Power Within is one of the best if not the best spell in the game imo - useful for any build for bosses, worth upgrading the pyro flame for that alone.I just entered Blighttown and man, this place is terrible. I keep getting lost with all the ladders everwhere not to mention getting poisioned a lot.
Unlike the other areas in the game, I just want to get through this place as fast as possible. Is there any good loot here that I should pick up?
If not, I'm going to sprint to the exit.
Hey souls-gaf! I recently decided to give Dark Souls an honest try. I played it a while back, and quit early on because I lost like 8k souls and was demoralized (feel free to laugh now -- even I now realize how little that mattered).
I'm now coming back to the game with a much better idea of how to approach it (accept deaths will come and learn from them each time!), and I'm really loving it so far. Easily surpassed where I was on my previous attempt, and have a much better idea of how to play it.
Also had my first co-op/PVP experience last night. Nothing special for the veterans, but awesome for me as a noob. I'll spoiler this in case there are other noobs reading.I was in the undead parish I believe (the area where you eventually go ring the first bell at the top of the tower). I eventually found signs right next to the ladder saying boss ahead. I was pretty nervous. I decided that now that I know where it is, I should spend my souls and prepare to fight. On my way back into the chapel there were like 4 summon sign right outside the chapel, so I decided "Hey, why not do this for the first time?". I summoned a white phantom to my world to engage in jolly co-operation and we started booking it to the boss. Right before we hit the area with the bunch of Hollow near the ladder, I got a message saying we were being invaded by a dark phantom. Honestly did not expect that within the first 30 seconds of summoning the phantom. Not to mention I have never done PVP before this moment, so I felt completely unprepared and had no idea what to do. Regardless, we waited for a minute to see if he would show himself, but nothing so I kept moving slowly. As I turned the corner about to face the hollow, the red pyromancer attempts an ambush on us. I take a fair amount of damage from his flame attacks, but me and my white phantom bro manage to trap him between us and end him quickly. My white phantom bro and I then moved on and killed the gargoyles, which went quite swimmingly. We each took care of one gargoyle and then we parted ways.
I have to say, before this, I never experienced the co-op/PVP aspect to the game, and it really makes things much more intense, and fun. In fact, all of last night I was just on knife's edge of feeling completely unprepared and feeling confident in my ability to take down tougher and tougher enemies.
Oh, and I learned a major, major tip which has helped my combat abilities... Parrying purely works based on distance between you and the enemy, not on their weapon type. I was wondering why I could rarely parry enemies, but now it makes sense. I spent a good 45 minutes going back/forth from right outside firelink to the first area towards the burg just seeing if I could parry/riposte everyone consistently and I got pretty good at it, with about 80-90% success rate.
Can't wait to play more tonight! I'm hopeful I can finish the game before April, in time for DS2 SotF.
I have a Gwyn soul![]()
It looks like a glitch with a shadow from an undead soldier corpse projected from somewhere else. If you're a high INT build you should go enchanted. You can go STR/DEX/INT if you want to go that route then pick magicSo no idea on the picture guys? = (
Anyhow, question on a weapon. I have a +5 Magic Balder Side Sword. Should I continue to upgrade it on this path or go Enchanted? I know that stats have a soft-cap, so is it worth it long term to have an A in Int. while having lower growth in Dex. and Str. for the weapon, or should I keep it as a max of B with better growth in the other two stats?
It looks like a glitch with a shadow from an undead soldier corpse projected from somewhere else. If you're a high INT build you should go enchanted. You can go STR/DEX/INT if you want to go that route then pick magic
Yes it will benefit from more INT for the A INT scaling.Well, I'm already at 45 for INT (threw it all in there first so I'm a glass cannon ), so will the A growth benefit from more INT?
So the term cheese is already mainstream huh? Amazing find, they got killed by the mobs outside right?
What a glitchy mess of a game. Can't believe this was done by the A-team. Makes me scared for Bloodborne.
I've been using "cheese" since popping quarters into Mortal Kombat 1.So the term cheese is already mainstream huh? Amazing find, they got killed by the mobs outside right?
Yes it will benefit from more INT for the A INT scaling.
BTW, I was just invaded and killed, no biggie. However, the invader didn't even attempt to dodge or block any of my spells. I'm wearing the Bellowing Crest Ring and have 44 Intelligence. Should he have been able to not take damage from my attacks?![]()
Most invaders have high magic resistance so yeah, they can pass like nothing and kills you unless you hit them with crystal magic
I just entered Blighttown and man, this place is terrible. I keep getting lost with all the ladders everwhere not to mention getting poisioned a lot.
Unlike the other areas in the game, I just want to get through this place as fast as possible. Is there any good loot here that I should pick up?
If not, I'm going to sprint to the exit.
More good progress today. Finished Nito in two tries (damn skeletons), Sif in one try, and finished all of new londo (the boss was not quite as simple as the others though.
More good progress today. Finished Nito in two tries (damn skeletons), Sif in one try, and finished all of new londo (the boss was not quite as simple as the others though.
The trick in Nito is if you focus on the skeletons you will die so instead you have to burst nito with everything you got before and after the explosion
Sif is in a weird place, hard if you want to cleat the darkroot gardan at once and easy/medium after you return from anor londo.
In the future, kill the 3 skeletons with a divine weapon and let Nito come to you, fighting him in the small area you landed on. The giant skeletons won't spot you and will die when Nito diesMore good progress today. Finished Nito in two tries (damn skeletons), Sif in one try, and finished all of new londo (the boss was not quite as simple as the others though.
Sif isn't that hard, if you stay close/ underneath him most of his attacks will whiff.The trick in Nito is if you focus on the skeletons you will die so instead you have to burst nito with everything you got before and after the explosion
Sif is in a weird place, hard if you want to cleat the darkroot gardan at once and easy/medium after you return from anor londo.
Yeah, sometimes you get one every 4 hours and sometimes you get 2 in an hour.Man, trying to farm Titanite Slab from Darkwraiths is soul-crushing(ha!)
So I was post in the wrong thread apparently.
Anyway. Finally got to installing Dark Souls, dsfix'd got the mouse mod as well.
I've no idea what I'm doing and have died probably 30 times or more. Did manage to kill the Taurus Demon then got toasted by a dragon... twice. Might change over to a controller eventually. Clearly wasn't designed for kb+m, kicks and jump attacks are near impossible to do when you want them. (can do it easy with just the keyboard though). Trying to do everything dark, but geez the learning curve is a cliff.
Man, trying to farm Titanite Slab from Darkwraiths is soul-crushing(ha!)
You're not kidding here. I have 30+ slabs in DS2 since I have equipped the Agape Ring and nothing to do with them.I seem to recall answering this already?!?!Oh yeah, other thread.
Here is the link for Ps4:
Yeah if you dont have a PS4 controller, there are good mods for ps3, I thought the same devs as above did one but it appears that motionjoy is still the one for ps3:
...others who used mouse can let you know what they is possble to do thewhole game with mouse but I only hav heard of a couple that actually prefer KB+M....its hard to tell by your comments if your deaths are owing to the controls, or simply its that you are "dark" and new to the game and perhaps not using the best strats yet. The dragon can one shot you, but you can still make it all the way across with a few strats and luck! There are other options to going allthe way across in one sweep as well though. Keep going with the darkness...if only the vets on here could erase their memeory and do it all over again...but we are a lucky gamer in this time and space.
How did you get by Taurus? Are you recording your progress at all? "Dark" let's plays are more popular than you might think!
yup...I get ~1 for every 80 chunks....and the most I have got for chunks on one run is like 3-4? I know others have had better luck than I, ......I simply dont farm them anymore but get the ones from DLC and that has to suffice until NG+. My record for screwing up the siegmayer quest is running at higher than 50% still as least Slabs are easier in Ds2...that's one more thing I like better about DS2!
Yeah, sometimes you get one every 4 hours and sometimes you get 2 in an hour.
Do Siegmeyer's questline If you can.
Yeah if you dont have a PS4 controller, there are good mods for ps3, I thought the same devs as above did one but it appears that motionjoy is still the one for ps3:
Man, trying to farm Titanite Slab from Darkwraiths is soul-crushing(ha!)
Think I'm gonna stick with keyboard and mouse. With the mousefix mod it's fine, just wish the ingame stuff was readable instead of all being xbox controller icons.
Anyhoo, killed the twin gargoyles after 6 or so attempts (detailed one and got an axe, was a surprise). After that I had no idea where to go next, ran around for a bit and then got tired and googled it. Still don't know how to get across the bridge without the dragon toasting you, managed to just make it at the second attempt.
The Capra Demon is bullshit. First time the game has made me angry, must have died near 20 times without even hitting him. Didn't feel like skill, felt like total luck when I somehow managed to dodge his initial attack and got up the stairs. Awful game design, nothing more.
But eventually killed him, and got into a sewers type area. Still no idea wtf I'm doing, still using armour I started with (other than garg helmet). Did try chainmail from the vendor, but I hated how slow it made me. Btw when I went human the first time, I got a friendly invader who gave me a fire sword. Can't imagine how much harder this would have been without it.
I don't think Capra demon has "awful design", it is what it is . Quite easy once you get the hang if it, like everything I this game
Pretty much every single npc then outside of a couple of the vendors and the firekeepers which don't drop anything unique, but you should use the dark hand on them and suck out their humanity.What NPCs should I kill before I wrap up my playthrough(talking about ones that have unique drops)
All the blacksmiths except Rickert have unique drops.What NPCs should I kill before I wrap up my playthrough(talking about ones that have unique drops)
What NPCs should I kill before I wrap up my playthrough(talking about ones that have unique drops)
Anyone who has access to the PC version and has not done a Black Phantom/-Perma Gravelorded playthrough with cheat engine must do so.
To give you an idea of how much it changes the gameplay:Darkroot Garden is one of the easier areas in vanilla. Gravelorded, you have about 4 Black Phantom Stone Guardians that instantly charge you the moment you enter the area. At low levels, you HAVE to run through to the boss to survive.