Snacks the sober sea lion
How people still using the Drake Sword? Are there still guides telling people to get it, because few people would figure out themselves how to get it.
How people still using the Drake Sword? Are there still guides telling people to get it, because few people would figure out themselves how to get it.
It's not so much your soul level as your weapon. The drake sword is fine very early on, but it's soon out-classed by almost any other weapon upgraded, it's kind of a notorious trap/newbie helper.
Since you've done the Depths you should have the large ember which will allow you to take a weapon along the normal upgrade path to +10 (9 titanite, 9 large titanite). You've probably picked up loads of weapons, find one you like the moveset of and upgrade it. Check the stats that it scales well with (strength, dex), when you level up those stats it will gain a larger damage bonus.take the ember to Andre who can then ascend a +5 weapon to +6
The drake sword will probably still do you ok for the next area, but after that it's going to be an uphill battle and you will really notice how poor it is in comparison. SL31 sounds about par for the course for where you are on your first playthrough, so no problems there![]()
Painted World is indeed great and it shows that it was first area worked on for the game.
I personally like Dukes, the small puzzle of the stairways, it's confusing at first with all the floors - intentionally so I think. The prison section is unique too. I don't consider the Catacombs post-AL since you can do them any time. I guess post-AL there's just a lot less discovery and shortcuts like in the first section - taking the lift back down to Firelink Shrine for the first time, or finally getting out of Blighttown and realising you're so close to safe ground again when you realise where the exit brings you out (if you didn't already go that way with the master key!), that's amazing and the linear paths to the Lord Souls don't offer that - so I can see why people think the second half is weaker.
Demon Ruins and Lost Izalith suffer because of the enemy and level design, but the idea and look of the areas are just as strong imo, but it does tarnish the experience that it's a whole of lot of recycled monsters to fight down there with not much exploring to do.
How people still using the Drake Sword? Are there still guides telling people to get it, because few people would figure out themselves how to get it.
So the general consensus is that the quality of the game begins to drop after Anor Londo...what are you guys' thoughts about this?
I feel it's a bit unfair. The game does get easier - certainly (aside from Gwyn) no boss requires me to git gud like Ornstein and Smough did - but I think part of it is that I'd begun to master the game a bit more.
I thought the Catacombs and Tomb of the Giants were tense and intimidating and I liked (ie was terrified of) the skeleton beasts. I also loved the final area before Nito.
New Londo might be my favourite area in the game - the lore and atmosphere were really something, and the Four Kings are my favourite boss from an aesthetic perspective.
I'm less keen on the Duke's Archives but I think that's due to the colour scheme and I know nobody seems to like the Demon Ruins and Lost Izalith but I really don't mind them. Entering Lost Izalith for the first time was a great experience.
Also, does nobody mention the Painted World of Ariamis? It's an amazing area, on par with Sen's imo.
So the general consensus is that the quality of the game begins to drop after Anor Londo...what are you guys' thoughts about this?
I feel it's a bit unfair. The game does get easier - certainly (aside from Gwyn) no boss requires me to git gud like Ornstein and Smough did - but I think part of it is that I'd begun to master the game a bit more.
I thought the Catacombs and Tomb of the Giants were tense and intimidating and I liked (ie was terrified of) the skeleton beasts. I also loved the final area before Nito.
New Londo might be my favourite area in the game - the lore and atmosphere were really something, and the Four Kings are my favourite boss from an aesthetic perspective.
I'm less keen on the Duke's Archives but I think that's due to the colour scheme and I know nobody seems to like the Demon Ruins and Lost Izalith but I really don't mind them. Entering Lost Izalith for the first time was a great experience.
Also, does nobody mention the Painted World of Ariamis? It's an amazing area, on par with Sen's imo.
I feel like "the second half of Dark Souls 1 sucks" thing didn't happen until DS2 came out and people who liked Dark Souls 2 started saying that as a response to people who preferred Dark Souls 1. Maybe I'm imagining that but I honestly never heard anyone say the second half of Dark Souls 1 is bad until DS2 came out.
You're imagining this to be honest, majority of players agreed that the second half of the game didn't have the same quality, and definitely not the cohesive world design, like the first half did.
Now, there are plenty of great areas in the second half, and people can go back and forth arguing those, but overall, once you get the Lordvessel, the quality dips a bit.
Why you probably thought this is because a ton of people do like to use the fact that Dark Souls 1 has a slight drop off in quality in the second half, as an argument for Dark Souls 2 being better. It's a pretty lame argument, and tiresome, but it didn't start the criticism of the second half of DkS1.
Hell, Yoshi was bitching about it like 3 days after the game came out, he marathoned the game, injured and partially delirious from a fever while ranting about the second half. To be fair, he shouldn't have been playing in that kind of a state in the first place, but I digress. I remember myself raging pretty hard my first time through Lost Izalith at just how shitty the Dragon Butts were.
Well I've heard people speak about the quality in such a negative tone that maybe I'm misremembering it. I specifically remember a person I was arguing with about it essentially say that you might as well stop playing after beating O & S because the drop off in quality is so bad that its not worth finishing the game which is just kind of crazy to me. So I think I maybe planting some of those arguments into how I think the second half of DS1 is remembered to me. I recall people complaining about Izalith and some people complaining about Dukes and others complaining about TOTG. I guess I just don't remember it being as negative as it seems to have become since DS2 came out but I suppose I'm wrong on that.
Have you played the DLC sploatee? That is a must if you are really digging the game. Makes up for the weaker areas of the second half of the game. Which I myself don't mind as much as some people do.
I like Duke's, love Painted World, love the Catacombs, didn't mind ToTG, Demon Ruins was bad/but easy to run through, and Lost Izalith is impressive, but poorly designed, and also easy to run through. New Londo is really cool, and a great boss, and Kiln is really cool as well, even if it is a bit of a wasted space for combat, the aesthetics are amazing though.
I've played this game so much, and gotten so good at it, that I don't really mind the weaker areas in terms of design, because they are so varied that it makes the backdrop of me running through them, or invading/co-op more refreshing. They were also much worse early on in the games life, when the aggro was tuned up all over the game, so Lost Izalith and ToTG were both far more brutal nightmares, ToTG is actually a fun nightmare, Izalith is not.
I'd like to try the DLC but for some reason I'm a bit reluctant. It might be backlog or it might be fear of Manus (I've heard he will thump me). It took me a full day of retrying to beat Ornstein and Smough the first time and it took about a week off-and-on to beat Gwyn (I tried not to use wikis for my first playthrough). I'm so keen to start on some of my backlog I'm scared I'll need to put two weeks aside to get past Manus!
It's worth your time, believe me. Forget the backlog and tuck into one of the best DLCs out there, Sploat. It has 3 'God-Tier' boss battles that are worth the price of admission alone.
I had a peek at the wiki (I am doing work, honest). I've already killed the Darkroot Basin hydra and freed Dusk. Who I accidentally killed by my finger slipping (argh!). It shouldn't matter, should it?
Her survival is not required for access to the dlc you only need to meet the requirements for to gain the pendent which in turn gains access. But you most likely did not say yes to her help before you offed her, so you will not be able to access it as you can't get the pendant at all this run.I had a peek at the wiki (I am doing work, honest). I've already killed the Darkroot Basin hydra and freed Dusk. Who I accidentally killed by my finger slipping (argh!). It shouldn't matter, should it?
Her survival is not required for access to the dlc you only need to meet the requirements for to gain the pendent which in turn gains access. But you most likely did not say yes to her help before you offed her, so you will not be able to access it as you can't get the pendant at all this run.
I did. I wanted all of the sorceries and bought most of them, my hand literally slipped as I was about to buy the last one. I was gutted.
Not as much as the princess was! AHAHAHAHAH-HAHAHAHAHAH-HAHAHAHAHahahaahahahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaI'll get my coat.
Then you can still do the dlc just need the pendent as it doesn't care if she's alive or not past agreeing to help her.I did. I wanted all of the sorceries and bought most of them, my hand literally slipped as I was about to buy the last one. I was gutted.
I still felt bad killing him. I liked him, even though he was completely obsessed with Big Hat.
Yes. In DS2, I put my controller on a table and ended whacking the Emerald Herald with the Zweihander 2h R2! Luckily she was fine and didn't die or fall off the cliff.Souls rule #1 - When standing near an NPC, take your fingers off the trigger buttons!
We've all done it by accident I bet!
Souls rule #1 - When standing near an NPC, take your fingers off the trigger buttons!
We've all done it by accident I bet!
Yeah I accidentally once hit the pyromancer guy at firelink and I had to pay to get absolved or something wasn't fun.Souls rule #1 - When standing near an NPC, take your fingers off the trigger buttons!
We've all done it by accident I bet!
The DLC is pretty tough, every enemy hits really hard. Just a heads up that doing it first in NG+ will really amp up the difficulty.I feel bad because you're all probably right, but I've made an executive decision not to do the DLC on this playthrough. I don't want to burn myself out so I'll save it for my NG+ (when I'll ally with Kaathe instead of Frampt).
Ico and SOTC are calling me. And then Demon's Souls! And then eventually Bloodborne![]()
I feel bad because you're all probably right, but I've made an executive decision not to do the DLC on this playthrough. I don't want to burn myself out so I'll save it for my NG+ (when I'll ally with Kaathe instead of Frampt).
Ico and SOTC are calling me. And then Demon's Souls! And then eventually Bloodborne![]()
From Software’s creation represents everything that is important to video games in the modern era, from polished, core gameplay mechanics, to player agency, to narrative involvement, to world design, to the many, many emotional peaks and troughs of an expertly paced, but organically delivered journey. But it does them better than any other. It delivers them with thought, wisdom, and insight, and never as individual elements, but always an inseparable facets of a holistic, total game design. And that’s why Dark Souls is the greatest game ever made.
Haven't posted in awhile. Been farming some large titanites from slimes and souls at the forest convenent area, managed to get a bunch of +10 weapons and +6 armors. Got more questions.
1) From what I can tell, one of the best helms in the game is the Royal Helm from blacksmith Vamos but I don't think I'll be killing him off anytime before I decide to go for NG+. What would be the good substitute to go for in the meantime? I'm currently using a +6 elite knight helm.
2) I've managed to grind to 24str/40dex for now (will get 27 str later on), and I'm considering going either 40 int (crystal magic weapon) or faith (darkmoon blade/sunlight blade) next to pick up weapon enchants. Would it be a good idea to get 25int/40faith instead and use the Tin Darkmoon Catalyst + Darkmoon Talisman to gain access to all 3 weapon enchants? Or am I better off just going with either stat?
3) What other "miss-able" items are there aside from the loot from npc red phantoms?
The DLC is pretty tough, every enemy hits really hard. Just a heads up that doing it first in NG+ will really amp up the difficulty.
Souls Thread Vetoes your Executive Decision, you should do the DLC on New Game, NG+ is way harder. Just make sure you have a +15 weapon with good scaling, STR and/or DEX, bring a 100% block shield upgraded for higher stability, Tower Kite, Silver Knight and Balder are excellent, and maybe upgrade some of your armor as well if you haven't, I suggest being able to mid or fast roll.
Other than that, with enough Vitality and Endurance, and perseverance you will do just fine.
Maybe I'm late, but did you know that, a couple of days ago, GamesRadar has made a top 100 of the best games ever and.... Dark Souls was in the first place?!?
Here's why:
Why Dark Souls is simply the greatest game of all time
A little extract:
Do you agree?
I don't know... but i spent almost 2 years playing only this game, never happened before.
Dammit! This feels like a hostile takeover. I just don't know. I had a plan!
pvp meta was kind of established at around SL120-5, co-op depends on the area you're in.I posted the same question a while back, but what soul level are ppl usually at for co-op and pvp?
pvp meta was kind of established at around SL120-5, co-op depends on the area you're in.
You'll get co-op and pvp at almost any level though, I prefer lower level play and SL60 is about as high as I ever go and still see loads of action and summons (PS3).
Thank you very much.
That was done before the patch that dropped the requirement from 50 FTH to 25 FTH.That img is not correct (e.g. 50 faith for join, what?)
That was done before the patch that dropped the requirement from 50 FTH to 25 FTH.
That's a cool picture. Really wish I could get time of the green character shadows.
I did a search and found someone else having this problem: Couldn't find if they got it sorted though.