What level did you guys clear Anor Londo by the way? I'm sure there are many SL1 guys and whatnot, but I'm curious.
Between 40 andere 50 usually.
What level did you guys clear Anor Londo by the way? I'm sure there are many SL1 guys and whatnot, but I'm curious.
No one does SL1 on their first playthrough (well no one I know!). Agree with Arjen, I'd say 40-60 is about right for a first playthrough.I'm trying to beat Smough and Ornstein on my own again.
I did this once and I'm sure I can do it again. Summoning is cheap and for casuals, I'm hardcore, single and I hate my life.
What level did you guys clear Anor Londo by the way? I'm sure there are many SL1 guys and whatnot, but I'm curious.
Your only 16 or so levels ahead of me then I'm going for a more sort of heavy armor style with my knightess, she can tank stuff as well as dish out damage it's going well for me. I just need lots of souls not that they are difficult to get now.
I'm trying to beat Smough and Ornstein on my own again.
I did this once and I'm sure I can do it again. Summoning is cheap and for casuals, I'm hardcore, single and I hate my life.
What level did you guys clear Anor Londo by the way? I'm sure there are many SL1 guys and whatnot, but I'm curious.
I'm at 47. Guess I'll grind a bit more, because I'm dying in very few hits against them.
I only recall being able to kill Ornstein first and defeating SSJ2 Smough, but this time I did the opposite and motherfucker is very tough.
Yeah, that's right. Add me if you want, my GT is in my profile.
I've got a level 8 I'm working on at the moment. I can speed through to Blighttown tonight, I reckon. What level are you?
I'm level 61 (I didn't realise I was so high) but I don't think I've been playing the game in the right order, I've just been killing every boss that I come across. I forgot about the Depths area and just revisited it now.
Nah It's ugly and I can upgrade the stuff I've got to better than it I just want to kill them so I can pillage their corpses. And that sounds incredible dark.It's 10 levels plus 10% so that should work. So are you going for Smough's armour? That's meant to be pretty good from what I've heard.
Nah It's ugly and I can upgrade the stuff I've got to better than it I just want to kill them so I can pillage their corpses. And that sounds incredible dark.
I'll be on in about 20 minutes.
Yea smough is the easier target as long as your agile. I killed Ornstein last because dat armor.
I want it
I think I'll leave it at 50 for now. I'm using the lightning spear and it's not getting any stronger with the Dex upgrades anyway.I was Anor Londo I think at lvl 44?...The best mix is 35-50. Anor is probably one of the biggest level gapped areas in the game besides New Londo and the Kiln. Once you past 55 you might have problems.
My bad, I assumed you were lower! Sorry!
I got a level 69 too, mate, so no biggy. Hit me up if you want to tag team.
Beauty of the game? There is no right order.![]()
It's not always just about soul level, but also your equipment (and it's weight with regards to how fast you move), what resistances you have (high lightning resistance shield/armour things like that), is your weapon upgraded as high as you could take it atm?I'm at 47. Guess I'll grind a bit more, because I'm dying in very few hits against them.
I only recall being able to kill Ornstein first and defeating SSJ2 Smough, but this time I did the opposite and motherfucker is very tough.
Elemental weapons have no stat scaling. And Ornstein is resistant to lightning.I think I'll leave it at 50 for now. I'm using the lightning spear and it's not getting any stronger with the Dex upgrades anyway.
Yeah it's fine, i'm really not motherly material when it comes to babies.I got a baby to deal with for the moment which is worse than any Dark Souls boss! Maybe an hour or so yet. If I see you on I'll message you, if that's cool?
I might be able to help with that if you're interested? I've got spare trial codes lying around.stormtrooper: i would coop oreos and smores with you but i don't have gold![]()
Yeah it's fine, i'm really not motherly material when it comes to babies.
I might be able to help with that if you're interested? I've got spare trial codes lying around.
I think I'm close to the end of the game (roaming around the archives right now), but, I gotta be honest getting invaded literally every time I go to kindle is really causing me to lose interest in playing. I don't really kindle that often (usually just if I find a new bonfire and I am low on estus) but ugh every single time without fail I get interrupted and someone comes running around to fight. It is basically the worst thing ever.
Need some advice..
I started playing again after making this character some time ago.
I started it as a sorcerer back then, when I came back I decided to play melee and only put in 2 more points to levels and now I'm level 30 (and plan to stay that way) with 16 STR and 14 DEX
Any suggestions for weapons? Its the first build I've done without going to a higher level
go offline
Broke down and downloaded the PC version to cheat my way through a new playthough. No time for a proper playthrough with midterms.
I must say I've always hated the whole, "elemental weapon hits always do damage no matter what" policy of Dark Souls, especially when the shield your using to block is supposedly particularly resistant to said elemental weapon.
Dealing with Super Smough is a real pain in the ass. Lightning buttslams can go eat a dick.
The Duke Archives are definitely a pain because the bonfire before the boss battle, I'm talking about the real one where you go through that ice cave, is basically invasion square. I think I got to the point where I trolled people there with a another coop buddy
Why? I mean, whats the point of playing Dark Souls if you are just going to cheat through it? Doesn't that pretty much negate the whole point of the game?![]()
The guy that just invaded me before I decided to take a break was mostly naked and just running around laying down the glow stones (whose name slips my mind right now). Wasn't even bothering to attack me. Was just really annoying because any time I approached he would just run off near a horde of enemies. Was like 20 minutes wasted before I could get back to playing the game.
Yea, when I played over the summer it wasn't that bad but with DS2 around the corner, I'm not surprised trolling is up. I would just try to press on or get coop buddies. People quit if they can't find you within the first 3 mins just because of big of a place it is.The guy that just invaded me before I decided to take a break was mostly naked and just running around laying down the glow stones (whose name slips my mind right now). Wasn't even bothering to attack me. Was just really annoying because any time I approached he would just run off near a horde of enemies. Was like 20 minutes wasted before I could get back to playing the game.
I don't see how you guys can kill Smough first. Every time I try Ornstein stun locks me and I recover just in time to get turned into a pancake by Smough. The last two tries they both got in my face so hard I couldn't even see my dude.
I got a baby to deal with for the moment which is worse than any Dark Souls boss! Maybe an hour or so yet. If I see you on I'll message you, if that's cool?
Lol, me too. Actually I just started playing DS right after my kid was born. What's nice is even though there's no pause button - if you're not near an enemy, you can sit idle forever as long as you're not human.
Why? I mean, whats the point of playing Dark Souls if you are just going to cheat through it? Doesn't that pretty much negate the whole point of the game?![]()
It is cool. Oddly relaxing too.
The closest I got to killing The Four Kings on NG+ was interrupted by my lil un. I had their health down to something like two inches, but I had to quit out straight away. Didn't bat an eyelid.
Now, that's love.
It is cool. Oddly relaxing too.
The closest I got to killing The Four Kings on NG+ was interrupted by my lil un. I had their health down to something like two inches, but I had to quit out straight away. Didn't bat an eyelid.
Now, that's love.
I have a +5 Halberd which was doing decent damage on the knights but does like 80 DMG to Mega Ornstein. Resistances? Shit, I have no idea, I don't block at all because I end up losing HP anyway, so I'm two-handing instead. I only use the boar helmet, the red waistcloth and the default gloves.It's not always just about soul level, but also your equipment (and it's weight with regards to how fast you move), what resistances you have (high lightning resistance shield/armour things like that), is your weapon upgraded as high as you could take it atm?
Say you started as a Pyromancer (starts SL1) and you put those 46 points into Vitality and wore heavy armour, you could tank everything almost by this point. But if you put those 46 points into INT and kept nimble with light armour, you'd be a magic glass canon and could die in a couple or single hit from O&S. As leveling up gets more expensive, I prefer to spend souls on spells, consumables, upgrading before leveling up unless I want to reach a certain level for spell/weapon/co-op purposes.
Elemental weapons have no stat scaling. And Ornstein is resistant to lightning.![]()
You know he was doing that to make your day better right? :/ Besides not like he was in your way.
Overall I loved the place tho, but I'm a sucker for those crystal and ice type of places in games.
Were joking when we say "SL1 or die"Yea smough is the easier target as long as your agile. I killed Ornstein last because dat armor.
Invaded a guy in the catacombs (NG++ I'm around level..150 or something). I fought him near the first bonfire and I was winning, he started to run away to try and heal, got trapped between skeletons and I backstabbed him to death. Gave me around 850000 souls, leveled up 4/5 times lmao. Was pretty funny.
Attempted Chorenstein and Dough at SL25 the other night with a +10 Zweihander (STR at 25) and trounced them first time, relatively hassle-free. It wasn't the challenge I was hoping for, truth be told; not like one's first time, anyway. It was basically a battle of attrition.
Ah, well. I probably shouldn't have used something like the Zwei in an artificial challenge, but I've always wanted to do a Zwei run, so I thought I'd 'two-birds-one-stone' it. FaP ring wouldn't have helped either...The Souls series is especially good at highlighting the immense gulf in your skill level from noob to experienced undead, so there's that, too.
Funnily enough, I found dispatching of Smough first much easier for whatever reason.
lol. so people just run around with that many souls?
He must have been in my level range, so he could level up at least 4/5 times as well. I dunno why he was walking around with it. But he was at the bonfire, maybe I just invaded at the right time right when he wanted to spend them. But still, that would have meant he was walking around with way too many souls for a long time. Dunno what he was doing.
He must have been in my level range, so he could level up at least 4/5 times as well. I dunno why he was walking around with it. But he was at the bonfire, maybe I just invaded at the right time right when he wanted to spend them. But still, that would have meant he was walking around with way too many souls for a long time. Dunno what he was doing.
What?!... Are you joking? None of that is casual, it's all in the game, use it.I have a +5 Halberd which was doing decent damage on the knights but does like 80 DMG to Mega Ornstein. Resistances? Shit, I have no idea, I don't block at all because I end up losing HP anyway, so I'm two-handing instead. I only use the boar helmet, the red waistcloth and the default gloves.
I always use a Dexterity based character. I like using spears, halberds and whatnot, but I'm having a lot more of trouble on this.
Heck, I'm ashamed to admit that I will get the Queelag's Firesword or whatever it's called, feels bad because I feel like I'm cheating and cheesing my way through Dark Souls.
I don't summon, use stamina grass, kindle fires or upgrade the flasks. I feel like I'm going full casual easy mode if I do that. I had to convince myself that upgrading weapons was necessary. :|
The souls you get from a PvP kill is based on the player's level, not the amount of souls s/he's carrying. For that kind of amount, the player was around level 700 or so. A duper/glitcher for so people just run around with that many souls?
Start watching PvP videos. If you PvP at all, it's actually a bad idea to level up, and unless you're running around exclusively with Greatbows there isn't a whole lot to spend souls on. I see most PvP videos having like a million or more souls.