So I spent the weekend battling my way through the rest of Sen's Fortress and into Anor Londo. The Iron Golem boss on top of Sen's went down pretty easy for me honestly, it only took me two attempts to best him. Had to be careful about it, and it took awhile, but fairly painless boss.
Then I get to Anor Londo and repeatedly get smashed by the big shield wearing pike wielding giants, lol. After a bit though I figured out their patterns and now I can beat them most of the time, as long as I take them on one at a time and have lots of room to maneuver. So I explore all over Anor Londo, what a great area. The gargoyles weren't too bad, nor were the white assassin guys in the church, again as long as I took them down one at a time. Slowly but steadily I worked my way all the way to the Big White doorway that leads to Ornstein and Smoug.
And there I hit my brick wall.
I've fought them a dozen times now, trying different tactics, and man I could barely put a dent in either one of them before defeat. I decided it was time to change / upgrade my gear and see if that helped. So I switched from a <25% endurance armor setup to a just barely sub 50% setup, putting on the Silver Knight armor that I'd just found in Anor Londo. I'd roll slower but it would give me better lightning and physical resist. I also switched out my Divine Longsword +5 for my Claymore +10 while keeping the Eagle Shield. I figured attack less, but make it count more. This setup did better but I still couldn't best them.
So next I decided it was time to upgrade some stuff. With the new Giant blacksmith opened up I could now buy shards to upgrade my shield and Silver Knight armor, And thus I proceeded to grind on the giants at the start of Anor Londo near the bonfire. They are 1500 soul per kill, and with my new armor and Claymore I find that they actually go down much easier. I killed, bought shards, upgraded, killed more, etc etc. My Eagle Shield is now maxed, my new armor has +2 across the set, and so I tried Ornstein and Smoug once again.
And lost embarrassingly, every time.
I'm at an impass. I think I'm going to wander around exploring some other areas for a bit. I'm SL51 now, maybe I just need to be higher level? Maybe I just suck, lol.