Well done
Well done
Dark Souls...
It just feels cheap at times man, super fucking cheap. Cheap wonky hit detection, cheap shitty ass camera, cheap awkward to traverse environments, cheap ass fucking enemy attacks clipping through walls, urgh. New Londo's bum rushing, wall passing, stun locking ghosts have finally broken my resolve. It's just too much, I can't take it anymore!
(This may just be the anger talking, it's fantastic in a lot of ways and I may be back, but seriously, fuck this game. I need a break.)
Welllll only the 'scary ghost house' (where Ingward stands on the roof) can be a giant pain in the ass, especially when you have little/no poise.new londo ghosts can largely be run past anyway.
RIP NinjaBoiX
*gone casul 3/1/2014*
D Souls took another soul
Haha, I just couldn't hack the pressure! I'll go play some Nintendogs or something.Poor Ninja went hollow![]()
Don't make me feel bad man, I've already thrown countless hours down the drain! Well, not really, I did have fun.Aw man right after I got done teaching them about how to use a bow.
Lol, because you've proved yourself to be the model of level-headed composure with regards to this thread eh?You think?
I think I made a mistake
I started a new character, a sorcerer, today. Figured it be a good idea to skip the Capra demon and the Depth and make a beeline for Queelag after defeating the Gargoyles. I had huge problems with Capra in my first run through, so skipping it and the Depth sounded like a great idea. And it was, except I'm woefully underpowered now! My spear took a measly 14 health points off Queelag and my spell only did 49 damage. Mildred turned out to be less than useful too. She usually just followed me without attacking Queelag or calmly stood in pools of lava. Fortunately, I did manage to summon a human player and he took care of Queelag, while I lend moral support and healed him once.
I now dread going to Sen's Fortress. The foes there could probably kill me with one or two hits and sneaking passed them might be difficult.
I could really do with a good weapon. Any ideas what might be good for a light character, with high intelligence stats? I heard Velka's Rapier is pretty good, but I'm not sure I'm strong enough to even get there.
What spells would you guys recommend? I have never really played as a caster. Only messed around with the Royal class in Demon's, but didn't take it very far since it was so overpowered.
am I the only one with massiv problems with jumps on the PC version?
I cant make the jump to get to the crow at fire link.
Yeah Divius, I probably will be at some point. Can't keep away! And yeah, that ghost house was the straw that broke the camels back.
Haha, I just couldn't hack the pressure! I'll go play some Nintendogs or something.
Don't make me feel bad man, I've already thrown countless hours down the drain! Well, not really, I did have fun.
Anyway, I may be back at some point, but I'll just resent he game if I continue playing right now, it's really got my back up at the minute.
But as I say, you guys have been loads of help, this is a great community. I appreciate all the advice, it's just a shame it didn't take me to the credits.
Not yet anyway...
am I the only one with massiv problems with jumps on the PC version?
I cant make the jump to get to the crow at fire link.
Welllll only the 'scary ghost house' (where Ingward stands on the roof) can be a giant pain in the ass, especially when you have little/no poise.
Dark Souls...
It just feels cheap at times man, super fucking cheap. Cheap wonky hit detection, cheap shitty ass camera, cheap awkward to traverse environments, cheap ass fucking enemy attacks clipping through walls, urgh. New Londo's bum rushing, wall passing, stun locking ghosts have finally broken my resolve. It's just too much, I can't take it anymore!
(This may just be the anger talking, it's fantastic in a lot of ways and I may be back, but seriously, fuck this game. I need a break.)
I don't have the PC version, but I believe for certain jumps and ladder drops, you need to reduce your framerate to 30. I think there's a hotkey for doing that with DSfix.
Maybe try rolling instead. It still won't get you over certain gaps, but you can definitely get to the crows nest by rolling.
I'm not sure what may be giving you trouble with jumping though, you aren't using keyboard controls are you?
I've only ever seen that in coop, but yeah with phantoms sometimes there are two boulders for some reason. Not sure if it's a glitch or just From loltrolling us again.Had an interesting experience today in Sen's Fortress. I was invaded while making my way towards the boulder apparatus. He got there first and I could hear him moving the lever. The strange thing was that on a couple of occasions, two boulders would come rolling down, one immediately following the other. How is that possible?
They must have put a lot of points in strength for that hammer. They have an equip load of nearly 100, no wonder they were slow...He was wearing Smough's armor and wielding two Smough's Hammers. He seemed nice enough, though. I waved at him and started running for my life. I guess he was too slow to make it through the swinging blades, because I heard the sound of a phantom getting hit and then I received a goodly number of souls a few seconds later.
Thats the point.is there any rhyme or reason to the floor crumbling at BoC? Seems like no matter where I run I fall into nothing.
Thats the point.
I was saving up to get the item that opens the forest door (it costs 20,000 souls). I died with 17,000 souls, and then died trying to get back to restore.
Now I have a good 2 hours of grinding ahead of me. Ugh. That really took the wind out of my sails.
the roll doesnt work at all.
is there any rhyme or reason to the floor crumbling at BoC? Seems like no matter where I run I fall into nothing.
Kill the hydra so you can free Dusk. With her crown, the oolacile catalyst and the dragon ring you have great offensive power. The great soul arrow is strong enough for pre lordvessel areas. Buy an extra copy from Big Hat as well. You might also get an enchanted weapon, I liked the short swird. Your spells are pretty poweful though, probably a bit overpowered.
I grinded for souls down in that area with the iron/stone knight guys. Just kill the three single ones (don't mess with the pair, they'll slow you down), run back to the bonfire, and repeat. It doesn't take long, and I did it long before I should have been in that area.I was saving up to get the item that opens the forest door (it costs 20,000 souls). I died with 17,000 souls, and then died trying to get back to restore.
Now I have a good 2 hours of grinding ahead of me. Ugh. That really took the wind out of my sails.
So I'm Soul Level 96, and I decided I'm going to stop leveling at 100. I already have more than enough souls to get there, I'm just trying to decide whether to spend my last 4 points on Vitality or Endurance.
In the meantime, it feels weird walking around with 1 million souls and having nothing to spend them on. I get nervous that I'm going to lose such a crazy amount of souls, but if I have nothing to spend them on it probably wouldn't be a big loss really.
Edit: First world problems![]()
So I'm Soul Level 96, and I decided I'm going to stop leveling at 100. I already have more than enough souls to get there, I'm just trying to decide whether to spend my last 4 points on Vitality or Endurance.
In the meantime, it feels weird walking around with 1 million souls and having nothing to spend them on. I get nervous that I'm going to lose such a crazy amount of souls, but if I have nothing to spend them on it probably wouldn't be a big loss really.
Edit: First world problems![]()
The rusted iron ring isn't needed in that area, the water doesn't slow you down. One of my favourite boss fights though.killed Sanctuary Guardian. Was much easier with the rusted iron ring.
The ghosts hate fire btw.I just decided not to give a fuck about New Londo Ruins. That place wasn't fun or challenging. Just a goddamn nightmare.
That's what I do these days. Aint got no time to do with spooky ghosts.You can also just bop Ingward with poison arrows, magic or consumables from the first steps down and just run through to the seal.![]()
and it happend: started a new character with agression mad active, helped someone fight gaping dragon and I got stuck in his spit and now my main weapon is broken.
if only this was dark souls 2 were I could warp back to a blacksmith..
i got a bunch of soul arrows.If you are in the depths, it should be pretty easy to get back to the blacksmith (assuming you didn't forget to activate the elevator shortcut). Just equip whatever you have in your inventory that will help you kill the handful of dogs and hollows in the first room of the depths. If this happened in Blighttown that would be a bit of a different story.
But that's why you should always get the repairbox (and smithbox too), so that you don't have to trek all the way across the game world every time you run into trouble.
btw.: the part about dark souls 2 and warping wasn't meant seriously.
you wont get experiences like this in dark souls 2, which I find disappointing.
I tried doing mega Ornstein and that was just not happening at all I just did Smough well done for doing it though.Hurrah! Smough and Orstein down. Thanks to a white phantom. I had a few goes solo but mega Ornstein was just crazy.
I tried doing mega Ornstein and that was just not happening at all I just did Smough well done for doing it though.
I'm farming for stuff as you have already been to the catacombs (you had a mask of the mother that comes from him in your photo) and murdered pinwheel so you're ahead of me. I want to get paladin leeory's stuff also.Where are you at right now? i'm at the dukes archives making my way to seath![]()
I'm farming for stuff as you have already been to the catacombs (you had a mask of the mother that comes from him in your photo) and murdered pinwheel so you're ahead of me. I want to get paladin leeory's stuff also.
For me, New Londo is - hands down - the most dreadful and frightening place in the entire Souls Series. Latria et al. kneel before it.
Sure, this could be largely due to DkS being my first Souls game and hence, having more of an impact on me, but no other area has made me want to get the fuck out faster; 'tis the closest I've ever come to feeling physically nauseous from a video game.
It's the Depths for me, Cannibals, Slime and those godawful curse frogs.