The Capra Demon was terrifying. Thankfully, I repeatedly abused the attack after climbing a ladder.
But the boss fights in this game are so tense!
So far it's a brilliant game.
And thats the tip of the iceberg !
The Capra Demon was terrifying. Thankfully, I repeatedly abused the attack after climbing a ladder.
But the boss fights in this game are so tense!
So far it's a brilliant game.
And thats the tip of the iceberg !
Slowbeef did a pretty good one.Whats the best blind Dark Souls 'lets play' excluding Kay and greenspeak?
Tanimura: Yes, this game actually went through quite a troubled development process. Due to a number of factors we were actually forced to re-think the entire game midway into development.
Satake: ...In the original game the butchers in the depths carrying the giant meat cleavers and wearing torn sacks over their faces. When making them Mr Miyazaki never told us that they were women. On hearing that even we were surprised so I’m sure the players were similarly shocked. Rather than the artists producing those surprising twists it is in fact more down to the directors instruction.
On the previous game map and character artists weren’t separated but on this project i was in charge of the maps
Satake: Yes, while working on the previous game I remember thinking a larger game would be completely unthinkable, but this project eclipsed it in both size and scale. I told myself multiple times during development that it was impossible
The mirror knight was also the boss of the first playable build wasn’t he?
Satake: Well he has a strong image doesn’t he. Most people who saw it seemed to praise the subtle wing design embossed on the back of the armour, but personally I always loved the way the helmet looked. You can never tell what part will resonate with people.
Hi everyone...bit of a Dark Souls obsessive here. I've finished one playthrough on the 360 and am up to Anor Londo on my second (although it's just NG as I'm playing it through on the PS3 this time).
I started off as a magic user, but both times I've fallen into just using a Black Knight Sword +5. Is this weapon just completely OP? I'd really appreciate any suggestions for alternatives - I'd like to try something different.
It's OP for most of the game. It's moveset is a bit "ornamental" to say the least. The Claymore is superior in almost every way.Hi everyone...bit of a Dark Souls obsessive here. I've finished one playthrough on the 360 and am up to Anor Londo on my second (although it's just NG as I'm playing it through on the PS3 this time).
I started off as a magic user, but both times I've fallen into just using a Black Knight Sword +5. Is this weapon just completely OP? I'd really appreciate any suggestions for alternatives - I'd like to try something different.
Hi everyone...bit of a Dark Souls obsessive here. I've finished one playthrough on the 360 and am up to Anor Londo on my second (although it's just NG as I'm playing it through on the PS3 this time).
I started off as a magic user, but both times I've fallen into just using a Black Knight Sword +5. Is this weapon just completely OP? I'd really appreciate any suggestions for alternatives - I'd like to try something different.
So...anyone think Kalameet is a little unbalanced, or is it just my style of play? I can smoke him with a sorcerer or pyromancer type character, but I can barely make contact in melee. I mean I was in his face the entire time with my pyromancer like a melee class, but the little extra range made all the difference. It's funny. I'd say the other 3 DLC fights are superb in melee. It's so satisfying reading Artorias's moves and dropping the hammer on him when he leaves himself open.
That reminds me, did I read right and they added the ability to target large bosses legs in DaS2? I can't wait to check out 2 and Bloodborne now. Demon Souls remaster also, please.I never even planned on playing Souls and now 1 is near the top of my favorite games.
Any tips for a pyro? I'm at queelaag and obviously have to resort to the crappy drake sword, but in general I'm not overly pleased with this build. Pyro seems slow and has few casts. I've got it upgraded +2 currently and use fireball mainly. Don't have a lot of spells yet.
I'm used to str characters and sorcery, btw.
Any tips for a pyro? I'm at queelaag and obviously have to resort to the crappy drake sword, but in general I'm not overly pleased with this build. Pyro seems slow and has few casts. I've got it upgraded +2 currently and use fireball mainly. Don't have a lot of spells yet.
I'm used to str characters and sorcery, btw.
So...anyone think Kalameet is a little unbalanced, or is it just my style of play? I can smoke him with a sorcerer or pyromancer type character, but I can barely make contact in melee. I mean I was in his face the entire time with my pyromancer like a melee class, but the little extra range made all the difference. It's funny. I'd say the other 3 DLC fights are superb in melee. It's so satisfying reading Artorias's moves and dropping the hammer on him when he leaves himself open.
That reminds me, did I read right and they added the ability to target large bosses legs in DaS2? I can't wait to check out 2 and Bloodborne now. Demon Souls remaster also, please.I never even planned on playing Souls and now 1 is near the top of my favorite games.
Edit: Yikes at the Crystal Armor repair costs.
I know right? you can use other heavy armor like black iron armor or Havel set if you want fellow guardian
Upgrading the pyro flame is essential. There's no stat investment but it can be expensive to fully upgrade all the way. I would also level up attunement and start using other spells, (great) combustion is especially deadly, the firestorm type spells can be good and power within is a must for bosses. The power of your spells can also be further boosted by gear like the dusk crown and bellowing ring, so picking those up is also a priority. All this can be done super-super early too, you can be end-game powerful before even killing a single boss (as long as you have the souls!)Any tips for a pyro? I'm at queelaag and obviously have to resort to the crappy drake sword, but in general I'm not overly pleased with this build. Pyro seems slow and has few casts. I've got it upgraded +2 currently and use fireball mainly. Don't have a lot of spells yet.
I'm used to str characters and sorcery, btw.
That's because you require the very large flame ember to upgrade it not the very large ember.Gaf I've come across a problem & thought maybe you could help. I upgraded my fire great scythe to +5 & it no longer shows up to be upgraded at any blacksmith. Now yes I just recently grabbed the very large ember from new londo ruins & I'm sure I gave it to a blacksmith though I can't remember who. Yet my scythe still does not show up. I've talked to every one of them & it still doesn't show up. I even went back to see if I picked up the ember & the chest is opened citing that I did get it. How can I solve this problem gaf?
That's because you require the very large flame ember to upgrade it not the very large ember.
Enjoy Demon Ruins!Oh wow, I feel really dumb for that. I guess I defintely overlooked that thank you very much. I saw on YouTube the location and oh boy I'm gonna have some fun today lol
Oh wow, I feel really dumb for that. I guess I defintely overlooked that thank you very much. I saw on YouTube the location and oh boy I'm gonna have some fun today lol
I think I have both sets and I use Havel when I'm boss hugging, but I like being able to be more mobile. Which is odd considering that two years ago I was definitely the type to turtle up.
Should probably look into reinforcing more gear too. Just a shame that I don't remember what I was all working towards before, though I was happy to see that my Greatsword of Artorias was +5.
Go, and never look back to that place lol
Elite Knight armor set work wonders unless you want to go light armor and go for the crimson armor set
I think Elite Knight was what I had started reinforcing a bit. I'll check later today to see what's there and the progress made. Also will put up my stats.
Probably won't have time to run through it on this play through, but I'll probably buy the DLC at the end of the week. About $10 on PSN?
Gaf I've come across a problem & thought maybe you could help. I upgraded my fire great scythe to +5 & it no longer shows up to be upgraded at any blacksmith. Now yes I just recently grabbed the very large ember from new londo ruins & I'm sure I gave it to a blacksmith though I can't remember who. Yet my scythe still does not show up. I've talked to every one of them & it still doesn't show up. I even went back to see if I picked up the ember & the chest is opened citing that I did get it. How can I solve this problem gaf?
There is a good medium armor there, the Ciaran armor set and the artorias armor set
You shouldn't put anymore points in RES it's a waste. Other than that a balder shield would be worthwhile to get to replace you hollow soldier one, you can get one from the merchant in sens or just farm one.Sweet.
Anyway, big stat/armor/weapon info dump:
You shouldn't put anymore points in RES it's a waste. Other than that a balder shield would be worthwhile to get to replace you hollow soldier one, you can get one from the merchant in sens or just farm one.
Ark, level your Vit to 30, adjust your armor/weapons to use Ring of Favor instead of Havel's and still be able to Mid roll. Go really light on the Armor to fast roll if you'd like. If you are using a lot of spells, then focus on either Faith or Intelligence, dont mess with both. If not, then put more into Vit, End (up to 40), or Dex (up to 40). Ditch the Greatsword of Artorias and work on a +15 Claymore, or +15 Halberd if you like that.
In general, let those stats stay where they are, and focus on a couple. Moving them all up will become nigh impossible with how much it costs to level. So focus on a few. I suggest Vit to 30, End to 40 and Dex to 40. Try to mid roll with FAP ring and Wolf instead of Havel's. FAP ring will get you more Stamina and HP as well.
Anyone have something similar to the Zwei moveset? Everying else feels moot after using it![]()
Undead parish is just out the front door.What's the nearest warp to Sen's Fortress?
Demon Great Machete, Black Knight Greatsword, Greatsword are the same as regards to the R1 and rolling R1 movest. Zwei is unique with its R2's though.
None of these ever felt right to me :/ Oh well, any recommendation on greataxes or greathammers? I'm thinking of trying out the Dragon Tooth? Any good?
Upgrading the pyro flame is essential. There's no stat investment but it can be expensive to fully upgrade all the way. I would also level up attunement and start using other spells, (great) combustion is especially deadly, the firestorm type spells can be good and power within is a must for bosses. The power of your spells can also be further boosted by gear like the dusk crown and bellowing ring, so picking those up is also a priority. All this can be done super-super early too, you can be end-game powerful before even killing a single boss (as long as you have the souls!)
Dammit Solaire...
Didn't realize I had to see if he was at the bonfire before I opened the shortcut.
Thats not how do you spell Tarkus
Anyway, big stat/armor/weapon info dump:
Level 82
- VIT: 20
- Attu: 10
- END: 30
- STR: 30
- DEX: 20
- RES: 14 (possible armor buff, since I remember it being 8 yesterday)
- INT: 20
- Faith: 20
Weapons/Shield commonly equipped:
- Greatsword of Artorias +5
- Hollow Soldier Shield +5
- Longbow +5
- Socerer's Catalyst
- Halberd +10
- Sets: Elite Knight Armor (+3, +3, +2, +1), Havel, Crystalline
- Common Head options: Mask of the Child
- Havel's and Wolf
I have a ton of stuff, as I generally only sell extra items and have been fairly thorough.