-Winnie- said:I just got my copy of Darksiders (360), and it's a promotional copy. Just wondering, is this any different to the retail version?
If this version is still full of tearing, should the upcoming patch still be compatible?
EzLink said:Blah, what is taking the patch so long? Really want to get back to playing this
Magik said:That boss fight in Black Throne with the Golem or whatever the hell it was where you have to use the teleporter has to be one of the most frustrating boss fights I have had in years. I just kept shooting out portals until one actually opened up and just hoped that the second one would pop up.
Fuck that boss fight.
bdouble said:Ok I'm stuck this is probably something very obvious but oh well. Its in theAshlands right as your going through the tunnel and there is a crate held by a plant. Same place you get the Chaos enchantment (sweet blood)
I blew up the thing on the other side but now have no where to do. I kinda missed the cutscene and it probably had some clue or something but now I'm stuck.
Amir0x said:With the Golem? There arethree of those fights, if you mean the one which reignites the energy beam. And they're all incredibly easy. Remember, you need to put down two portals, one exit and one enter. In separate portal foundations.
If you mean Straga, he is also easy.You put a portal on the ground, and you wait until his club is in position to put a portal on it. Then when he reaches back, enter portal. Press b into his weakpoint, slash at head. Repeat three times.
Incredibly simple, surprised anyone has a problem with it. In particular, since you seem to have trouble merely opening up portals, it seems you are having a fundamental problem with the mechanics, which suggest you merely are doing it wrong. Remember to clear previous portals by highlighting them and pressing L trigger.
Magik said:Its the first battle to ignite the energy beam. There are five portal foundations with the boss in the center.
I understand the portal mechanics, the problem is during the boss fight where I'm merely trying to open the first portal it doesn't seem to work all the time.
Whatever really.
Magik said:Its the first battle to ignite the energy beam. There are five portal foundations with the boss in the center.
I understand the portal mechanics, the problem is during the boss fight where I'm merely trying to open the first portal it doesn't seem to work all the time.
Whatever really.
Magik said:Its the first battle to ignite the energy beam. There are five portal foundations with the boss in the center.
I understand the portal mechanics, the problem is during the boss fight where I'm merely trying to open the first portal it doesn't seem to work all the time.
Whatever really.
Magik said:Its the first battle to ignite the energy beam. There are five portal foundations with the boss in the center.
I understand the portal mechanics, the problem is during the boss fight where I'm merely trying to open the first portal it doesn't seem to work all the time.
Whatever really.
Mejilan said:Does anyone know/remember if there are any chests in the Iron Canopy (spider dungeon) that can't be gotten until later? That is, that require an ability that you don't have on your first pass through?
There's this one out-of-sight chest that the Hoardseeker is pointing me too, in a narrow street alley in the early parts of the dungeon, that I can't for the life of me figure out how to get to. There are no visible blue or orange grapple points, nor any of those demonic growths to pull myself to...
Callibretto said:are you holding L2 button for strafing and such when you make a portal? because that will cancel the portal right away. I know it's silly, but I've fallen to habit pressing L2 when in aim mode for crossblades lock-on, and I know I've made that mistakes at least once during that golem fight
TheFallen said:Sigh. I have to grind like 30-40,000 souls, find the last wrath shard, and get 1.3 lvls on the Glove and 1 on the Scythe before I can get my platinum. Gonna be a while.
canova said:Where's that Vigil developer guy, hdn?
I'd like to know if there's any sequel discussion.
hdn said:Been busy lately, so haven't checked in for a day or so, but to answer your question, YES, we have discussed a sequel. Obviously, how Darksiders sells will impact on if there's an actual sequel developed though.
The latest vg-chartz show a decent first week.
hdn said:The latest vg-chartz show a decent first week.
Jocchan said:Considering I love action adventures, especially Zelda and Soul Reaver, but tend to get bored with too much combat-focused action games and collectathons forcing you to look for stuff hidden in the most unholy places, should I be getting this game?
From the comments I read it looks like a no-brainer, but I thought about asking anyway.I also love Madureira's art for some reason I can't really understand, besides probably nostalgia for my teen years.
hdn said:Been busy lately, so haven't checked in for a day or so, but to answer your question, YES, we have discussed a sequel. Obviously, how Darksiders sells will impact on if there's an actual sequel developed though.
The latest vg-chartz show a decent first week.
voltron said:So I just heard on Giantbomb that this is like a total Zelda rip off on 360/PS3. That sounds rad!
I admit I wasnt even giving this game even the slitghtest look in.
Will I be disappointed if I buy it on that premise? I love Zelda, but dont have a Wii and would a love a Zelda type experience on 360.
AltogetherAndrews said:Does this ever stop being ugly, or is that a common theme? Hotels, parks, and next some inferno. Inoffensive little game, but I'm not given a ton of reasons to keep at it here.
voltron said:So I just heard on Giantbomb that this is like a total Zelda rip off on 360/PS3. That sounds rad!
I admit I wasnt even giving this game even the slitghtest look in.
Will I be disappointed if I buy it on that premise? I love Zelda, but dont have a Wii and would a love a Zelda type experience on 360.
hdn said:Been busy lately, so haven't checked in for a day or so, but to answer your question, YES, we have discussed a sequel. Obviously, how Darksiders sells will impact on if there's an actual sequel developed though.
The latest vg-chartz show a decent first week.
_tetsuo_ said:Oh you
_tetsuo_ said:Sounds like this is your game.
It's not Zelda, but it scratches the itch.voltron said:So I just heard on Giantbomb that this is like a total Zelda rip off on 360/PS3. That sounds rad!
I admit I wasnt even giving this game even the slitghtest look in.
Will I be disappointed if I buy it on that premise? I love Zelda, but dont have a Wii and would a love a Zelda type experience on 360.
There's maybe two areas of nice looking environments. I wish they had a few more =/AltogetherAndrews said:Well, it's true. The game has pushed me from deliberate ugliness to deliberate ugliness, and I'm not sensing change for some time. Just wondering if there's an opposite to that in the game, say, some colorful natural environments, grand mountain valleys or areas with beautiful or at least attractive architecture.
Does this ever stop being ugly, or is that a common theme? Hotels, parks, and next some inferno. Inoffensive little game, but I'm not given a ton of reasons to keep at it here.
Baloonatic said:Does it matter if I don't kill more angels than this other guy? Do you get anything for killing more?
Rated-Rsuperstar said:A trophy.