Topless fire spider lady dead first try...
Guys, what is the fastest route to Anor Londo?
Firelink > Burg > Gargoyles > Bell...
... Firelink > Blighttown (with Masterkey) > Quelaag > Bell...
... Sen's > Anor.
Correcto? Is there a quicker way to the Gargz?
Just got into this game and have played for about 5-6 hours. I just rang the first bell and i'm really enjoying the game overall. It's not as hard as some people were saying it was and I think it strikes a good balance between challenge and frustration.
Invaded a guy last night and managed to elude him for 20 minutes in this spot.
Watched a podcast on my phone below the screen, glancing up every now and again as he made the rounds trying to find me. He eventually stopped above at the broken wall and tried to inch his way over to fall onto the ledge, but just fell to his death.
It's okay, Thursday War, we're in this together.
If you think you can do Quelaag in one, I'd do Blighttown first and homebone back to Firelink, then as soon as you've done Gargoyles you can trip right into Sen's (and even skip Burg/Taurus by going through VoD/Basin/Forest)Guys, what is the fastest route to Anor Londo?
Firelink > Burg > Gargoyles > Bell...
... Firelink > Blighttown (with Masterkey) > Quelaag > Bell...
... Sen's > Anor.
Correcto? Is there a quicker way to the Gargz?
Well to be honest a nice phantom person did most the work for me. I seem to have missed some loot maybe in lower undead burg or the depths to make the blacksmith go above +5?
Firelink>New londo>Valley of Drakes>Elevator to Darkroot Basin> Gargoyles>Blighttown
You can just run past everything.
The valley to basin shortcut puts you right next to a bonfire and a black knight. The black knight is really near the grass crest shield and drops a black knight halberd.Cheers, man. I don't think I've ever done this part in over 250 hours... Where exactly does it take you in the basin?
Ah, yep. Know exactly what you're talking about. Thanks, guys. I'm going to want to go into the Depths for the ember, though, aren't I?
Well to be honest a nice phantom person did most the work for me. I seem to have missed some loot maybe in lower undead burg or the depths to make the blacksmith go above +5?
Fixed that for youAh, yep. Know exactly what you're talking about. Thanks, guys and girl I'm going to want to go into the Depths for the ember, though, aren't I?
I have a theory on that, which is tied up to my theory on something else.
Guys, what is the fastest route to Anor Londo?
Firelink > Burg > Gargoyles > Bell...
... Firelink > Blighttown (with Masterkey) > Quelaag > Bell...
... Sen's > Anor.
Correcto? Is there a quicker way to the Gargz?
Fixed that for you.
Thanks for telling me where to look for the ember thingy is in the depths, I've probably walked right past it loads of times... And I have.
Fixed that for you.
Thanks for telling me where to look for the ember thingy is in the depths, I've probably walked right past it loads of times... And I have.
That rusted ring best thing ever, made that swampy bit really easy in blightown. Not to mention the valley shortcut, thanks chitown.
Edit: not to make you feel bad Thursday war but it took about 2 minutes tops.
The valley to basin shortcut puts you right next to a bonfire and a black knight. The black knight is really near the grass crest shield and drops a black knight halberd.
I never got the large ember in my first playthrough but i didn't really need it. Black Knight Halberd is pretty ridiculous.
Tried playing this again after beating it like once when it first came out and then messing around with a handful of other characters.
I never, EVER thought that at first but I dunno, maybe I'm not in the Dark Souls mindset or just trying to rush through it to much even though I only ever beat it once... but damn. Died to Tarus like 12 times before beating him. Maybe its because I've been playing Ninja Yolo everything Gaiden 3 at the same time.
Been having scary thoughts of cancelling my preorder for DS2 because of this. Then again, I rage quit like 5 times yet keep popping the disc back in a few hours later...
Dammit, I just need 2 more sunbro tickets so I can finally quit this damn covenant. But all I get are invaders. Why is no one co-oping the damn gaping dragon?!
I finally got past Capra Demon (actually put the game aside for a bit after banging my head against the wall.) I calmed down, and figured out that once the dogs are down, it wasn't actually a hard fight. It's just getting past that first thirty seconds that's the problem. Beat him, then actually got summoned for the first time and helped someone else beat him.
Down into the depths. Still getting that tension when you go to a new area, are seeing new enemies, and haven't found a bonfire yet. No real trouble in combat, as my upgraded scimitar still seems to be doing decent damage. Well, no trouble except forthat dang slime thing dropping on my head.
Running around down here, and it looks like the next thing I have to fight is a. Found the boss door, decided to explore some more first, found a ring that seems like it's supposed to give HP when you kill something, so I threw that on. Went all around, don't really remember where the boss door is now. lol.gigantic rat
Also successfully defended against an invasion for the first time. Felt good man.
Just got to O&S for the first time. What in the actual fuck? Managed to take out Ornstein after about 4-5 tries with 5 flask charges left, but couldn't get more than one hit on Smough after 5 flask charges of tries. That fat bastard is a hard target!
Just got to O&S for the first time. What in the actual fuck? Managed to take out Ornstein after about 4-5 tries with 5 flask charges left, but couldn't get more than one hit on Smough after 5 flask charges of tries. That fat bastard is a hard target!
His name was Kirk?
well now i just feel dumb
I've like been right near it every single time I've been to the depths and I never thought to look. Well now Mr lautrec has broke the bonfire it's not a long walk from undead parish for it.Such a weird game. Something that is such a huge piece of the game squirreled away in a chest you don't ever have to actually get near.
Well, Anor Londo was going quite swimmingly untilI ran into the two freaking archers. Geez, how horrible. I managed to get through killing the large knights and gargoyles and white cloaked guys no problem, but these archers have halted my progress entirely. I'm going to have to take a long, hard look at my inventory and see if there is anything at all I can do to get past them.
Also, this place is a freaking nightmare for people who have a fear of heights. My palms have been sweaty the whole time, haha
Eh? Kill the boss yourself before you stat putting your sign down lol.
^ Can't be invaded after area boss is defeated, but can always put down your summon sign, even when hollow.
Except in Anor Londo, I believe.
Haha Capra Demon how did you like eating shit?
Productive day. Butterfly, Havel and Capra Demon. Not bad, if I may say so. I also killed that gold guy in the church and took his ring. With his ring, Havel's and the points I put in endurance I'm like a fucking heavy armor and shield wearing Energizer bunny.
What? Dammit what am I missing now?